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Version: 2.x


Debug[A] describes the ability to render a value of type A to a human readable format for debugging purposes.

Its signature is:

trait Debug[-A] {
def debug(a: A): Debug.Repr

object Debug {

sealed trait Renderer

sealed trait Repr {
def render: String
def render(renderer: Renderer): String

Repr here is a data structure that captures the information needed to render a data type in a structured format so that it can be displayed in different ways. A Renderer is a data type that knows how to render a Repr to a particular string representation, for example using short names for readability or fully qualified names for using the rendered output as valid code.

If we import zio.prelude._ then we can use the debug operator on any data type with a Debug instance defined for it. We can also just use the render operator on any data type with a Debug instance defined for it to render it to a simple string representation.

The Debug abstraction is the functional equivalent of the toString operator but it has several advantages over just using toString.

First, as with other functional abstractions we can define when it makes sense to render a data type at all.

We can call toString on anything including classes whose string representation only points to their memory address. Fortunately this is more often the cause of annoyance than real bugs but it is certainly nice to know when there isn't much point in trying to render something.

Related to this, we can define our own way of rendering for data types that are not under our control. For example, if we are debugging code involving arrays we can frequently be frustrated when the string representation of the array consists of its memory location rather than the elements actually in the array.

With ZIO Prelude, we can easily define a Debug instance for Array. We can even handle nested arrays.

The final advantage that the Debug abstraction has over the Scala standard library and older functional programming libraries is that it captures rendering information in a structured data format instead of just a String.

When we render a data type we may want to do it in various ways. We may want to do it using short names for a readable description in the context of a discussion like this one, rendering it as something like Validation[String, Int].

In another context like being able to copy and paste our rendering into a REPL, IDE, or worksheet and having it compile we may want to use fully qualified names, such as zio.prelude.Validation[scala.String, scala.Int]. Or we may decide that including the fully qualified name for standard library types is a little too much, and want to render this as zio.prelude.Validation[String, Int].

All of these are valid choices, but just rendering values as a String forces us to choose one. A String does not have enough structure to preserve all the information we need for rendering different ways so we are forced to choose one arbitrarily.

This also allows us to define meaningful laws for the Debug abstraction. In other functional programming libraries interfaces that provide similar functionality are essentially lawless since there is nothing describing what this string representation should look like.

In contrast, in ZIO Prelude Debug follows a well defined law that the Scala rendering of any data type should itself be valid Scala code.

Structured Rendering​

The Repr data type preserves all the information we need to render a data type to a String in various ways. There is nothing magic about this data type, it is just an algebraic data type with a variety of cases representing the different possible pieces of information we could need for rendering.

If you just want to render data types from ZIO or the Scala standard library that have meaningful string representations then you can just use the debug operator but if you want to define Debug instances for your own data type it is helpful to understand usage of Repr.

Most of the cases of Repr are "simple" cases that just describe existing primitive data types.

sealed trait Repr

object Repr {
case class Int(value: scala.Int) extends Repr
case class Double(value: scala.Double) extends Repr
case class Float(value: scala.Long) extends Repr
case class Long(value: scala.Long) extends Repr
case class Byte(value: scala.Byte) extends Repr
case class Char(value: scala.Char) extends Repr
case class Boolean(value: scala.Boolean) extends Repr
case class Short(value: scala.Short) extends Repr
case class String(value: java.lang.String) extends Repr

As you can see these cases are indeed quite straightforward other than the minor complexity of avoiding name collisions with the underlying data types.

With these representations we can describe the structure of primitive values in a way that supports structured rendering. For example, the Repr of 42 would be Repr.Int(42) and we could match on it to render it in various ways such as 42 or Int: 42.

The next case, Object, lets us define our own primitive types.

object Repr {
case class Object(namespace: List[java.lang.String], name: java.lang.String) extends Repr

As its name implies, this lets us define representations for data types like objects that aren't existing primitive types but also do not depend on other data types for their rendering. The information needed to render an object is just the name of the object and its namespace.

For example, the Repr of None would be Repr.Object(List("scala"), "None"). Note how the namespace gives us the information we need to render the Repr as valid Scala code and gives us the ability to decide at the time of rendering whether we want to include some or all of this or just the name itself.

The final cases of Repr let us build more complex data types such as sum types, product types, and collections from simpler ones.

import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap

object Repr {
case class VConstructor(
namespace: List[java.lang.String],
name: java.lang.String,
reprs: List[Repr]
) extends Repr
case class Constructor(
namespace: List[java.lang.String],
name: java.lang.String,
reprs: ListMap[java.lang.String, Repr]
) extends Repr
case class KeyValue(
key: Repr,
value: Repr
) extends Repr

The VConstructor case mirrors the constructor arguments of a class or case class. Just like the Object constructor it contains a namespace and name but now it also has a list of Repr values describing how each of the constructor parameters can be rendered.

For example, the Repr of Some(42) would be Repr.VConstructor(List("scala"), "Some", List(Repr.Int(42))). Again, this gives us everything we need to render the value in different ways.

The Constructor case is like VConstructor but mirrors a data type like a case class with named fields. The list of constructor arguments now included the name of each constructor argument along with its representation.

For example, the Repr of Person("John", 42) would be Repr.Constructor(List.empty, "Person", Map("name" -> Repr.String("John"), "age" -> Repr.Int(42))). The names of the constructor arguments may or may not be shown depending on the renderer used.

The final case is KeyValue, which covers situations where the constructor arguments are key value pairs, like in a Map. We capture this separately so we can render them appropriately, for example using -> to ensure that we can render the key value pairs as valid code.

Most of the time you won't have to use most of these constructors yourself but it is helpful to know what they are since you will often have to use one or two in defining your own Debug instances, typically the Object, VConstructor, and Constructor cases.

Defining Debug Instances​

ZIO Prelude comes with Debug instances defined for all data types with meaningful string representations in ZIO and the Scala standard library, as well as data types composed of those types.

To define a Debug instance for your own data type you can use the make operator which requires you to specify how to create a representation of your own data type. Typically you can do this just by using one of the Repr constructors such as Constructor, Object, or VConstructor and using the debug operator on any values that are inside your data type.

For example, here is how we could define a Debug instance for a Person data type:

import zio.prelude._

case class Person(name: String, age: Int)

object Person {
implicit val PersonDebug: Debug[Person] =
Debug.make { case Person(name, age) =>
"name" -> name.debug,
"age" -> age.debug

Notice how we used the debug operator on name and age. In this simple case we could have used Repr.String(name) and Repr.Int(age) but this would not have worked if the constructor values were more complex and would have forced us to spend more time working with Repr directly.

We can use the same strategy to define Debug instances for polymorphic data types. We just need to add a constraint that there is a Debug instance for the different types that we want to render.

For example, here is how we could define a Debug instance for a simplified version of the Validation data type from ZIO Prelude.

import zio.NonEmptyChunk

sealed trait Validation[+E, +A]

object Validation {

case class Success[+A](a: A) extends Validation[Nothing, A]
case class Failure[+E](es: NonEmptyChunk[E]) extends Validation[E, Nothing]

implicit def ValidationDebug[E: Debug, A: Debug]: Debug[Validation[E, A]] =
Debug.make {
case Success(a) => Debug.Repr.VConstructor(List("zio", "prelude"), "Validation.Success", List(a.debug))
case Failure(es) => Debug.Repr.VConstructor(List("zio", "prelude"), "Validation.Failure", List(es.debug))

Here we used context bounds of Debug for the E and A type parameters to require that Debug instances for them exist. This makes sense because there is no way we can create a meaningful string representation of a value if we can't create meaningful string representations of its components.


The Repr data type returned by the debug operator is just a representation of the data type in a way that supports meaningful string rendering. To actually get a string we still need to render it with its render operator.

The easiest way to do that is to call the render operator directly, which uses a default renderer that renders data in a simple way that is being read by humans but is not necessarily valid Scala code. If we want to, we can call render with an argument and provide a Renderer to render the representation in a different way.

ZIO Prelude comes with two other renderers.

The Scala renderer renders data as valid Scala code that you can copy and paste into an IDE, REPL, or worksheet. The Full renderer renders data with as much detail as possible, including information like field names where available, and can be helpful for debugging purposes.

A Renderer is just a function that takes a Repr and returns a String, so you can also define your own Renderer if you want to. ZIO Prelude's Debug abstraction preserves all the information so you can render your data types the way you want to.