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Version: 2.x


  def scanAll[A: Schema](
tableName: String
): DynamoDBQuery[A, Stream[Throwable, A]] = ???

The scanAll operation is used to scan all items in a table, and uses a ZIO stream to return the results.

Note that scanning all items in a table can be an expensive operation in terms of elapsed time - to speed things up the AWS API offers a parallel/segmented scanning mode which can be invoked in the High Level API using the parallel combinator - internally it takes care of the details of calling the AWS segmented scan API using a fiber per segment and the results are merged back into the results stream in an undetermined order.

for {
_ <- put(tableName, Equipment("1", 2020, "Widget1", 1.0)).execute
_ <- put(tableName, Equipment("1", 2021, "Widget1", 2.0)).execute
stream <- scanAll[Equipment](tableName)
.whereKey( === "1")
_ <- stream.tap(equip => ZIO.debug(s"equipment: $equip")).runDrain
} yield ()


.filter(<ConditionExpression>) // eg Equipment.price > 1.0 - filtering is done server side AFTER the scan
.parallel(<N>) // executes a native DDB parallel scan on the server and merges the results back to the stream
.indexName(<IndexName>) // use a secondary index