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Version: 2.x


The ProjectionExpression API is common to both the Type Safe High Level API (with the exception the primary keys API) and the Low Level API - however the way one is constructed is different.

High Level API construction

final case class Person(id: String, group: String name: String)
object Person {
implicit val schema: Schema.CaseClass3[String, String, String, Person] = DeriveSchema.gen[Person]

// id and name are ProjectionExpressions
val (id, group, name) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Person]

Low Level API construction

// id and name are ProjectionExpressions
val id = ProjectionExpression.$("id")
val name = ProjectionExpression.$("name")

For more details see $ and Parse functions section

Type Safety

The other notable difference is that High Level API is totally type safe and many subtle errors are caught at compile time: === 1 // will not compile === "1" && === 2 // will not compile === "1" && === "2" // will not compile

ProjectionExpression.$("name") === 1 // will compile!

ProjectionExpression API Summary​

Once we have a ProjectionExpression we can use it as a springboard to create further expressions such as ConditionExpression, UpdateExpression and PrimaryKeyExpression:

Primary Keys (High Level API only) === "1" === "1" && === "2"
ConditionExpression / FilterExpression===Equality


>Greater than

>=Greater than or equal

<Less than

<=Less than or equal

existsreturns true if the attribute exists

notExistsreturns true if the attribute does not exists

sizereturns size of attribute. Applies to all types except Number and Boolean

isXXXXThere is a function per type eg isBinary - returns true if the attribute is of the specified type

between(from, to)returns true if the attribute is between the supplied values, inclusive

beginsWithOnly applies to string attributes

inSetreturns true if the attribute is in the supplied set

in(a, b, c ...)returns true if the attribute matches one of the supplied values

containsreturns true if the attribute contains the supplied value - applies to a String or a Set
UpdateExpression+combines update actions eg + Person.age.set(42)

setSet an attribute"John")

setIfNotExistsSet attribute if it does not exists"John")

appendListAdd supplied list to the end of this list attribute

prependPrepend an element to a list attribute

prependListPrepend a list to list attribute

deleteFromSetdelete all elements that match the supplied set

add(a: To)adds this value as a number attribute if it does not exists, else adds the numeric value to the existing attribute

addSetAdds this set as an attribute if it does not exists, else if it exists it adds the elements of the set

remove(index: Int)remove an element at the specified index

removeRemoves this path expression from an item