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Version: 2.x

Socket Channel

AsynchronousSocketChannel and AsynchronousServerSocketChannel provide methods for communicating with remote clients.

Required imports for snippets:

import zio._
import zio.clock._
import zio.console._
import zio.nio.channels._
import zio.nio._

Creating sockets​

Creating a server socket:

val server =
.mapM { socket =>
for {
address <- InetSocketAddress.hostName("", 1337)
_ <- socket.bindTo(address)
_ <- socket.accept.preallocate.flatMap(_.use(channel => doWork(channel).catchAll(ex => putStrLn(ex.getMessage))).fork).forever.fork
} yield ()

def doWork(channel: AsynchronousSocketChannel): ZIO[Console with Clock, Throwable, Unit] = {
val process =
for {
chunk <- channel.readChunk(3)
str =
_ <- putStrLn(s"received: [$str] [${chunk.length}]")
} yield ()


Creating a client socket:

val clientM: Managed[Exception, AsynchronousSocketChannel] =
.mapM { client =>
for {
host <- InetAddress.localHost
address <- InetSocketAddress.inetAddress(host, 2552)
_ <- client.connect(address)
} yield client

Reading and writing to a socket:

for {
serverFiber <- server.fork
_ <- clientM.use(_.writeChunk(Chunk.fromArray(Array(1, 2, 3).map(_.toByte))))
_ <- serverFiber.join
} yield ()