def update[From: Schema](tableName: String)(primaryKeyExpr: KeyConditionExpr.PrimaryKeyExpr[From])(
action: Action[From]
): DynamoDBQuery[From, Option[From]] = ???
The update
operation is used to modify an existing item in a table. Both KeyConditionExpr.PrimaryKeyExpr
and the Action
params can be created using the ProjectionExpression
's in the companion object for model class:
for {
_ <- DynamoDBQuery.update("person")(Person.id.primaryKey === "1")(
Person.name.set(42) + Person.age.set(42)
} yield maybePerson
action | description |
+ | combines update actions eg Person.name.set(42) + Person.age.set(42) |
set | Set an attribute Person.name.set("John") |
setIfNotExists | Set attribute if it does not exists Person.name.setIfNotExists("John") |
appendList | Add supplied list to the end of this list attribute |
prepend | Prepend an element to a list attribute |
prependList | Prepend a list to list attribute |
deleteFromSet | delete all elements that match the supplied set |
add(a: To) | adds this value as a number attribute if it does not exists, else adds the numeric value to the existing attribute |
addSet | Adds this set as an attribute if it does not exists, else if it exists it adds the elements of the set |
remove(index: Int) | remove an element at the specified index |
remove | Removes this path expression from an item |
See AWS API Reference to learn more about update expressions.
query operations​
.returns(<ReturnValues>) // ReturnValues.AllNew | ReturnValues.AllOld | ReturnValues.None <default>