$ and parse functions
The $
and parse
functions are the primary way to create a ProjectionExpression
in the Low Level API.
They take a string representation of the attribute path that uses the
standard AWS DynamoDB path expression syntax
and return a ProjectionExpression
final case class Person(email: String, hobbies: Map[String, List[String]])
val errorOrProjectionExpression: Either[String, ProjectionExpression] = ProjectionExpression.parse("hobbies.sport[0]")
val projectionExpression: ProjectionExpression = ProjectionExpression.$("hobbies.sport[0]")
The parse
function takes a string representation of the path expression (that uses standard AWS DynamoDB path expression syntax).
It returns an Either
which is a Left[String]
when the string projection expression is invalid, or a Right[ProjectionExpression]
when the string projection expression valid and successfully parsed.
The $
function is the unsafe version of the parse
function - if the string projection expression is invalid it throws an IllegalStateException
The below table shows the supported path expression syntax:
Expression Syntax | Description |
"foo" | top level element |
"foos[0]" | simple top level list element - indexes are zero based |
"foo.bar" | addressing a map element inside a top level element |
"foo_bar" | underscores are valid |
"foo-bar" | hyphens are valid |
`foo.bar ` | special characters such as "dot" need to be escaped with backticks. Here we have an attribute name that contains a special character. |
After the expression is parsed into a ProjectionExpression
, at execution time the AWS API Expression Attributes Names and
Expression Attributes Values
maps are used to escape all path elements safely when required.
Low level representation of ProjectionExpression
For those who are interested the below code snippet shows the slightly simplified version of the ProjectionExpression
sealed trait ProjectionExpression
object ProjectionExpression {
final case object Root extends ProjectionExpression
final case class ListElement(parent: ProjectionExpression, index: Int) extends ProjectionExpression
final case class MapElement(parent: ProjectionExpression, key: String) extends ProjectionExpression
val projectionExpression: ProjectionExpression = ProjectionExpression.$("hobbies.sport[0]")
println(projectionExpression) // ListElement(MapElement(MapElement(Root, "hobbies"), "sport"), 0)
Note that top level elements are represented as MapElement(Root, <ELEMENT_NAME>)