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Version: 2.x

Scan and Query Operations

The High Level API mirrors the Scan and Query operations of DDB but with a high level of type safety.

We have to start of with a Scala model of the table and add an implicit schema reference in the companion object together with some convenience ProjectionExpression's via the accessors function.

// year is the sort key
final case class Equipment(id: String, year: Int, name: String, price: Double)
object Equipment {
implicit val schema: Schema.CaseClass4[String, Int, String, Double, Equipment] = DeriveSchema.gen[Equipment]
val (id, year, name, price) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Equipment]

A summary is shown below and detailed sections can be found for each operation.

object DynamoDBQuery { 
// Scan/Query operations

def scanAll[A: Schema](
tableName: String
): DynamoDBQuery[A, Stream[Throwable, A]] = ???

def scanSome[A: Schema](
tableName: String,
limit: Int
): DynamoDBQuery[A, (Chunk[A], LastEvaluatedKey)] = ???

def queryAll[A: Schema](
tableName: String
): DynamoDBQuery[A, Stream[Throwable, A]] = ???

def querySome[A: Schema](
tableName: String,
limit: Int
): DynamoDBQuery[A, (Chunk[A], LastEvaluatedKey)] = ???
