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Version: 2.x

Zio-kafka 3.0.0 removes everything that was deprecated in the zio-kafka 2.x series. In particular, this includes accessor methods. To prepare for zio-kafka 3.0, you should always first migrate to zio-kafka 2.11.0 and solve all deprecation issues, using this page as a guide.

Renamed methods

Some methods have just been renamed. Read the deprecation message and try the new method name. If it compiles, you're done. Otherwise, read on.

Consumer, Producer and TransactionalProducer accessor methods

Accessor methods are little helper methods that look up a service from the environment, and then forward your call to that service. Accessor methods have not been recommended for some time and are now deprecated. The ZIO service pattern provides a much cleaner approach for accessing services.

All accessor methods provided by zio-kafka are deprecated in zio-kafka 2.11 and will be removed in zio-kafka 3.0. If you use these accessor methods follow one of these approaches:

Use the ZIO Service pattern​

This is the best option. For established codebases it may be a lot of work to get here. If you are already follow this pattern, using it for zio-kafka services as well will be easy. See ZIO service pattern for more information.

Here is an example with a Consumer, but it works the same with Producer and TransactionalProducer. We get the Consumer from the environment in the layer with the ZIO.service method, and then inject it into the service class. The service now uses the consumer directly: with consumer instead of Consumer.

import zio.kafka.consumer.Consumer

trait Service {
def someMethod: ZIO[Any, Throwable, String]

object Service {

def layer: ZLayer[Consumer, Throwable, Service] = ZLayer {
for {
consumer <- ZIO.service[Consumer]
} yield ServiceLive(consumer)


case class ServiceLive(consumer: Consumer) extends Service {

override def someMethod: ZIO[Any, Throwable, String] = {
// use `consumer`, not `Consumer`:

Constructing a Consumer layer is described in creating a consumer. Constructing a Producer or TransactionalProducer layer works in a similar way.

YOLO, use ZIO.service everywhere​

The other option is to replace all accessor methods of Consumer, Producer and TransactionalProducer as follows:

  • Consumer.method(...) => ZIO.serviceWithZIO[Consumer](_.method(...))
  • Producer.method(...) => ZIO.serviceWithZIO[Producer](_.method(...))
  • TransactionalProducer.method(...) => ZIO.serviceWithZIO[TransactionalProducer](_.method(...))

Or, alternatively, use ZIO.service.

For example: Consumer.method(...) is transformed to:

for {
consumer <- ZIO.service[Consumer]
_ <- consumer.method(...)
} yield ()


Zio-kafka provides a zio-kafka-testkit library to help you test your code using zio-kafka. Several methods in the KafkaTestUtils class have been replaced:

  • The produce* and scheduledProduce* methods, which get a producer from the environment, have been deprecated. Each of these methods now has a variant with an explicit producer parameter.
  • All methods that produce a layer (e.g. consumer, producer) have not been deprecated, but they have been given a more convenient alternative: makeConsumer, makeProducer, etc.
  • The withAdmin, withSaslAdmin, withSslAdmin methods are deprecated and are replaced by makeAdminClient, makeSaslAdminClient and makeSslAdminClient.

Here is a typical example and the new version:

// Old
override def spec: Spec[TestEnvironment, Any] =
suite("old example suite")(
test("uses a producer") {
for {
_ <- KafkaTestUtils.produceOne("topic", "key", "message")
} yield assertCompletes

// New
// Added `Scope`:
override def spec: Spec[TestEnvironment & Scope, Any] =
suite("new example suite")(
test("uses a producer") {
for {
// Make a producer explicitly (instead of via a layer):
producer <- KafkaTestUtils.makeProducer
// Notice explicit producer parameter:
_ <- KafkaTestUtils.produceOne(producer, "topic", "key", "message")
} yield assertCompletes
// Producer layer removed.
// Using `provideSomeShared[Scope]` instead of `provideShared`

KafkaTestUtils.makeProducer and the other make* methods require a Scope in the environment. This scope is normally provided by the test framework (notice how Scope was added to the type parameter of Spec). If needed, a smaller scope can be given with the ZIO.scoped method. See also writing tests for details on how to provide more layers.

Here is an example of how to rewrite code that uses one of the deprecated with*Admin methods:

// Old
KafkaTestUtils.withAdmin { adminClient =>
adminClient.method() // Use the admin client...

// New
for {
adminClient <- KafkaTestUtils.makeAdminClient
_ <- adminClient.method() // Use the admin client...
} yield ()

restartStreamOnRebalancing mode

This mode will no longer be available in zio-kafka 3. Contact us on Discord for alternatives.

Other changes?

If you find a change that is not documented here then please let us know via a new issue.