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Version: 2.x

SLF4J v1 bridge

It is possible to use zio-logging for SLF4J loggers, usually third-party non-ZIO libraries. To do so, import the zio-logging-slf4j-bridge module for SLF4J v1 (working with JDK8):

libraryDependencies += "dev.zio" %% "zio-logging-slf4j-bridge" % "2.3.1"

and use one of the Slf4jBridge layers when setting up logging:

import zio.logging.slf4j.Slf4jBridge


Slf4jBridge layers:

  • Slf4jBridge.init(configPath: NonEmptyChunk[String] = logFilterConfigPath) - setup with LogFilter from filter configuration, default configuration path: logger.filter, default LogLevel is INFO
  • Slf4jBridge.init(filter: LogFilter[Any]) - setup with given LogFilter
  • Slf4jBridge.initialize - setup without filtering

Need for log filtering in slf4j bridge: libraries with slf4j loggers, may have conditional logic for logging, which using functions like org.slf4j.Logger.isTraceEnabled(). logging parts may contain message and log parameters construction, which may be expensive and degrade performance of application.

SLF4J logger name is stored in log annotation with key logger_name (zio.logging.loggerNameAnnotationKey), following log format

import zio.logging.slf4j.Slf4jBridge
import zio.logging.LoggerNameExtractor

val loggerName = LoggerNameExtractor.loggerNameAnnotationOrTrace
val loggerNameFormat = loggerName.toLogFormat()

may be used to get logger name from log annotation or ZIO Trace.

SLF4J bridge with custom logger can be setup:

import zio.logging.slf4j.Slf4jBridge
import zio.logging.consoleJsonLogger

val logger = Runtime.removeDefaultLoggers >>> consoleJsonLogger() >+> Slf4jBridge.init()

NOTE: You should either use zio-logging-slf4j to send all ZIO logs to an SLF4j provider (such as logback, log4j etc) OR zio-logging-slf4j-bridge to send all SLF4j logs to ZIO logging. Enabling both causes circular logging and makes no sense.


SLF4J bridge with JSON console logger

package zio.logging.example

import zio.logging.{ ConsoleLoggerConfig, LogAnnotation, LogFilter, LogFormat, LoggerNameExtractor, consoleJsonLogger }
import zio.{ ExitCode, LogLevel, Runtime, Scope, ZIO, ZIOAppArgs, ZIOAppDefault, ZLayer }

import java.util.UUID

object Slf4jBridgeExampleApp extends ZIOAppDefault {

private val slf4jLogger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger("SLF4J-LOGGER")

private val logFilterConfig = LogFilter.LogLevelByNameConfig(
"zio.logging.slf4j" -> LogLevel.Debug,
"SLF4J-LOGGER" -> LogLevel.Warning

private val logFormat = LogFormat.label(
) + LogFormat.logAnnotation(LogAnnotation.UserId) + LogFormat.logAnnotation(
) + LogFormat.default

private val loggerConfig = ConsoleLoggerConfig(logFormat, logFilterConfig)

override val bootstrap: ZLayer[ZIOAppArgs, Any, Any] =
Runtime.removeDefaultLoggers >>> consoleJsonLogger(loggerConfig) >+> Slf4jBridge.init(loggerConfig.toFilter)

private val uuids = List.fill(2)(UUID.randomUUID())

override def run: ZIO[Scope, Any, ExitCode] =
for {
_ <- ZIO.logInfo("Start")
_ <- ZIO.foreachPar(uuids) { u =>
ZIO.succeed("Test {}!", "INFO")) *> ZIO.succeed(
slf4jLogger.warn("Test {}!", "WARNING")
) @@ LogAnnotation.UserId(
} @@ LogAnnotation.TraceId(UUID.randomUUID())
_ <- ZIO.logDebug("Done")
} yield ExitCode.success


Expected Console Output:

{"name":"SLF4J-LOGGER","user_id":"d13f90ad-6b0a-45fd-bf94-1db7a0d8c0b7","trace_id":"561300a9-e6f1-4f61-8dcc-dfef476dab20","timestamp":"2024-02-16T08:10:45.421448+01:00","level":"WARN","thread":"zio-fiber-10","message":"Test WARNING!"}
{"name":"SLF4J-LOGGER","user_id":"0f28521f-ac8f-4d8e-beeb-13c85c90c041","trace_id":"561300a9-e6f1-4f61-8dcc-dfef476dab20","timestamp":"2024-02-16T08:10:45.421461+01:00","level":"WARN","thread":"zio-fiber-9","message":"Test WARNING!"}

Feature changes

Version 2.1.9

SLF4J logger name is stored in log annotation with key logger_name (zio.logging.loggerNameAnnotationKey), in previous versions, logger name was stored in log annotation with key slf4j_logger_name (Slf4jBridge.loggerNameAnnotationKey), for backward compatibility, if there is need to use legacy annotation key, it can be done with following initialisation

import zio.logging.slf4j.Slf4jBridge


NOTE: this feature may be removed in future versions

Following log format

import zio.logging.slf4j.Slf4jBridge
import zio.logging.LoggerNameExtractor

val loggerName = LoggerNameExtractor.annotationOrTrace(Slf4jBridge.loggerNameAnnotationKey)
val loggerNameFormat = loggerName.toLogFormat()

may be used to get logger name from log annotation or ZIO Trace.

This logger name extractor can be used also in log filter, which applying log filtering by defined logger name and level:

val logFilter: LogFilter[String] = LogFilter.logLevelByGroup(
"zio.logging.slf4j" -> LogLevel.Debug,
"SLF4J-LOGGER" -> LogLevel.Warning

Version 2.2.0

Deprecated log annotation with key slf4j_logger_name (Slf4jBridge.loggerNameAnnotationKey) removed, only common log annotation with key logger_name (zio.logging.loggerNameAnnotationKey) for logger name is supported now.