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Version: 2.x

Preventing duplicates

In zio-kafka processing of records runs asynchronously with partition management. This brings substantial performance advantages but causes some records to be consumed and processed twice when a rebalance occurs. To prevent this, since version 2.7.1 zio-kafka supports a new mode in which we prevent duplicates due to rebalances. You can enable it as follows:

import zio.*
import zio.kafka.consumer.ConsumerSettings

val consumerSettings: ConsumerSettings =
.withRebalanceSafeCommits(true) // enable rebalance-safe-commits mode
.withMaxRebalanceDuration(30.seconds) // defaults to 3 minutes

With rebalance-safe-commits mode enabled, rebalances are held up for up to max-rebalance-duration to wait for pending commits to be completed. Once pending commits are completed, it is safe for another consumer in the group to take over a partition.

For this to work correctly, your program must process a chunk of records within max-rebalance-duration. The clock starts the moment the chunk is pushed into the stream and ends when the commits for these records complete.

For more information see the scaladocs in ConsumerSettings, read the description of pull request #1098 that introduced this feature, or watch the presentation Making ZIO-Kafka Safer And Faster. The relevant part starts at 10:24.