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Version: 2.x

Character Sets

The zio.nio.charset package offers an API for ZIO programs to work with character sets, using the Java NIO support for character sets. Any character set supported by your JVM can be used.


This class wraps the java.nio.charset.Charset class with a ZIO-friendly API. There are convenience methods for:

  • encoding/decoding buffers
  • encoding/decoding single chunks
  • encoding/decoding strings

For more sophisticated encoding/decoding needs, a CharsetEncoder or CharsetDecoder can be obtained from a Charset.

Standard Charsets​

The standard set of charsets provided by Java are available in Charset.Standard.

  • utf8
  • utf16
  • utf16Be
  • utf16Le
  • usAscii
  • iso8859_1

JVMs typically support many more charsets than these; use Charset.availableCharsets to retrieve the complete list.


import zio.nio.charset._
import zio.nio.file.Files
import zio.nio.file.Path

val s = "Hello, world!"
for {
utf16Bytes <- Charset.Standard.utf16.encodeString(s)
_ <- Files.writeBytes(Path("utf16.txt"), utf16Bytes)
} yield ()

Stream Encoding and Decoding​

Using streams instead of buffers or chunks is great for bigger jobs. ZIO Streams comes with a UTF-8 decoder built in, but if you need other character sets, or you need encoding, then ZIO-NIO can helpβ€”as long as you're running on the JVM.

Stream-based encoding and decoding are provided by the transducer method of the CharsetEncoder and CharsetDecoder classes respectively.

import zio.nio.charset._
import zio.nio.channels.FileChannel
import zio.nio.channels._
import zio.nio.file.Path
import zio.blocking.Blocking
import zio.console
import zio.ZIO

// dump a file encoded in ISO8859 to the console"iso8859.txt")).useNioBlockingOps { fileOps =>
val inStream: ZStream[Blocking, Exception, Byte] = ZStream.repeatEffectChunkOption {
fileOps.readChunk(1000).asSomeError.flatMap { chunk =>
if (chunk.isEmpty) else ZIO.succeed(chunk)

// apply decoding transducer
val charStream: ZStream[Blocking, Exception, Char] =

console.putStrLn("ISO8859 file contents:") *>
charStream.foreachChunk(chars => console.putStr(chars.mkString))