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Version: 2.0.x

Concrete Entity Example

package example

import zio._
import zio.cli._

import zio.schema._
import zio.schema.annotation.description

import zio.http.Header.Location
import zio.http._
import zio.http.codec._
import zio.http.endpoint.cli._
import zio.http.endpoint.{Endpoint, EndpointExecutor}

trait TestCliEndpoints {
import zio.http.codec.PathCodec._

import HttpCodec._
final case class User(
@description("The unique identifier of the User")
id: Int,
@description("The user's name")
name: String,
@description("The user's email")
email: Option[String],
object User {
implicit val schema: Schema[User] = DeriveSchema.gen[User]
final case class Post(
@description("The unique identifier of the User")
userId: Int,
@description("The unique identifier of the Post")
postId: Int,
@description("The post's contents")
contents: String,
object Post {
implicit val schema: Schema[Post] = DeriveSchema.gen[Post]

val getUser =
Endpoint(Method.GET / "users" / int("userId") ?? Doc.p("The unique identifier of the user"))
.header(HeaderCodec.location ?? Doc.p("The user's location"))
.out[User] ?? Doc.p("Get a user by ID")

val getUserPosts =
Method.GET /
"users" / int("userId") ?? Doc.p("The unique identifier of the user") /
"posts" / int("postId") ?? Doc.p("The unique identifier of the post"),
query("user-name") ?? Doc.p(
"The user's name",
.out[List[Post]] ?? Doc.p("Get a user's posts by userId and postId")

val createUser =
Endpoint(Method.POST / "users")
.out[String] ?? Doc.p("Create a new user")

object TestCliApp extends zio.cli.ZIOCliDefault with TestCliEndpoints {
val cliApp =
name = "users-mgmt",
version = "0.0.1",
summary = HelpDoc.Span.text("Users management CLI"),
footer = HelpDoc.p("Copyright 2023"),
host = "localhost",
port = 8080,
endpoints = Chunk(getUser, getUserPosts, createUser),
cliStyle = true,

object TestCliServer extends zio.ZIOAppDefault with TestCliEndpoints {
val getUserRoute =
getUser.implement {
Handler.fromFunction { case (id, _) =>
User(id, "Juanito", Some(""))

val getUserPostsRoute =
getUserPosts.implement {
Handler.fromFunction { case (userId, postId, name) =>
List(Post(userId, postId, name))

val createUserRoute =
createUser.implement {
Handler.fromFunction { user =>

val routes = Routes(getUserRoute, getUserPostsRoute, createUserRoute)

val run = Server.serve(routes.toHttpApp).provide(Server.default)

object TestCliClient extends zio.ZIOAppDefault with TestCliEndpoints {
val run =
EndpointExecutor.make(serviceName = "test"),

lazy val clientExample: URIO[EndpointExecutor[Unit] & Scope, Unit] =
for {
executor <- ZIO.service[EndpointExecutor[Unit]]
_ <- executor(getUser(42, Location.parse("some-location").toOption.get)).debug("result1")
_ <- executor(getUserPosts(42, 200, "adam")).debug("result2")
_ <- executor(createUser(User(2, "john", Some("")))).debug("result3")
} yield ()
