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Version: 2.x

Low Level API

Low Level API operations are found on the DynamoDBQuery companion object. All the function names contain the word Item to indicate that they are operations on AWS DDB items in a table.

object DynamoDBQuery {

// CRUD operations

def putItem(tableName: String, item: Item): DynamoDBQuery[Any, Option[Item]] = ???

def getItem(
tableName: String,
key: PrimaryKey,
projections: ProjectionExpression[_, _]*
): DynamoDBQuery[Any, Option[Item]] = ???

def updateItem[A](tableName: String, key: PrimaryKey)(action: Action[A]): DynamoDBQuery[A, Option[Item]] = ???

def deleteItem(tableName: String, key: PrimaryKey): Write[Any, Option[Item]] = ???

// Scan/Query operations

def scanSomeItem(tableName: String, limit: Int, projections: ProjectionExpression[_, _]*): ScanSome = ???

def scanAllItem(tableName: String, projections: ProjectionExpression[_, _]*): ScanAll = ???

def queryAllItem(tableName: String, projections: ProjectionExpression[_, _]*): QueryAll = ???

def querySomeItem(tableName: String, limit: Int, projections: ProjectionExpression[_, _]*): QuerySome = ???
