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Version: 2.x

Auto batching and parallelisation

When DynamoDBQuery's are composed either manually via the zip combinator or automatically using the DynamoDBQuery.forEach function they become eligible for auto-batching and parallelisation in the execute method.

val batchedWrite1 = DynamoDBQuery.put("person", Person("1", "John", 21))
.zip(DynamoDBQuery.put("person", Person("2", "Jane", 22)))

val batchedWrite2 = DynamoDBQuery.forEach(people)(person => put("person", person))

for {
_ <- batchedWrite1.execute // PutItem operations will be batched
_ <- batchedWrite2.execute // PutItem operations will be batched
} yield ()

Rules for determining auto-batching vs parallelisation behaviour​

The rules for determining whether a query is auto-batched are determined by what query types are eligible for batching in the AWS API. The AWS BatchWriteItem operation can only deal with PutItem and DeleteItem operations. Furthermore, for both of these operations - condition expressions are not allowed. The AWS BatchGetItem operation is used for batching GetItems's .

So the rules are as follows:

  • A query only qualifies for auto-batching if it passes the following criteria:
    • The query is a PutItem or DeleteItem operation (put and deleteFrom in the High Level API)
      • The query does not have a condition expression
    • The query is a GetItem operation (get in the High Level API)
      • The query's projections list contains the primary key - this is required to match the response data to the request. Note all fields are included by default so this is only a concern if you explicitly specify the projection expression.
  • If a query does not qualify for auto-batching it will be parallelised automatically

Maximum batch sizes for BatchWriteItem and BatchGetItem​

When using the zip or forEach operations one thing to bear in mind is the maximum number of queries that the BatchWriteItem and BatchGetItem operations can handle:

  • BatchWriteItem can handle up to 25 PutItem or DeleteItem operations
  • BatchGetItem can handle up to 100 GetItem operations

If these are exceeded then you will get a runtime AWS error. For further information please refer to the AWS documentation linked above.

Automatic retry of unprocessed batch items/keys​

Note that both the AWS BatchWriteItem and BatchGetItem operations return a list of unprocessed items/keys. If this list is non-empty then the operation are retried automatically by the ZIO DynamoDB library.

If retries do not succeed in eliminating the unprocessed items/keys then the whole batch is failed with a BatchError.WriteError/BatchError.GetError - both of which will contain a list of the unprocessed items/keys.

The default retry policy is:

Schedule.recurs(3) && Schedule.exponential(50.milliseconds)

This can be overridden by using the withRetryPolicy combinator:


Integration Batching with ZIO Streams​

For examples of how to integrate batching with ZIO Stream please see the utility functions batchWriteFromStream and batchGetFromStream in the zio.dynamodb package. These functions take care of details mentioned above such as managing the maximum batch sizes and can also be used as examples for writing your own custom batched streaming operations.