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Version: 2.x

High Level API

High Level API constructors for CRUD operations are found on the DynamoDBQuery companion object. They rely on a ZIO Schema for a particular type being in implicit scope. This is achieved using the DeriveSchema.gen macro. Internally codecs are automatically generated for the case classes based on the meta-data provided by the Schema's.

object DynamoDBQuery {

// CRUD operation constructors

def put[A: Schema](tableName: String, a: A): DynamoDBQuery[A, Option[A]] = ???

def get[From: Schema](tableName: String)(
primaryKeyExpr: KeyConditionExpr.PrimaryKeyExpr[From]
): DynamoDBQuery[From, Either[ItemError, From]] = ???

def update[From: Schema](tableName: String)(primaryKeyExpr: KeyConditionExpr.PrimaryKeyExpr[From])(
action: Action[From]
): DynamoDBQuery[From, Option[From]] = ???

def deleteFrom[From: Schema](
tableName: String
primaryKeyExpr: KeyConditionExpr.PrimaryKeyExpr[From]
): DynamoDBQuery[Any, Option[From]] = ???

// Scan/Query operations

def scanAll[A: Schema](
tableName: String
): DynamoDBQuery[A, Stream[Throwable, A]] = ???

def scanSome[A: Schema](
tableName: String,
limit: Int
): DynamoDBQuery[A, (Chunk[A], LastEvaluatedKey)] = ???

def queryAll[A: Schema](
tableName: String
): DynamoDBQuery[A, Stream[Throwable, A]] = ???

def querySome[A: Schema](
tableName: String,
limit: Int
): DynamoDBQuery[A, (Chunk[A], LastEvaluatedKey)] = ???

Once we have constructed a type safe query we can execute it.

Methods that need a primary key expression take a KeyConditionExpr.PrimaryKeyExpr[From] as an argument, however rather than create one directly we can create one using a ProjectionExpression as a springboard