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Version: 2.x


Ord[A] describes a total ordering on values of type A.

Its signature is:

trait Equal[-A] {
def equal(left: A, right: A): Boolean

trait Ord[-A] {
def compare(left: A, right: A): Ordering
final def equal(left: A, right: A): Boolean =
compare(left, right) == Ordering.Equals

sealed trait Ordering
object Ordering {
case object LessThan extends Ordering
case object GreaterThan extends Ordering
case object Equals extends Ordering

That is, we can compare any two values of type A and either the left value is less than the right, the left value is greater than the right, or the two values are equal.

Furthermore, the results of these comparisons must satisfy the properties that we expect of a total ordering. For example, if a is greater than b and b is greater than c then a must be greater than c and if a is greater than b then b must be less than a.

The Ord abstraction builds on the Equal abstraction because being able to define a total ordering on values of a type implies being able to compare values of that type for equality, as shown by our implementation of the equal operator in terms of compare above. This means that if we define an instance of the Ord abstraction for a data type we automatically get an instance of the Equal abstraction for free and our definition of equality is guaranteed to be consistent with the ordering.

The Ord abstraction is similar to the Ordering type class in the Scala standard library and in fact we can convert any scala.math.Ordering to an Ord using the fromScala operator and any Ord to a scala.math.Ordering using the toScala operator.

import zio.prelude.Ord

val toScala: scala.math.Ordering[Int] =
// toScala: Ordering[Int] = zio.prelude.Ord$$anonfun$toScala$2@7dac69bf

val fromScala: Ord[Int] =
// fromScala: Ord[Int] = zio.prelude.Ord$$anonfun$fromScala$2@37ee9a58

The main advantages that the Ord abstraction provides over the Ordering in the Scala standard library is improved type inference due to use of variance and integration with the other functional abstractions in ZIO Prelude.

The Ordering type class in the Scala standard library is invariant, meaning that from the perspective of the Scala compiler an Ordering[A] and an Ordering[B] are completely unrelated, even if A is a subtype of B. If we look at the signature of the compare operator on Ord we can see that this does not reflect the natural variance of this type.

An Ord[A] is a consumer of A values, it takes two A values and returns a result describing whether one is less than, greater than, or equal to the other. If we know how to order values of type A and B is a subtype of A then we also know how to order values of type B, because every B is an A!

The version of Ordering in the Scala compiler "forgets" this information because it does not use variance, which can lead to type inference problems.

To see this, consider a situation like the following. We have a domain model where customer accounts may be either business accounts or consumer accounts, each of which have a unique identifier.

sealed trait CustomerAccount

case class BusinessAccount(id: String) extends CustomerAccount
case class ConsumerAccount(id: String) extends CustomerAccount

We might define a total ordering for all accounts like this:

import zio.prelude._

implicit val CustomerAccountOrd: Ord[CustomerAccount] =
Ord.make {
case (BusinessAccount(id1), BusinessAccount(id2)) => id1 =?= id2
case (BusinessAccount(_), ConsumerAccount(_)) => Ordering.LessThan
case (ConsumerAccount(_), BusinessAccount(_)) => Ordering.GreaterThan
case (ConsumerAccount(id1), ConsumerAccount(id2)) => id1 =?= id2
// CustomerAccountOrd: Ord[CustomerAccount] = zio.prelude.Ord$$anon$4@4989a329

Basically this says that we are ordering all business accounts before all consumer accounts and then within each account type we are ordering by the identifier. Note that we are using the =?= operator which is available on any type for which an Ord is defined to return the result of comparing two values of that type.

We can use this ordering to compare two customer accounts

val customerAccount1: CustomerAccount = BusinessAccount("abc")
// customerAccount1: CustomerAccount = BusinessAccount(id = "abc")
val customerAccount2: CustomerAccount = ConsumerAccount("def")
// customerAccount2: CustomerAccount = ConsumerAccount(id = "def")

val compareCustomerAccounts: Boolean =
customerAccount1 < customerAccount2
// compareCustomerAccounts: Boolean = true

We can also use it to compare two business accounts or two consumer accounts.

val consumerAccount1: ConsumerAccount = ConsumerAccount("abc")
// consumerAccount1: ConsumerAccount = ConsumerAccount(id = "abc")
val consumerAccount2: ConsumerAccount = ConsumerAccount("def")
// consumerAccount2: ConsumerAccount = ConsumerAccount(id = "def")

val compareConsumerAccounts: Boolean =
consumerAccount1 < consumerAccount2
// compareConsumerAccounts: Boolean = true

This just works because a consumer account is a customer account and we know how to order customer accounts.

Let's see what happens when we try to do the same thing with the Ordering type class defined in the Scala standard library.

import scala.math.Ordering.Implicits._

sealed trait CustomerAccount

case class BusinessAccount(id: String) extends CustomerAccount
case class ConsumerAccount(id: String) extends CustomerAccount

implicit val CustomerAccountScalaOrdering: scala.math.Ordering[CustomerAccount] =
new scala.math.Ordering[CustomerAccount] {
def compare(left: CustomerAccount, right: CustomerAccount): Int =
(left, right) match {
case (BusinessAccount(id1), BusinessAccount(id2)) => id1 compare id2
case (BusinessAccount(_), ConsumerAccount(_)) => -1
case (ConsumerAccount(_), BusinessAccount(_)) => 1
case (ConsumerAccount(id1), ConsumerAccount(id2)) => id1 compare id2
// CustomerAccountScalaOrdering: Ordering[CustomerAccount] = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp2$$anon$1@341f2d97

Besides the lack of specific types in modeling the result of the compare operator this works fine for comparing two customer accounts.

val customerAccount1: CustomerAccount = BusinessAccount("abc")
// customerAccount1: CustomerAccount = BusinessAccount(id = "abc")
val customerAccount2: CustomerAccount = ConsumerAccount("def")
// customerAccount2: CustomerAccount = ConsumerAccount(id = "def")

val compareCustomerAccounts: Boolean =
customerAccount1 < customerAccount2
// compareCustomerAccounts: Boolean = true

But look what happens when we try to compare two consumer accounts.

val consumerAccount1: ConsumerAccount = ConsumerAccount("abc")
val consumerAccount2: ConsumerAccount = ConsumerAccount("def")

val compareConsumerAccounts: Boolean =
consumerAccount1 < consumerAccount2
// error: value < is not a member of MdocApp2.this.ConsumerAccount

This code doesn't compile! The Scala compiler is unable to compare the consumer accounts because of the lack of variance on scala.math.Ordering.

We could widen the type of ConsumerAccount to CustomerAccount but that is unergonomic. And it wouldn't even work if, for example, we were trying to sort the list and needed to maintain the type information that these were consumer accounts rather than just customer accounts.

The Ord abstraction helps us avoid problems like this and integrates seamlessly with the rest of ZIO Prelude.

Defining Ord Instances​

Ord instances are already defined for all the types in ZIO and the Scala standard library that have a total ordering.

ZIO Prelude is also very good at automatically deriving Ord instances for more complex data types like tuples. For example if we have a pair of Double values representing x and y coordinates an ordering is already automatically defined for it.

import zio.prelude._

Ord[(Double, Double)]
// res5: Ord[(Double, Double)] = zio.prelude.Ord$$anon$5@40bb51ca

The default instance for tuples will order values by the first field and then if the first field is the same by the second field and so on.

If we want to define an ordering for our own data type and potentially include our own ordering logic we can use the make operator.

case class Point(x: Double, y: Double)

object Point {
implicit val PointOrd: Ord[Point] =
Ord.make { (left, right) =>
(left.y =?= right.y) <> (left.x =?= right.x)

The <> operator combines two Ordering values, using the result of the first one if it is GreaterThan or LessThan and otherwise using the result of the second one. You can think of this like sorting by last name and then first name.

So now we are sorting by the y coordinate and then the x coordinate.

Just like the Equal abstraction, the Ord abstraction supports a contramap operator, so we can define a total ordering on a data type as long as we can transform it into another data type that has a total ordering in a way that preserves information.

This is particularly useful if we want to define an Ord instance for our case classes because we can just derive it from the instances for tuples.

object Point {
implicit val PointOrd: Ord[Point] =
Ord[(Double, Double)].contramap(point => (point.y, point.x))

ZIO Prelude makes it as easy as possible to use and define instances of Ord so we can abstract over the property of having a total ordering and integrate it with other parts of ZIO Prelude.