Serving Static Files Example
Serving Static Files​
package example
import zio._
import zio.http._
object StaticFiles extends ZIOAppDefault {
* Creates an HTTP app that only serves static files from resources via
* "/static". For paths other than the resources directory, see
* [[zio.http.Middleware.serveDirectory]].
val routes = Routes.empty @@ Middleware.serveResources(Path.empty / "static")
override def run = Server.serve(routes).provide(Server.default)
Serving Static Resource Files​
package example
import zio.ZIOAppDefault
import zio.http._
import zio.http.codec.PathCodec.trailing
import zio.http.template._
object StaticServer extends ZIOAppDefault {
// A simple app to serve static resource files from a local directory.
val app = Routes(
Method.GET / "static" / trailing -> handler {
val extractPath = Handler.param[(Path, Request)](_._1)
val extractRequest = Handler.param[(Path, Request)](_._2)
for {
path <- extractPath
file <- Handler.getResourceAsFile(path.encode)
http <-
// Rendering a custom UI to list all the files in the directory
extractRequest >>> (if (file.isDirectory) {
// Accessing the files in the directory
val files = file.listFiles.toList.sortBy(_.getName)
val base = "/static/"
val rest = path
// Custom UI to list all the files in the directory
Handler.template(s"File Explorer ~$base${path}") {
li(a(href := s"$base$rest", "..")), { file =>
href := s"$base${path.encode}${if (path.isRoot) file.getName
else "/" + file.getName}",
// Return the file if it's a static resource
else if (file.isFile) Handler.fromFile(file)
// Return a 404 if the file doesn't exist
else Handler.notFound)
} yield http
val run = Server.serve(app).provide(Server.default)