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Version: 2.x

Combining Different Encoders

Let's take a look at a round-trip converting an object to JSON and back, then converting it to a protobuf and back. This is a simple example, but it shows how to combine different encoders to achieve a round-trip.

object CombiningExample extends zio.App {
import zio.schema.codec.JsonCodec
import zio.schema.codec.ProtobufCodec
import ManualConstruction._

override def run(args: List[String]): UIO[ExitCode] = for {
_ <- ZIO.unit
_ <- ZIO.debug("combining roundtrip")
person = Person("Michelle", 32)

personToJson = JsonCodec.encoder[Person](schemaPerson)
jsonToPerson = JsonCodec.decoder[Person](schemaPerson)

personToProto = ProtobufCodec.encoder[Person](schemaPerson)
protoToPerson = ProtobufCodec.decoder[Person](schemaPerson)

newPerson <- ZStream(person)
.tap(v => ZIO.debug("input object is: " + v))
.tap(v => ZIO.debug("object after json roundtrip: " + v))
.tap(v => ZIO.debug("person after protobuf roundtrip: " + v))
.catchAll(error => ZIO.debug(error))
_ <- ZIO.debug("is old person the new person? " + (person == newPerson).toString)
_ <- ZIO.debug("old person: " + person)
_ <- ZIO.debug("new person: " + newPerson)
} yield ExitCode.success