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Covariant[F] describes a parameterized type F[A] that potentially produces but never consumes A values.

Its signature is:

trait Invariant[F[_]] {
def invmap[A, B](f: A <=> B): F[A] <=> F[B]

trait Covariant[F[+_]] extends Invariant[F] {
def map[A, B](f: A => B): F[A] => F[B]
final def invmap[A, B](f: A <=> B): F[A] <=> F[B] =
Equivalence(map(, map(f.from))

type <=>[A, B] = Equivalence[A, B]

case class Equivalence[A, B](to: A => B, from: B => A)

The map operator says we can "lift" a function A => B to a function F[A] => F[B]. If we import zio.prelude._ we can use the map operator to transform an F[A] into an F[B] with a function A => B.

The law is that the lifting of this function can transform A values into B values but cannot otherwise change the structure of F, so using map with the identity function is an identity and separately using map with two functions is the same as doing it with the composition of those functions. === fa ===

Data types that are covariant may either contain zero or more existing A values, such as a Chunk, or potentially produce zero or more A values at some point in the future, such as a ZIO.

In the definition of Covariant above you may notice that a + appears before the _. This tells the Scala compiler that the parameterized type is covariant with respect to this type parameter.

This improves type inference because it allows the Scala compiler to automatically widen an F[A] to an F[B] if A is a subtype of B because a data type that outputs A values also outputs B values by definition. It also allows the Scala compiler to check for us that types for which we define a Covariant instance really are covariant with respect to their type parameters.

Other functional programming libraries do not take advantage of Scala's support for variance here and so have to resort to a widen operator that essentially amounts to mapping with the identity function.

Often data types that appear to be invariant are actually versions of more polymorphic data types that are covariant with respect to one or more of their type parameters. Generalizing these data types can lead to improved API design and allow defining additional operators.

Let's see these ideas in action with the JsonCodec data type.

trait JsonCodec[A] {
def decode(json: String): Either[String, A]
def encode(a: A): String

The JsonCodec data type is naturally invariant in the A type parameter because A appears as both an input to encode and an output from decode. As a result, the A type parameter appears in the definition of JsonCodec without a + or -.

Let's try adding a + before the A type parameter to indicate that JsonCodec is covariant with respect to this type parameter.

trait JsonCodec[+A] {
def decode(json: String): Either[String, A]
def encode(a: A): String
// error: covariant type A occurs in contravariant position in type A of value a
// def encode(a: A): String
// ^^^^

This code does not compile!

The Scala compiler helpfully informs us that the covariant type A appears in contravariant position in the encode operator. Translating slightly, the Scala compiler is telling us that we are not honoring the guarantee of A being covariant that A is an output but never an input because A appears as an input to encode.

Whenever we have to make a type invariant because A is both an input and an output we should ask ourselves whether it is possible to split that up. We can do that either by using different type parameters for the input and output or by refactoring to create separate interfaces where A only appears as an input or output.

Here we will take the second approach and split the JsonCodec up into a JsonDecoder and a JsonEncoder.

trait JsonDecoder[+A] {
def decode(json: String): Either[String, A]

trait JsonEncoder[-A] {
def encode(a: A): String

trait JsonCodec[A] extends JsonDecoder[A] with JsonEncoder[A]

Now A only appears as an output of the JsonEncoder and only appears as an input of JsonDecoder and we can make A covariant by using the + before the type parameter. We can also make JsonEncoder contravariant, but we will defer discussion of that to the section on the Contravariant functional abstraction.

With the JsonDecoder and JsonEncoder separated out, we can now define a Covariant instance for the JsonDecoder.

trait JsonDecoder[+A] { self =>
def decode(json: String): Either[String, A]
def map[B](f: A => B): JsonDecoder[B] =
new JsonDecoder[B] {
def decode(json: String): Either[String, B] =

object JsonDecoder {
implicit val JsonDecoderCovariant: Covariant[JsonDecoder] =
new Covariant[JsonDecoder] {
def map[A, B](f: A => B): JsonDecoder[A] => JsonDecoder[B] =
jsonDecoder =>

In addition to being able to define a Covariant instance, we have improved our API design by recognizing that our definition of JsonCodec was actually combining two things that are conceptually distinct. Now users can work with just a Decoder if all they are doing is reading data and it is easier to transform a decoder because we only need to provide a function and not an equivalence relationship.

The map operator is extremely useful and you are probably familiar with it from a variety of data types in the Scala standard library and ZIO. However, the map operator is already defined directly on most data types that support it.

As a result, the Covariant abstraction tends to be useful in two ways.

First, defining a Covariant instance for your own data type allows it to work with other operators in ZIO Prelude that require a data type to be covariant.

There are only a few operators that are defined for a data type that only has a Covariant instance but there are many more that we will learn about later that require a Covariant instance as well as some other instance. So defining an instance of Covariant, as well as whatever other functional abstractions are defined for your date type, is a good practice so that you can use any of these operators for your data type if you need to.

Second, Covariant can be useful if you are writing your own generic code since many generic operators you may want to define will require a Covariant instance. In particular, having a Covariant instance as well as an instance of one of the abstractions that describe ways to combine parameterized types allow many interesting operators to be defined.