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Version: 2.x

Creating a zio-kafka Consumer

Create a consumer with Consumer.make, passing some ConsumerSettings:

import zio.*
import zio.kafka.consumer.{ Consumer, ConsumerSettings }

val consumerSettings: ConsumerSettings =
val consumer: ZIO[Scope, Throwable, Consumer] =

The consumer settings are not only used for passing properties to the underlying Kafka consumer. You can also configure zio-kafka features such as rebalanceSafeCommits (see preventing duplicates), manual offset retrieval (see offset retrieval), and the pre-fetch strategy (see consumer tuning).

Notice that the consumer requires a Scope in the environment. When this scope closes, the consumer closes its connection with the Kafka cluster. A scope can be created with the ZIO.scoped method:

ZIO.scoped {
// make the consumer
// use the consumer
// end of scope, consumer has closed connection to Kafka cluster.

If the consumer is provided as a layer, you can use a scoped layer (see below).


If no explicit Scope is provided, the consumer uses the application's scope, and it will only close the connection with the Kafka cluster when the application exits.

Providing a consumer as a layer​

If your application uses the ZIO service pattern, the consumer can be provided as a layer. Here's an example of how to construct a consumer layer:

import zio.*
import zio.kafka.consumer.{ Consumer, ConsumerSettings }

val consumerLayer: Layer[Any, Throwable, Consumer] =
ZLayer.scoped { // (1)
val consumerSettings: ConsumerSettings =

(1) By using ZLayer.scoped, the consumer is closed when the layer is no longer needed.

Consumer settings from a layer​

If you wish to create the ConsumerSettings and the Consumer from a layer, you can use It takes the consumer settings and diagnostics settings as a layer and produces a consumer.

The provide section of the main program could look like this:
