Additional Resources
In order to quickly start with Quill, we have setup some template projects:
Slick comparison​
Please refer to for a detailed comparison between Quill and Slick.
Cassandra libraries comparison​
Please refer to for a detailed comparison between Quill and other main alternatives for interaction with Cassandra in Scala.
Related Projects​
- quill-generic - Generic DAO Support for Quill.
- scala-db-codegen - Code/boilerplate generator from db schema
- quill-cache - Caching layer for Quill
- quill-gen - a DAO generator for
External content​
- [Dotty/Scala 3] Functional Scala 2020 - Quill, Dotty, And The Awesome Power of 'Inline'
- [Intro] ScalaDays Berlin 2016 - Scylla, Charybdis, and the mystery of Quill
- [Intro] Postgres Philly 2019 - Introduction to Quill
- ScalaUA 2020 - Manipulating Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs) to generate safe SQL Queries with Quill
- BeeScala 2019 - Quill + Spark = Better Together
- Scale By the Bay 2019 - Quill + Doobie = Better Together
- ScQuilL, Porting Quill to Dotty (Ongoing) - Quill, Dotty, and Macros
Blog posts​
- [Intro] Haoyi's Programming Blog - Working with Databases using Scala and Quill
- Juliano Alves's Blog - Streaming all the way with ZIO, Doobie, Quill, http4s and fs2
- Juliano Alves's Blog - Quill: Translating Boolean Literals
- Juliano Alves's Blog - Quill NDBC Postgres: A New Async Module
- Juliano Alves's Blog - Contributing to Quill, a Pairing Session
- Medium @ Fwbrasil - quill-spark: A type-safe Scala API for Spark SQL
- blog - Compile-time Queries with Quill
Code of Conduct​
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. See for details.
See the LICENSE file for details.