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Version: 2.x

Consuming Kafka topics using ZIO Streams

First, create a consumer using the ConsumerSettings instance:

import zio.*
import zio.kafka.consumer.{ Consumer, ConsumerSettings }

val consumerSettings: ConsumerSettings = ConsumerSettings(List("localhost:9092")).withGroupId("group")
val consumerScoped: ZIO[Scope, Throwable, Consumer] =
val consumer: ZLayer[Any, Throwable, Consumer] =

The consumer returned from Consumer.make is wrapped in a ZLayer to allow for easy composition with other ZIO environment components. You may provide that layer to effects that require a consumer. Here's an example:

import zio._
import zio.kafka.consumer._
import zio.kafka.serde._

val data: Task[Chunk[CommittableRecord[String, String]]] =
Consumer.plainStream(Subscription.topics("topic"), Serde.string, Serde.string).take(50).runCollect

You may stream data from Kafka using the plainStream method:

import zio.Console.printLine
import zio.kafka.consumer._

Consumer.plainStream(Subscription.topics("topic150"), Serde.string, Serde.string)
.tap(cr => printLine(s"key: ${cr.record.key}, value: ${cr.record.value}"))

To process partitions assigned to the consumer in parallel, you may use the Consumer#partitionedStream method, which creates a nested stream of partitions:

import zio.Console.printLine
import zio.kafka.consumer._

Consumer.partitionedStream(Subscription.topics("topic150"), Serde.string, Serde.string)
.flatMapPar(Int.MaxValue) { case (topicPartition, partitionStream) =>
ZStream.fromZIO(printLine(s"Starting stream for topic '${topicPartition.topic}' partition ${topicPartition.partition}")) *>
.tap(record => printLine(s"key: ${record.key}, value: ${record.value}")) // Replace with a custom message handling effect

When using partitionedStream with flatMapPar(n), it is recommended to set n to Int.MaxValue. N must be equal or greater than the number of partitions your consumer subscribes to otherwise there'll be unhandled partitions and Kafka will eventually evict your consumer.