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Version: 2.x

Mapping DTO to Domain Object

When we write layered applications, where different layers are decoupled from each other, we need to transfer data between layers. For example, assume we have a layer that has Person data type and it receives JSON string of type PersonDTO from another layer. We need to convert PersonDTO to Person and maybe vice versa.

One way to do this is to write codec for PersonDTO and convert the JSON String to the PersonDTO and then convert PersonDTO to Person. This approach is not very convenient and we need to write some boilerplate code. With ZIO Schema we can simplify this process and write a codec for Person that uses a specialized schema for Person, i.e. personDTOMapperSchema, which describes Person data type in terms of transformation from PersonDTO to Person and vice versa. With this approach, we can directly convert the JSON string to Person in one step:

import zio._
import zio.json.JsonCodec
import zio.schema.codec.JsonCodec._
import zio.schema.{DeriveSchema, Schema}

import java.time.LocalDate

object MainApp extends ZIOAppDefault {

case class PersonDTO(
firstName: String,
lastName: String,
birthday: (Int, Int, Int)

object PersonDTO {
implicit val schema: Schema[PersonDTO] = DeriveSchema.gen[PersonDTO]

implicit val codec: JsonCodec[PersonDTO] = jsonCodec[PersonDTO](schema)

case class Person(name: String, birthdate: LocalDate)

object Person {
implicit val schema: Schema[Person] = DeriveSchema.gen[Person]

val personDTOMapperSchema: Schema[Person] =
f = dto => {
val (year, month, day) = dto.birthday
dto.firstName + " " + dto.lastName,
birthdate = LocalDate.of(year, month, day)
g = (person: Person) => {
val fullNameArray =" ")
implicit val codec: JsonCodec[Person] = jsonCodec[Person](schema)

val personDTOJsonMapperCodec: JsonCodec[Person] =

val json: String =
| "firstName": "John",
| "lastName": "Doe",
| "birthday": [[1981, 07], 13]

def run: zio.ZIO[Any, String, Any] =
for {
// Approach 1: Decode JSON String to PersonDTO and then Transform it into the Person object
personDTO <- ZIO.fromEither(JsonCodec[PersonDTO].decodeJson(json))
(year, month, day) = personDTO.birthday
person1 = Person(
name = personDTO.firstName + " " + personDTO.lastName,
LocalDate.of(year, month, day)
_ <- ZIO.debug(
s"person: $person1"

// Approach 2: Decode JSON string in one step into the Person object
person2 <- ZIO.fromEither(
_ <- ZIO.debug(
s"person: $person2"
} yield assert(person1 == person2)

As we can see in the example above, the second approach is much simpler and more convenient than the first one.

The problem we solved in previous example is common in microservices architecture, where we transfer DTOs across the network. So we need to serialize and deserialize the data transfer objects.

In the next example, we will see how we can use schema migration, when we need to map data transfer object to domain object and vice versa. In this example, we do not require to serialize/deserialize any object, but the problem of mapping DTO to domain object persists.

In this example, similar to the previous one, we will define the schema for Person in terms of schema transformation from PersonDTO to Person and vice versa. The only difference is that we will utilize the Schema#migrate method to map PersonDTO to Person. This method returns Either[String, PersonDTO => Either[String, Person]]. If the migration is successful, we will receive Right with a function that converts PersonDTO to Either[String, Person]. Otherwise, if there is an error, we will receive Left along with an error message:

import zio._
import zio.schema.{DeriveSchema, Schema}

import java.time.LocalDate

object MainApp extends ZIOAppDefault {

case class PersonDTO(
firstName: String,
lastName: String,
birthday: (Int, Int, Int)

object PersonDTO {
implicit val schema: Schema[PersonDTO] = DeriveSchema.gen[PersonDTO]

case class Person(name: String, birthdate: LocalDate)

object Person {
implicit val schema: Schema[Person] = DeriveSchema.gen[Person]

val personDTOMapperSchema: Schema[Person] =
f = dto => {
val (year, month, day) = dto.birthday
dto.firstName + " " + dto.lastName,
birthdate = LocalDate.of(year, month, day)
g = (person: Person) => {
val fullNameArray =" ")

def fromPersonDTO(p: PersonDTO): IO[String, Person] =

def run: zio.ZIO[Any, String, Any] =
for {
personDTO <- ZIO.succeed(PersonDTO("John", "Doe", (1981, 7, 13)))
person <- Person.fromPersonDTO(personDTO)
_ <- ZIO.debug(s"person: $person")
} yield ()
