Field Traversal
We will be using the below model for the examples which contains a complex collection field hobbies
and a nested case
class field address
. Note that ZIO DynamoDB also supports case classes as collection elements (not shown in this example).
final case class Address(number: String, street: String)
object Address {
implicit lazy val schema: Schema.CaseClass2[String, String, Address] = DeriveSchema.gen[Address]
// (1) number and street are ProjectionExpressions
val (number, street) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Address]
final case class Person(email: String, hobbies: Map[String, List[String]], address: Address)
object Person {
implicit lazy val schema: Schema.CaseClass3[String, Map[String, List[String]], Address, Person] = DeriveSchema.gen[Person]
// (2) email, hobbies and address are ProjectionExpressions
val (email, hobbies, address) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Person]
field traversal combinators​
DynamoDB allows us to dig into nested structures when updating or querying data using path expressions. Using the High Level API we do this in a type safe way by
using the ProjectionExpression
's generated by the accessors
method (see comments 1
and 2
above) as springboard
for a bunch of traversal combinators. Note the accessors
method in turn uses the reified optics feature of ZIO Schema.
Traversal Combinator | Description |
>>> | Returns a ProjectionExpression that traverses into a product (case class) or a sum type (sealed trait concrete instance) |
valueAt(key) | Returns a ProjectionExpression that traverses into a map field using a string key |
elementAt(N) | Returns a ProjectionExpression that traverses into a list field using a zero based index |
val person =
Person("", Map("sports" -> List("cricket", "football")), Address("1", "Main St"))
// ProjectionExpressions extracted deliberately to illustrate the types
val addressToStreetPE: ProjectionExpression[Person, String] =
(Person.address >>> Address.street)
val valueAtHobbiesPE: ProjectionExpression[Person, List[String]] =
val valueAtAndElementAtHobbiesPE: ProjectionExpression[Person, String] =
for {
_ <- DynamoDBQuery.put("people", person).execute
_ <- DynamoDBQuery
.update("people")( === "")(
addressToStreetPE.set("2nd St")
_ <- DynamoDBQuery
.update("people")( === "")(
valueAtHobbiesPE.set(List("tennis", "rugby"))
_ <- DynamoDBQuery
.update("people")( === "")(
} yield ()
Product traversal​
From the the example above:
val addressToStreetPE: ProjectionExpression[Person, String] =
(Person.address >>> Address.street)
is an example of traversing into a product (case class).
Sum type traversal​
To illustrate sum type traversal, consider the below model with sum type (sealed trait) BilledBody
sealed trait BilledBody
object BilledBody {
final case class BilledMonthly(month: Int) extends BilledBody
object BilledMonthly {
implicit lazy val schema: Schema.CaseClass1[Int, BilledMonthly] = DeriveSchema.gen[BilledMonthly]
val month: ProjectionExpression[BilledMonthly, Int] = ProjectionExpression.accessors[BilledMonthly]
final case class BilledYearly(year: Int) extends BilledBody
object BilledYearly {
implicit lazy val schema: Schema.CaseClass1[Int, BilledYearly] = DeriveSchema.gen[BilledYearly]
val year: ProjectionExpression[BilledYearly, Int] = ProjectionExpression.accessors[BilledYearly]
implicit val schema: Schema.Enum2[BilledMonthly, BilledYearly, BilledBody] = DeriveSchema.gen[BilledBody]
val (monthly, yearly) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[BilledBody]
final case class Invoice(int: Int, body: BilledBody)
object Invoice {
implicit lazy val schema: Schema.CaseClass2[Int, BilledBody, Invoice] = DeriveSchema.gen[Invoice]
val (int, body) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Invoice]
We can access the BilledYearly
case class field year
using the >>>
combinator as shown below:
val invoiceToBilledYearlyToYearPE: ProjectionExpression[Invoice, Int] =
Invoice.body >>> BilledBody.yearly >>> BilledYearly.year
val yearlyInvoice = Invoice(1, BilledYearly(2021))
for {
_ <- DynamoDBQuery.put("invoices", yearlyInvoice).execute
_ <- DynamoDBQuery
.update("invoices")( === 1)(
} yield ()