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Before introducing middleware, let us understand why they are needed.

Consider the following example where we have two endpoints within HttpApp

  • GET a single user by id
  • GET all users
val routes = Routes(
Method.GET / "users" / int("id") ->
handler { (id: Int, req: Request) =>
// core business logic
Method.GET / "users" ->
handler {
// core business logic

The polluted code violates the principle of "Separation of concerns"

As our application grows, we want to code the following aspects like

  • Basic Auth
  • Request logging
  • Response logging
  • Timeout and retry

For both of our example endpoints, our core business logic gets buried under boilerplate like this

(for {
// validate user
_ <- MyAuthService.doAuth(request)
// log request
_ <- logRequest(request)
// core business logic
user <- dbService.lookupUsersById(id).map(Response.json(_.json))
resp <- Response.json(user.toJson)
// log response
_ <- logResponse(resp)
} yield resp)

Imagine repeating this for all our endpoints!!!

So there are two problems with this approach

  • We are dangerously coupling our business logic with cross-cutting concerns (like applying timeouts)
  • Also, addressing these concerns will require updating code for every single route in the system. For 100 routes we will need to repeat 100 timeouts!!!
  • For example, any change related to a concern like the logging mechanism from logback to log4j2 may cause changing signature of log(..) function in 100 places.
  • On the other hand, this also makes testing core business logic more cumbersome.

This can lead to a lot of boilerplate clogging our neatly written endpoints affecting readability, thereby leading to increased maintenance costs.

Need for middlewares and handling "aspects"

If we refer to Wikipedia for the definition of an "Aspect" we can glean the following points.

  • An aspect of a program is a feature linked to many other parts of the program (most common example, logging).,
  • But it is not related to the program's primary function (core business logic)
  • An aspect crosscuts the program's core concerns (for example logging code intertwined with core business logic),
  • Therefore, it can violate the principle of "separation of concerns" which tries to encapsulate unrelated functions. (Code duplication and maintenance nightmare)

Or in short, aspect is a common concern required throughout the application, and its implementation could lead to repeated boilerplate code and in violation of the principle of separation of concerns.

There is a paradigm in the programming world called aspect-oriented programming that aims for modular handling of these common concerns in an application.

Some examples of common "aspects" required throughout the application

  • logging,
  • timeouts (preventing long-running code)
  • retries (or handling flakiness for example while accessing third party APIs)
  • authenticating a user before using the REST resource (basic, or custom ones like OAuth / single sign-on, etc).

This is where middleware comes to the rescue. Using middlewares we can compose out-of-the-box middlewares (or our custom middlewares) to address the above-mentioned concerns using ++ and @@ operators as shown below.

Cleaned up code using middleware to address cross-cutting concerns like auth, request/response logging, etc.

Observe, how we can address multiple cross-cutting concerns using neatly composed middlewares, in a single place.

import zio._
import zio.http._

// compose basic auth, request/response logging, timeouts middlewares
val composedMiddlewares = Middleware.basicAuth("user","pw") ++
Middleware.debug ++

And then we can attach our composed bundle of middlewares to an Http using @@

 val routes = Routes(
Method.GET / "users" / int("id") ->
handler { (id: Int, req: Request) =>
// core business logic
Method.GET / "users" ->
handler {
// core business logic
) @@ composedMiddlewares // attach composedMiddlewares to the routes using @@

Observe how we gained the following benefits by using middlewares

  • Readability: de-cluttering business logic.
  • Modularity: we can manage aspects independently without making changes in 100 places. For example,
    • replacing the logging mechanism from logback to log4j2 will require a change in one place, the logging middleware.
    • replacing the authentication mechanism from OAuth to single sign-on will require changing the auth middleware
  • Testability: we can test our aspects independently.

Middleware in zio-http

A middleware helps in addressing common crosscutting concerns without duplicating boilerplate code.

Attaching middleware to Http

The @@ operator is used to attach a middleware to routes and HTTP applications. Example below shows a middleware attached to an HttpApp:

val app = Routes(
Method.GET / string("name") -> handler { (name: String, req: Request) =>
Response.text(s"Hello $name")
val appWithMiddleware = app @@ Middleware.debug

Logically the code above translates to Middleware.debug(app), which transforms the app using the middleware.

A simple middleware example

Let us consider a simple example using out-of-the-box middleware called addHeader We will write a middleware that will attach a custom header to the response.

We create a middleware that appends an additional header to the response indicating whether it is a Dev/Prod/Staging environment.

import zio._
import zio.http._

lazy val patchEnv = Middleware.addHeader("X-Environment", "Dev")

A test HttpApp with attached middleware:

val app = Routes(
Method.GET / string("name") -> handler { (name: String, req: Request) =>
Response.text(s"Hello $name")

val appWithMiddleware = app @@ patchEnv

Start the server:


Fire a curl request, and we see an additional header added to the response indicating the "Dev" environment:

curl -i http://localhost:8080/Bob

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: text/plain
X-Environment: Dev
content-length: 12

Hello Bob

Combining middlewares

Middlewares can be combined using ++.

For example, if we have three middlewares f1, f2, f3

f1 ++ f2 ++ f3 applies from left to right with f1 first followed by others, like this


A simple example using ++ combinator

Start with imports:

import zio.http._
import zio.http.Middleware.basicAuth
import zio._

A user app with single endpoint that welcomes a user:

val userApp = 
Method.GET / "user" / string("name") / "greet" -> handler { (name: String, req: Request) =>
Response.text(s"Welcome to the ZIO party! ${name}")

A basicAuth middleware with hardcoded user password and another patches response with environment value:

val basicAuthMW = basicAuth("admin", "admin")
val patchEnv = Middleware.addHeader("X-Environment", "Dev")
// apply combined middlewares to the userApp
val appWithMiddleware = userApp @@ (basicAuthMW ++ patchEnv)

Start the server:


Fire a curl request with an incorrect user/password combination:

curl -i --user admin:wrong http://localhost:8080/user/admin/greet

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
www-authenticate: Basic
X-Environment: Dev
content-length: 0

We notice in the response that first basicAuth middleware responded HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized and then patch middleware attached a X-Environment: Dev header.

Conditional application of middlewares

  • when applies middleware only if the condition function evaluates to true -whenZIO applies middleware only if the condition function(with effect) evaluates

A complete example of a middleware

Detailed example showing "debug" and "addHeader" middlewares
import zio.http._
import zio._

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit

object Example extends ZIOAppDefault {
val app: HttpApp[Any] =
// this will return result instantly
Method.GET / "text" -> handler(Response.text("Hello World!")),
// this will return result after 5 seconds, so with 3 seconds timeout it will fail
Method.GET / "long-running" -> handler(ZIO.succeed(Response.text("Hello World!")).delay(5.seconds))

val middlewares =
Middleware.debug ++ // print debug info about request and response
Middleware.addHeader("X-Environment", "Dev") // add static header

override def run =
Server.serve(app @@ middlewares).provide(Server.default)

A few "Out of the box" middlewares

Handler Aspects

Ordinary Middlewares are intended to bracket a request's execution by intercepting the request, possibly modifying it or short-circuiting its execution, and then performing some post-processing on the response. However, we sometimes want to gather some contextual information about a request and pass it alongside to the request's handler. This can be achieved with the HandlerAspect[Env, CtxOut] type, which extends Middleware[Env]. This middleware produces a value of type CtxOut on each request, which the routing DSL will accept just like a path component. For example, to look up a Session, we might use a sessionMiddleware with type HandlerAspect[Env, Session]:

Method.GET / "user" / int("userId") -> sessionMiddleware -> handler {
(userId: Int, session: Session, request: Request) =>
UserRepository.getUser(session.organizationId, userId)

The HandlerAspect companion object provides a number of helpful constructors for these middlewares. For this example, we would probably use HandlerAspect.interceptHandler, which wraps an incoming-request handler as well as one which performs any necessary post-processing on the outgoing response:

val incomingHandler: Handler[Env, Response, Request, (Request, Session)] = ???
val outgoingHandler: Handler[Env, Nothing, Response, Response] = ???

Note the asymmetry in the type parameters of these two handlers: in the incoming case, the handler emits a Response on the error-channel whenever the service cannot produce a Session, effectively short-circuiting the processing of this request. The outgoing handler, by contrast, has Nothing as its Err type, meaning that it cannot fail and must always produce a Response on the success channel.