describes a parameterized type F[A]
that contains zero or more values of type A
Its signature is:
trait Covariant[F[+_]] {
def map[A, B](f: A => B): F[A] => F[B]
trait ForEach[F[+_]] extends Covariant[F] {
def forEach[G[+_]: IdentityBoth: Covariant, A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => G[B]): G[F[B]]
final def map[A, B](f: A => B): F[A] => F[B] =
trait IdentityBoth[F[_]] {
def any: F[Any]
def both[A, B](fa: => F[A], b: => F[B]): F[(A, B)]
The ForEach
functional abstraction builds on the Covariant
abstraction to describe a type that contains zero or more A
values rather than merely potentially producing A
values at some point in the future.
For example Chunk
has a ForEach
instance because it contains zero or more A
values. In contrast ZIO
has a Covariant
instance but not a ForEach
instance because it is only a description of a workflow that may produce an A
value and does not output any actual A
value until it is run.
generalizes over collection types like List
, Map
, and Chunk
. It also describes data types like Option
and Either
that contain zero or one value, which can be thought of as a special case of containing zero or more values.
The defining operator of the ForEach
abstraction is forEach
. It lets us take a collection of type F[A]
and run a function A => G[B]
for each element in the collection, returning a new collection F[B]
in the context of G
This is somewhat abstract so let's look at the foreach
operator on ZIO
, which is a variant of this, to get a sense of what it means.
trait ZIO[-R, +E, +A]
object ZIO {
def foreach[R, E, A, B](as: List[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, B]): ZIO[R, E, List[B]] =
Here we have specialized the collection type F
from ForEach
to List
and the effect type G
from ForEach
to ZIO
. The interpretation of this is now much more clear.
For each element in the list we construct a new ZIO[R, E, B]
by applying f
to the element. Then we combine all of those ZIO
effects into a single effect that will run each of the individual effects and collect their results in a List
This pattern of doing something for each element in the collection and then collecting the results back into the original collection is common to all implementations of ForEach
. We can get a better sense for it by looking at a simple implementation of the foreach
operator on ZIO
trait ZIO[-R, +E, +A] { self =>
def zipWith[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, B, C](that: ZIO[R1, E1, B])(f: (A, B) => C): ZIO[R, E, C] =
object ZIO {
def foreach[R, E, A, B](as: List[A])(f: A => ZIO[R, E, B]): ZIO[R, E, List[B]] =
as.foldRight[ZIO[R, E, List[B]]](ZIO.succeed(List.empty)) { (a, zio) =>
f(a).zipWith(zio)(_ :: _)
def succeed[A](a: => A): ZIO[Any, Nothing, A] =
In the implementation of foreach
the foldRight
operator on List
tears down the original list into each of its elements, using the function f
to produce a new ZIO
value for each element. Then we use the zipWith
operator on ZIO
to combine the resulting ZIO
values into a single ZIO
value, putting the values back together into a List
with the ::
The fact that the implementation of such a complex operator can be so simple should have us thinking about how we can make this work for collection types other than List
and types other than ZIO
. The ForEach
functional abstraction does just that.
The ForEach
abstraction is parameterized on the collection type F
, so in the implementation of ForEach
for a collection we will know how to tear down that collection and build it back up. For example, in the implementation of ForEach
for List
we will know that we can tear down a List
using foldRight
and build it back up using List.empty
and ::
The other piece of information we need is how to put a value into the type G
, described by the succeed
operator, and how to combine two G
values into a single G
value, described by the zipWith
operator. Fortunately, that is exactly the functionality that the combination of the Covariant
and IdentityBoth
abstractions provide.
Recall that the Covariant
functional abstraction defines a map
operator that allows us to transform a F[A]
into an F[B]
with a function A => B
trait Covariant[F[+_]] {
def map[A, B](f: A => B): F[A] => F[B]
The IdentityBoth
abstraction defines a both
operator that allows us to combine an F[A]
and an F[B]
into an F[(A, B)]
as well as an any
value of type F[Any]
that is an identity element for that operator.
trait AssociativeBoth[F[_]] {
def both[A, B](fa: => F[A], b: => F[B]): F[(A, B)]
trait IdentityBoth[F[_]] extends AssociativeBoth[F] {
def any: F[Any]
If instances of these two abstractions exist for a data type we can define the zipWith
and succeed
operators that we used in our implementation of foreach
for ZIO
def succeed[F[+_], A](a: => A)(implicit covariant: Covariant[F], both: IdentityBoth[F]): F[A] =[Any, A](_ => a)(both.any)
def zipWith[F[+_], A, B, C](
fa: F[A],
fb: F[B]
)(f: (A, B) => C)(implicit covariant: Covariant[F], both: AssociativeBoth[F]): F[C] =, fb))
We are now in a position to complete our generalization of the foreach
operator on ZIO
. Here is what the implementation of the ForEach
instance for List
would look like.
trait ForEach[F[+_]]{
def forEach[G[+_]: IdentityBoth: Covariant, A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => G[B]): G[F[B]]
implicit val ListForEach: ForEach[List] =
new ForEach[List] {
def forEach[G[+_]: IdentityBoth: Covariant, A, B](fa: List[A])(f: A => G[B]): G[List[B]] =
fa.foldRight(succeed[G, List[B]](List.empty)) { (a, gbs) =>
zipWith(f(a), gbs)(_ :: _)
// ListForEach: ForEach[List] = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$$anon$1@3e2aa7c2
Notice how similar our implementation of the ForEach
abstraction looks to our initial implementation of the foreach
operator on ZIO
. Other than using operators defined on Covariant
and IdentityBoth
instead of operators on ZIO
they are identical.
We have already come a long way with our implementation of ForEach
. We have a much better understanding now of what the forEach
operator does and how its signature reflects the minimum possible set of constraints necessary to implement it.
We can now implement instances of ForEach
for all collection types, like List
, Chunk
, and Map
, as well as types that are like collections, such as Option
and Either
. In each case we can perform an effect like a ZIO
for each element in the collection, returning a new ZIO
that collects the results back into the original collection type.
This is already quite powerful, but the other aspect of the ForEach
abstraction that is important is our ability to use other parameterized types for the G
in the signature of ForEach
. We have focused so far on ZIO
because it is the prototypical functional effect and provides a very clear intuition of what it means to do something for each element of a collection, but we can use many other data types as well.
For example, we can use the forEach
operator with a function that returns a Validation
value from ZIO Prelude.
is a data type that can either succeed with a value or fail with one or more errors. Using forEach
with Validation
corresponds to validating all the values in a collection, returning either a new collection of fully validated data or an accumulation of all validation errors that occurred.
import zio.prelude._
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
def validateName(name: String): Validation[String, String] =
Validation.fromPredicateWith("Name was empty")(name)(_.nonEmpty)
def validateAge(age: Int): Validation[String, Int] =
Validation.fromPredicateWith(s"Age $age was less than zero")(age)(_ >= 0)
def validatePerson(name: String, age: Int): Validation[String, Person] =
Validation.validateWith(validateName(name), validateAge(age))(Person)
val validData: List[(String, Int)] =
List(("John", 35), ("Jane", 25))
// validData: List[(String, Int)] = List(("John", 35), ("Jane", 25))
val invalidData: List[(String, Int)] =
List(("", 35), ("John", -1))
// invalidData: List[(String, Int)] = List(("", 35), ("John", -1))
val success: Validation[String, List[Person]] =
validData.forEach { case (name, age) => validatePerson(name, age) }
// success: Validation[String, List[Person]] = Success(
// log = IndexedSeq(),
// value = List(Person(name = "John", age = 35), Person(name = "Jane", age = 25))
// )
val failure: Validation[String, List[Person]] =
invalidData.forEach { case (name, age) => validatePerson(name, age) }
// failure: Validation[String, List[Person]] = Failure(
// log = IndexedSeq(),
// errors = NonEmptyChunk(Name was empty, Age -1 was less than zero)
// )
Using forEach
with the valid data will return a validation success containing the fully validated list of Person("John", 35)
and Person("Jane", 25")
. In contrast, using forEach
with the invalid data will return a validation failure with the failures "Name was empty"
and "Age -1 was less than zero"
We can return other data types from the function we provide to ForEach
to obtain other functionality. For example, if we use Option
or Either
we will get either a collection of all the successful results or the first failure to occur, rather than the accumulation of all failures as with Validation
There are also a couple of specialized data types we can use in the return type of f
that turn out to be particularly important for implementing other operators.
One of these you may have noticed from the very beginning of this section was the Id
is the parameterized type F[A]
where F
doesn't have any structure itself and just contains exactly one A
value. This seems quite trivial but it is useful to adapt a function A => B
to the type A => G[B]
that ForEach
is expecting.
This allows us to implement the map
operator in terms of forEach
and proves that the ForEach
abstraction is an extension of the Covariant
def map[F[+_]: ForEach, A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B] =
Id.unwrap(fa.forEach(a => Id.wrap(f(a))))
Another data type that is important for implementing other operators is State
The State
data type from ZIO Prelude describes a state transition function S => (A, S)
that takes an initial state and returns a value and an updated state. Using ForEach
with State
corresponds to composing all of those state transition functions into a single state transition function.
ZIO Prelude provides a specialized operator for using forEach
with State
called mapAccum
def mapAccum[F[+_]: ForEach, S, A, B](fa: F[A])(s: S)(f: (S, A) => (S, B)): (S, F[B]) =
This lets us specify an initial state S
and then in our function f
instead of just providing a function A => B
like in map
we can update the state as well. The implementation of mapAccum
takes care of putting each of these functions in the State
data type for us and then runs the final computation for us with the initial state to produce both the final state and the final value.
This is very useful for implementing other operators because it lets us get information out of the collection type S
, so now we can implement collection operators that don't just transform the collection but reduce it to a summary value.
To see this, let's implement the foldLeft
operator from the Scala collection library in terms of mapAccum
def foldLeft[F[+_]: ForEach, A, S](fa: F[A])(s: S)(f: (S, A) => S): S =
mapAccum(fa)(s)((s, a) => (f(s, a), ()))._1
The foldLeft
operator simply accumulates the fold state and discards the collection.
This is very powerful because it means that we can implement almost every collection operator in terms of ForEach
This includes any collection operator that reduces a collection to some other value, like count
, exists
, find
, foldLeft
, foldRight
, forall
, groupBy
, isEmpty
, product
, size
, sum
, and toList
It also includes any operator that modifies the values of a collection while maintaining the "shape" of the collection such as zipWithIndex
The only collection operators we can't implement in terms of ForEach
are those that change the shape of the collection like appending a new element to the collection. We don't know enough about the structure of the data type to know what that would mean or even if it would be well defined.
For example, the data type might be a tree that does not have a well defined notion of adding an element without specifying where it should be added. Or it might be a data type like Option
or Either
that doesn't support appending at all.
In addition to the standard Scala collection operators, ForEach
allows us to define additional operators that take advantage of the functional abstractions and data structure in ZIO Prelude.
One variant of forEach
that you may be familiar with is flip
def flip[F[+_]: ForEach, G[+_]: IdentityBoth : Covariant, S, A, B](fga: F[G[A]]): G[F[A]] =
This is the generalized version of the collectAll
operator on ZIO
import zio._
def collectAll[R, E, A](as: List[ZIO[R, E, A]]): ZIO[R, E, List[A]] =
This operator already takes a list of ZIO
values so all it has to do is combine them into a single ZIO
value and put the results back together into a list.
Another particularly useful operator is foldMap
, which lets us reduce a collection to a summary value by mapping each value to a value for which an Identity
instance is defined and combining those values with the combine
def foldMap[F[+_]: ForEach, A, B: Identity](as: F[A])(f: A => B): B =
foldLeft(as)(Identity[B].identity)((b, a) => b <> f(a))
This is a very nice operator that lets us express a variety of ways of reducing a collection to a summary value in a very concise way.
For example we could implement sum
in terms of foldMap
like this:
import zio.prelude.newtypes._
def sum[F[+_]: ForEach, A](as: F[A])(implicit identity: Identity[Sum[A]]): A =
foldMap(as)(a => Sum[A](a))
Here is how we could implement a fold that computes the sum and product of the values of a collection in a single pass:
def sumProd[F[+_]: ForEach, A](as: F[A])(implicit sum: Identity[Sum[A]], product: Identity[Prod[A]]): (A, A) =
foldMap(as)(a => (Sum[A](a), Prod[A](a)))
As you can see by using foldMap
with the functional abstractions in ZIO Prelude for describing ways of combining concrete types we can implement folds like this in an extremely high level and compositional way.
One common variant of a fold that can be particularly useful is concatenate
, which allows us to combine all the elements of a collection into one using an Identity
instance already defined for the element type. For example, here is how we could use it to combine a list of strings:
val strings = List("Hello", ", ", "World", "!")
Note that as with other extension methods in ZIO Prelude we need to do import zio.prelude._
to bring these extension methods into scope.
In summary, ForEach
is one of the most useful abstractions in ZIO Prelude in terms of providing a very large number of practically useful operators for implementing a single method. So if you are implementing your own parameterized type that contains zero or more values of the type it is parameterized on then defining a ForEach
instance is a great "quick win" to immediately add a lot of functionality to your data type.