S3 Connector
libraryDependencies += "dev.zio" %% "zio-connect-s3" % "0.4.4"
How to use it?​
All available S3Connector combinators and operations are available in the package object zio.connect.s3
, you only need to import zio.connect.s3._
First, you must configure the underlying S3 connection provided by zio-aws
you can read more about how to configure it here
If you have default credentials in the system environment typically at ~/.aws/credentials
or as env variables
the following configuration will likely work.
import zio._
import zio.connect.s3._
import zio.stream._
import zio.aws.core.config.AwsConfig
import zio.aws.netty.NettyHttpClient
lazy val zioAwsConfig = NettyHttpClient.default >>> AwsConfig.default
Now let's create a bucket:
val bucketName = BucketName("this-very-charming-bucket-name") // BucketName is a zio prelude newtype of String
val program1: ZIO[S3Connector, S3Exception, Unit] =
for {
_ <- ZStream(bucketName) >>> createBucket
} yield ()
The way to understand this is to recognize that createBucket
is a ZSink
that expects elements of type BucketName
as its streamed input.
In this case we have a ZStream
with a single element of type BucketName
but we could have an arbitrary number of buckets and the code
would look and work virtually the same.
Okay, let's put some readable bytes into that bucket:
val objectKey = ObjectKey("my-object") // ObjectKey is a zio prelude newtype of String
val program2: ZIO[S3Connector, S3Exception, Unit] =
for {
content <- Random.nextString(100).map(_.getBytes).map(Chunk.fromArray)
_ <- ZStream.fromChunk(content) >>> putObject(bucketName, objectKey)
} yield ()
Here a stream of chunks of bytes are streamed into the putObject
sink. The sink takes two arguments, the bucket name and the object key to associate with the data
being streamed in.
Let's list objects in the bucket:
val program3: ZIO[S3Connector, S3Exception, Chunk[ObjectKey]] =
for {
keys <- listObjects(bucketName).runCollect
} yield keys
is a ZStream
that emits elements of type ObjectKey
and we can use the runCollect
operator to collect
all the elements into a Chunk
Here's what it looks like to get an object put earlier:
val program5: ZIO[S3Connector, Object, String] =
for {
content <- getObject(bucketName, objectKey) >>> ZPipeline.utf8Decode >>> ZSink.mkString
} yield content
Finally, let's look at how to run one of these programs:
def run = program1.provide(zioAwsConfig, S3.live, s3ConnectorLiveLayer)
You need to provide the configuration layer for zio-aws
, the S3
layer from zio-aws
and the s3ConnectorLiveLayer
which is the live implementation of the S3Connector
Test / Stub​
A stub implementation of S3Connector is provided for testing purposes via the TestS3Connector.layer
. It uses
internally an TRef[Map[BucketName, S3Bucket]]
instead of talking to S3. You can create the test harness as follows:
import zio.connect.s3._
object MyTestSpec extends ZIOSpecDefault {
override def spec =
Operators & Examples​
The following operators are available:
Copy an object from one bucket to another
ZStream(CopyObject(bucket1, objectKey, bucket2)) >>> copyObject
Creates S3 buckets
ZStream(bucketName1, bucketName2) >>> createBucket
Deletes empty S3 buckets
ZStream(bucketName1, bucketName2) >>> deleteEmptyBucket
The buckets must be empty, if they are not you will get an BucketsNotEmptyException
from S3
Deletes objects from an S3 bucket
ZStream(objectKey1, objectKey2) >>> deleteObjects(bucketName)
Does not result in an error, if object keys do not exist
Checks if a bucket exists
ZStream(bucketName1, bucketName2) >>> existsBucket
Checks if an object exists in an s3 bucket
ZStream(objectKey1, objectKey2) >>> existsObject(bucketName)
It expects the bucket to exist and will return a NoSuchBucketException
if the bucket does not
Gets an object from an S3 bucket
getObject(bucket2, objectKey) >>> ZPipeline.utf8Decode >>> ZSink.mkString
You will receive the objects as a stream of bytes, parsing/decoding of course depends on the object contents. The example here assumes you have a stream of utf-8 encoded bytes and you want to decode them into a string.
Lists all buckets in the account
listBuckets >>> ZSink.collectAll
Currently, gets ALL buckets, there is no pagination support yet. You may want to use some other ZStream combinators to filter the lists prior to collecting bucket names
Lists all objects keys in a bucket takes a BucketName
as an argument
listObjects(bucketName) >>> ZSink.collectAll
Currently, gets ALL objects in the bucket, there is no pagination support yet. You may want to use some other ZStream combinators to filter the lists prior to collecting object keys
Move an object from one bucket to another
ZStream(MoveObject(sourceBucket, sourceKey, targetBucket, targetKey)) >>> moveObject
The sourceBucket
, sourceKey
, and targetBucket
must exist. If the targetKey
exists, it will be overwritten.
Puts an object into an S3 bucket
ZStream.fromChunk(content) >>> putObject(bucketName, objectKey)
Expects as stream of bytes, returns a Unit
if successful.