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Version: 2.x

Dynamic Data Representation

DynamicValue is a way to describe the entire universe of possibilities for schema values. It does that in a way that we can interact with and introspect the data with its structure (type information). The structure of the data is baked into the data itself.

We can create a DynamicValue from a schema and a value using DynamicValue.fromSchemaAndValue (or Schema#toDynamic). We can turn it back into a typed value using DynamicValue#toTypedValue:

trait DynamicValue {
def toTypedValue[A](implicit schema: Schema[A]): Either[String, A] =

object DynamicValue {
def fromSchemaAndValue[A](schema: Schema[A], value: A): DynamicValue

Let's create a simple instance of Person("John Doe", 42) and convert it to DynamicValue:

import zio.schema._

case class Person(name: String, age: Int)

object Person {
implicit val schema: Schema[Person] = DeriveSchema.gen[Person]

val person = Person("John Doe", 42)
val dynamicPerson = DynamicValue.fromSchemaAndValue(Person.schema, person)
// or we can call `toDynamic` on the schema directly:
// val dynamicPerson = Person.schema.toDynamic(person)

As we can see, the dynamic value of person is the mixure of the data and its structure:

// The output pretty printed manually
name -> Primitive(John Doe,string),
age -> Primitive(42,int)

This is in contrast to the relational database model, where the data structure is stored in the database schema and the data itself is stored in a separate location.

However, when we switch to document-based database models, such as JSON or XML, we can store both the data and its structure together. The JSON data model serves as a good example of self-describing data, as it allows us not only to include the data itself but also to add type information within the JSON. In this way, there is no need for a separate schema and data; everything is combined into a single entity.

Schema: Converting to/from DynamicValue​

With a Schema[A], we can convert any value of type A to a DynamicValue and conversely we can convert it back to A:

sealed trait Schema[A] {
def toDynamic(value: A): DynamicValue

def fromDynamic(value: DynamicValue): scala.util.Either[String, A]

The toDynamic operation erases the type information of the value and places it into the value (the dynamic value) itself. The fromDynamic operation does the opposite: it takes the type information from the dynamic value and uses it to reconstruct the original value.

Please note that, if we have two types A and B that are isomorphic, we can convert a dynamic value of type A to a typed value of type B and vice versa:

import zio.schema._

case class Person(name: String, age: Int)

object Person {
implicit val schema: Schema[Person] = DeriveSchema.gen

case class User(name: String, age: Int)

object User {
implicit val schema: Schema[User] = DeriveSchema.gen

val johnPerson = Person("John Doe", 42)
val johnUser = User("John Doe", 42)

val dynamicJohnPerson = Person.schema.toDynamic(johnPerson)
val dynamicJohnUser = User.schema.toDynamic(johnUser)

// Output: Record(Nominal(Chunk(dev,zio,quickstart),Chunk(Main),Person),ListMap(name -> Primitive(John Doe,string), age -> Primitive(42,int)))
// Output: Record(Nominal(Chunk(dev,zio,quickstart),Chunk(Main),User),ListMap(name -> Primitive(John Doe,string), age -> Primitive(42,int)))

assert(dynamicJohnPerson.toTypedValue[User] == Right(johnUser))
assert(dynamicJohnUser.toTypedValue[Person] == Right(johnPerson))

Manipulating Dynamic Values​

When we turn a typed value A into a DynamicValue, we can manipulate its structure and data dynamically. For example, we can add a new field to a record or change the type of a field. This process is called dynamic value migration, which we will discuss in the schema migration section.