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Version: 2.x


So now how to use it? Here you can find some examples to dive into:

  • Ping Pong — Example of fire-and-forget ping-pong with remote actor lookup
  • Also there are project samples in examples root directory of the repo. They are meant to be a counterpart of akka-samples for zio-actors.

Ping Pong Example​

Here are type hierarchy and Stateful instance which can be used to create two actors performing basic ping-pong communication.

Configuration File at ./src/main/resources/application.conf​

testSystemOne.zio.actors.remoting {
hostname = ""
port = 8055
testSystemTwo.zio.actors.remoting {
hostname = ""
port = 8056


import zio.actors.Actor.Stateful
import zio.actors._
import zio.RIO
import zio._

sealed trait PingPong[+_]
case class Ping(sender: ActorRef[PingPong]) extends PingPong[Unit]
case object Pong extends PingPong[Unit]
case class GameInit(recipient: ActorRef[PingPong]) extends PingPong[Unit]

val protoHandler = new Stateful[Console, Unit, PingPong] {
override def receive[A](
state: Unit,
msg: PingPong[A],
context: Context
): RIO[Console, (Unit, A)] =
msg match {
case Ping(sender) =>
for {
_ <- Console.printLine("Ping!")
path <- sender.path
_ <- sender ! Pong
} yield ((), ())

case Pong =>
for {
_ <- Console.printLine("Pong!")
} yield ((), ())

case GameInit(to) =>
for {
self <- context.self[PingPong]
_ <- to ! Ping(self)
} yield ((), ())

val program = for {
actorSystemRoot <- ActorSystem("testSystemOne")
one <- actorSystemRoot.make("actorOne", zio.actors.Supervisor.none, (), protoHandler)

actorSystem <- ActorSystem("testSystemTwo")
_ <- actorSystem.make("actorTwo", zio.actors.Supervisor.none, (), protoHandler)

remoteActor <-[PingPong](

_ <- one ! GameInit(remoteActor)

} yield ()