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Version: 2.x

Zio-Kafka Metrics

Zio-kafka exposes all the metrics of the wrapped Java based consumer and producer, plus some more metrics about the zio-kafka consumer itself.

Java client metrics

The metrics from the Java metrics can be obtained via the Consumer.metrics and Producer.metrics methods. Both return a live view on the internal metrics of the consumer/producer. We currently do not expose these metrics elsewhere, a PR to copy them to the zio-metrics API is welcome.

Zio-kafka consumer metrics

The zio-kafka consumer collects some additional metrics using the zio-metrics API. This allows any zio-metrics backend to access and process the observed values.

By default, no tags are added. Tags can be configured via ConsumerSettings.withMetricsLabels.

Like the zio-metrics we follow Prometheus conventions. This means that:

  • durations are expressed in seconds,
  • counters can only increase,
  • metric names use snake_case and end in the unit where possible.

The histograms each use 10 buckets. To reach a decent range while keeping sufficient accuracy at the low end, most bucket boundaries use an exponential series based on 𝑒.

Poll metrics

counterziokafka_consumer_pollsThe number of polls.
histogramziokafka_consumer_poll_latency_secondsThe duration of a single poll in seconds.
histogramziokafka_consumer_poll_sizeThe number of records fetched by a single poll.
gaugeziokafka_consumer_partitions_resumed_in_latest_pollThe number of partitions resumed in the latest poll call.
gaugeziokafka_consumer_partitions_paused_in_latest_pollThe number of partitions paused in the latest poll call (because of backpressure).
counterziokafka_consumer_poll_auth_errorsThe number of polls that ended with an authentication or authorization error.

Partition stream metrics

These metrics are updated after every poll.

histogramziokafka_consumer_pending_requestsThe number of partitions that ran out of records (the queue is empty).
histogramziokafka_consumer_queue_sizeThe number of records queued for a partition.
histogramziokafka_consumer_all_queue_sizeThe total number of records queued for all partitions.
histogramziokafka_consumer_queue_pollsThe number of polls during which records are idling in a queue.

Commit metrics

These metrics measure the separate commit requests issued through zio-kafka's api.

histogramziokafka_consumer_pending_commitsThe number of commits that are awaiting completion.
counterIntziokafka_consumer_commitsThe number of commits.
histogramziokafka_consumer_commit_latency_secondsThe duration of a commit in seconds.

Aggregated commit metrics

After every poll zio-kafka combines all outstanding commit requests into 1 aggregated commit. These metrics are for the aggregated commits.

counterIntziokafka_consumer_aggregated_commitsThe number of aggregated commits.
histogramziokafka_consumer_aggregated_commit_latency_secondsThe duration of an aggregated commit in seconds.
histogramziokafka_consumer_aggregated_commit_sizeAn approximation of the number of records (offsets) per aggregated commit.

Rebalance metrics

counterIntziokafka_consumer_rebalancesThe number of rebalances.
gaugeziokafka_consumer_partitions_currently_assignedThe number of partitions currently assigned to the consumer.
counterIntziokafka_consumer_partitions_assignedThe number of partitions assigned to the consumer.
counterIntziokafka_consumer_partitions_revokedThe number of partitions revoked to the consumer.
counterIntziokafka_consumer_partitions_lostThe number of partitions lost to the consumer.

Runloop metrics

These metrics are updated after every poll.

gaugeziokafka_consumer_subscription_stateWhether the consumer is subscribed (1) or not (0).
histogramziokafka_consumer_command_queue_sizeThe number of commands queued in the consumer.
histogramziokafka_consumer_commit_queue_sizeThe number of commits queued in the consumer.

See ConsumerMetrics.scala for the exact details.


Here is an example dashboard that could be built with these metrics:
