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Version: 2.x

Tuning the consumer

Zio-kafka's consumer can be tuned with the ConsumerSettings class.

val settings = ConsumerSettings(bootstrapServers)
.... etc.


Two very similarly named settings are relevant. Don't mix them up:

  • pollTimeout β€” how long a poll may take
  • β€” the maximum time between polls

Throughput and latency​

The kafka client can be tuned for either high throughput or low latency, unfortunately not both. The most important settings for tuning throughput and latency are:

  • zio-kafka's pollTimeout β€” This is the maximum time to block while polling the Kafka consumer. Zio-kafka's default is 50ms which is good for low latency applications. Set this higher, e.g. 500ms for better throughput.
  • kafka's configuration max.poll.records β€” The maximum number of records a poll will return. Kafka defaults this to 500. You can set this higher for more throughput, or lower for lower latency.
  • zio-kafka's fetch-strategy partitionPreFetchBufferLimit β€” when the number of records in a partition queue is at or below this value, zio-kafka will start to pre-fetch and buffer more records from Kafka. The default value for this parameter is 1024; 2 * the default max.poll.records of 500, rounded to the nearest power of 2.

Zio-kafka provides 2 methods that set these settings for 2 common use cases: ConsumerSettings.tuneForHighThroughput and ConsumerSettings.tuneForLowLatency. Note that their implementation may vary over time. You can use them as follows:

val highThroughputSettings = ConsumerSettings(bootstrapServers).tuneForHighThroughput
val lowLatencySettings = ConsumerSettings(bootstrapServers).tuneForLowLatency

Small and large records​

Kafka’s performance is not very sensitive to record size. However, when records become very small (< 100 bytes) it might be beneficial to increase max.poll.records and partitionPreFetchBufferLimit. Similarly, when records are very large (> 100Kb), max.poll.records can be decreased. Also, pre-fetching can be limited by decreasing partitionPreFetchBufferLimit or even disabled by using ConsumerSettngs.withoutPartitionPreFetching.

High number of partitions​

When a lot of partitions need to be consumed, we need to take into account that heap is needed to store the records in the partition queues. A very rough estimate for the maximum amount of heap needed is given by: average record size * number of of partitions * max(partitionPreFetchBufferLimit, max.poll.records).

The total can be tuned by changing the partitionPreFetchBufferLimit, max.poll.records settings.

Another option is to write a custom FetchStrategy. For example the ManyPartitionsQueueSizeBasedFetchStrategy in draft PR 970 (merged into zio-kafka since 2.8.1).

Long processing durations​

To detect stalled consumers, Kafka revokes a partition when a consumer does not poll within the max poll interval (see configuration The default max poll interval is 5 minutes. After a partition is revoked, it will be assigned to another consumer.

In zio-kafka (versions 2.5.1+) a stream needs to pull data within the max poll interval. If this doesn't happen, the stream is interrupted with a failure and the whole consumer shuts down.

To see if your application must be configured with a higher value we need to consider the maximum duration between polls. If processing is sequential, we can obtain this maximum by multiplying max.poll.records with the maximum duration to process a single record. To also accommodate things like long garbage collections and buffering, configuration should be substantially higher than the maximum processing time. can be set with:


On older zio-kafka versions withMaxPollInterval is not available. Use the following instead:

  .withProperty("", 15.minutes.toMillis.toString)

⚠️In zio-kafka versions 2.2 up to 2.5.0 it may also be necessary to increase the runloopTimeout setting. When no stream is processing data for this amount of time (while new data is available), the consumer will halt with a failure. In zio-kafka 2.5.0 runloopTimeout defaults to 4 minutes, a little bit lower than

Using metrics to tune the consumer​

Zio-Kafka exposes metrics that can be used to further tune the consumer. To interpret these metrics you need to know how zio-kafka works internally.

The runloop is at the heart of every zio-kafka consumer. It creates a zstream for each partition, eventually this is the zstream your applications consumes from. When the zstream starts, and every time the records queue is empty, it sends a request for data to the runloop. The request causes the runloop to resume the partition so that the next poll may receive records. Any received records are put in the records queue. When the queue reaches a certain size (as determined by the configured FetchStrategy), the partition is paused. Meanwhile, the zstream reads from the queue and emits the records to your application.

An optimally configured consumer has the following properties:

  • the zstreams never have to wait for new records (to get high throughput),
  • most of the time, the record queues are empty (to get low latency and low heap usage).

The following strategy can help you get to this state:

  1. First make sure that pollTimeout and max.poll.records make sense for the latency and throughput requirements of your application.
  2. Configure partitionPreFetchBufferLimit to 0.
  3. Observe metric ziokafka_consumer_queue_polls which gives the number of polls during which records are idling in the queue.
  4. Increase partitionPreFetchBufferLimit in steps until most measurements of the ziokafka_consumer_queue_polls histogram are in the 0 bucket .

During this process, it is useful to observe metric ziokafka_consumer_queue_size (number of records in the queues) to see if the queues are indeed increasing in size.

When many (hundreds of) partitions need to be consumed, the metric ziokafka_consumer_all_queue_size should also be observed as increasing partitionPreFetchBufferLimit can lead to high heap usage. (See 'High number of partitions' above.)