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Version: 2.x

Default encoding

Sealed trait members that are case classes​

sealed trait TrafficLight
final case class Green(rgb: Int) extends TrafficLight
final case class Red(rgb: Int) extends TrafficLight
final case class Box(trafficLightColour: TrafficLight)

The default encoding for Box(Green(42)) is:

Map(trafficLightColour -> Map(String(Green) -> Map(String(rgb) -> Number(42))))

Here an intermediate map is used to identify the member of TraficLight using the member class name ie Map(String(Green) -> Map(...))

Sealed trait members that are case objects​

sealed trait TrafficLight
case object GREEN extends TrafficLight
case object RED extends TrafficLight
final case class Box(trafficLightColour: TrafficLight)

The default encoding for Box(GREEN) is:

Map(trafficLightColour -> Map(String(GREEN) -> Null))

Here an intermediate map is used to identify the member of TraficLight ie Map(String(GREEN) -> Null) Note that the Null is used as in this case we do not care about the value.

Customising encodings via annotations

Encodings can be customised through the use of the following annotations @discriminator, @enumOfCaseObjects and @id. These annotations are useful when working with a legacy DynamoDB database.

The @discriminator encodings does not introduce another map for the purposes of identification but rather adds another discriminator field to the attribute Map.

Concrete examples of using the @discriminator, @enumOfCaseObjects and @id annotations can be seen below.

Sealed trait members that are case classes​

sealed trait TrafficLight
final case class Green(rgb: Int) extends TrafficLight
final case class Red(rgb: Int) extends TrafficLight
final case class Amber(@id("red_green_blue") rgb: Int) extends TrafficLight
final case class Box(trafficLightColour: TrafficLight)

encoding for an instance of Box(Green(42)) would be:

Map(trafficLightColour -> Map(String(rgb) -> Number(42), String(light_type) -> String(Green)))

We can specify the field name used to identify the case class through the @discriminator annotation. The discriminator encoding removes the intermediate map and inserts a new field with a name specified by discriminator annotation and a value that identifies the member which defaults to the class name.

This can be further customised using the @id annotation - encoding for an instance of Box(Red(42)) would be:

Map(trafficLightColour -> Map(String(rgb) -> Number(42), String(light_type) -> String(red_traffic_light)))

The encoding for case class field names can also be customised via @id - encoding for an instance of Box(Amber(42)) would be:

Map(trafficLightColour -> Map(String(red_green_blue) -> Number(42), String(light_type) -> String(Amber)))

Sealed trait members that are all case objects​

sealed trait TrafficLight
case object GREEN extends TrafficLight
case object RED extends TrafficLight
final case class Box(trafficLightColour: TrafficLight)

We can get a more compact and intuitive encoding of trait members that are case objects by using the @enumOfCaseObjects annotation which encodes to just a value that is the member name. Encoding for an instance of Box(GREEN) would be:

Map(trafficLightColour -> String(GREEN))

This can be further customised by using the @id annotation again - encoding for Box(RED) would be

Map(trafficLightColour -> String(red_traffic_light))