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Version: 2.x

$ and parse functions

The $ and parse functions are the primary way to create a ProjectionExpression in the Low Level API.

They take a string representation of the attribute path that uses the standard AWS DynamoDB path expression syntax and return a ProjectionExpression.


final case class Person(email: String, hobbies: Map[String, List[String]])

val errorOrProjectionExpression: Either[String, ProjectionExpression] = ProjectionExpression.parse("[0]")
val projectionExpression: ProjectionExpression = ProjectionExpression.$("[0]")

The parse function takes a string representation of the path expression (that uses standard AWS DynamoDB path expression syntax). It returns an Either which is a Left[String] when the string projection expression is invalid, or a Right[ProjectionExpression] when the string projection expression valid and successfully parsed.

The $ function is the unsafe version of the parse function - if the string projection expression is invalid it throws an IllegalStateException.

The below table shows the supported path expression syntax:

Expression SyntaxDescription
"foo"top level element
"foos[0]"simple top level list element - indexes are zero based
""addressing a map element inside a top level element
"foo_bar"underscores are valid
"foo-bar"hyphens are valid
& characters such as "dot" need to be escaped with backticks. Here we have an attribute name that contains a special character.

After the expression is parsed into a ProjectionExpression, at execution time the AWS API Expression Attributes Names and Expression Attributes Values maps are used to escape all path elements safely when required.

Low level representation of ProjectionExpression​

For those who are interested the below code snippet shows the slightly simplified version of the ProjectionExpression implementation:

sealed trait ProjectionExpression
object ProjectionExpression {
final case object Root extends ProjectionExpression
final case class ListElement(parent: ProjectionExpression, index: Int) extends ProjectionExpression
final case class MapElement(parent: ProjectionExpression, key: String) extends ProjectionExpression

val projectionExpression: ProjectionExpression = ProjectionExpression.$("[0]")
println(projectionExpression) // ListElement(MapElement(MapElement(Root, "hobbies"), "sport"), 0)

Note that top level elements are represented as MapElement(Root, <ELEMENT_NAME>).