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Version: 2.x

Flash Messages

Flash messages are temporary short-lived messages that are displayed to users on web applications to inform users about the outcome of certain actions, such as form submissions. These messages are typically stored in session data but are automatically removed after being displayed to the user.

Flash messages are particularly useful in scenarios involving HTTP redirections, where there may not be a dedicated view to display messages directly. They help maintain a smooth user experience by providing timely feedback without cluttering the interface.


Assume we have a simple web application that allows users to submit a form. After the form is submitted, we want to display a success message to the user. We also want to display an error message if the form submission fails. How can we implement this?

Assume we have a simple form that submits a user's name and age to the /users/save endpoint:

<form id="myform" action="/users/save" method="POST">
<label for="name">Name:</label><br/>
<input type="text" id="name" name="name"/><br/>
<label for="age">Age:</label><br/>
<input type="number" id="age" name="age"/><br/><br/>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>

After the form is submitted, we want to display the outcome of the form submission to the user. We want to display a success message if the form submission is successful, and an error message if the form submission fails. Additionally, we want to display the list of users we have submitted so far.

One simple solution is to respond with an HTML page that contains the messages and the list of users on the same endpoint (/users/save). However, this approach has a drawback: if the user refreshes the page, the form will be resubmitted, which may lead to duplicate submissions:

import zio._
import zio.http._

val saveUserRoute: Route[Ref[List[User]], Nothing] =
Method.POST / "users" / "save" -> handler { (req: Request) =>
for {
usersDb <- ZIO.service[Ref[List[User]]]
form <- req.body.asURLEncodedForm.orDie
name <- ZIO.fromOption(form.get("name")).flatMap(_.asText)
age <- ZIO.fromOption(form.get("age")).flatMap(_.asText).map(_.toInt)
users <- usersDb.updateAndGet(_ appended User(name, age))
} yield Response.html(ui.renderNotice("User saved successfully!") ++ ui.renderUsers(users))
}.catchAll { _ =>
handler {
data = ui.renderAlert("Failed to save user! Something went wrong!"),
status = Status.Forbidden
Full Implementation Showcase
import zio._
import zio.http._
import zio.http.codec.PathCodec
import zio.http.template._

case class User(name: String, age: Int)

object ui {

def renderNotice(html: Html): Html = div(styleAttr := "background: green", html)

def renderAlert(html: Html): Html = div(styleAttr := "background: red", html)

def renderUsers(users: List[User]): Html = {
borderAttr := "1",
ol( { u =>


object NotificationWithoutFlash extends ZIOAppDefault {
val homeRoute: Route[Any, Nothing] =
Method.GET / PathCodec.empty -> handler {
form(idAttr := "myform", actionAttr := "/users/save", methodAttr := "POST",
label("Name:", forAttr("name")), br(),
input(typeAttr := "text", idAttr := "name", nameAttr := "name"), br(),
label("Age:", forAttr := "age"), br(),
input(typeAttr := "number", idAttr := "age", nameAttr := "age"), br(), br(),
button("Submit", typeAttr := "submit"),

val saveUserRoute: Route[Ref[List[User]], Nothing] =
Method.POST / "users" / "save" -> handler { (req: Request) =>
for {
usersDb <- ZIO.service[Ref[List[User]]]
form <- req.body.asURLEncodedForm.orDie
name <- ZIO.fromOption(form.get("name")).flatMap(_.asText)
age <- ZIO.fromOption(form.get("age")).flatMap(_.asText).map(_.toInt)
users <- usersDb.updateAndGet(_ appended User(name, age))
} yield Response.html(ui.renderNotice("User saved successfully!") ++ ui.renderUsers(users))
}.catchAll { _ =>
handler {
data = ui.renderAlert("Failed to save user! Something went wrong!"),
status = Status.Forbidden

def run = Server.serve(Routes(saveUserRoute, homeRoute))
.provide(Server.default, ZLayer(Ref.make(List.empty[User])))

Run the server and open the browser to http://localhost:8080. You will see a form to submit user details. After submitting the form, you will see the outcome of the form submission on the /users/save endpoint. Now refresh the page and you will see the form is resubmitted.

So it is better to redirect the user to a different endpoint after the form submission. In this case, we may want to redirect the user to the /users endpoint after the form submission. However, we need to find a way to pass the notification messages /users endpoint.


The flash messages are designed to solve this problem. In such a scenario, the form endpoint (/users/save) will not be responsible for displaying the messages. Instead, it will be responsible for adding the new user to the database, storing the outcome of the form submission in the session data, and finally redirecting the user to the /users endpoint.

The /users endpoint will then read the message from the session data and display it to the user. The message will be removed from the session data after being displayed to the user.

import zio._
import zio.http._

val saveUserRoute: Route[Flash.Backend with Ref[List[User]], Nothing] =
Method.POST / "users" / "save" -> handler { (req: Request) =>
for {
usersDb <- ZIO.service[Ref[List[User]]]
flashBackend <- ZIO.service[Flash.Backend]
form <- req.body.asURLEncodedForm
name <- ZIO.fromOption(form.get("name")).flatMap(_.asText)
age <- ZIO.fromOption(form.get("age")).flatMap(_.asText).map(_.toInt)
_ <- usersDb.update(_ appended User(name, age))
response <- flashBackend.addFlash(
response = Response.seeOther(URL.root / "users"),
setter = Flash.setNotice("User saved successfully!")
} yield response
}.catchAll { _ =>
handler {
for {
flashBackend <- ZIO.service[Flash.Backend]
response <- flashBackend.addFlash(
response = Response.seeOther(URL.root / "users"),
setter = Flash.setAlert("Failed to save user! Something went wrong!")
} yield response

val getUsersRoute: Route[Ref[List[User]] with Flash.Backend, Nothing] =
Method.GET / "users" -> handler { (req: Request) =>
for {
flashBackend <- ZIO.service[Flash.Backend]
usersDb <- ZIO.service[Ref[List[User]]]
users <- usersDb.get
usersHTML = ui.renderUsers(users)
html <- flashBackend.flashOrElse(
request = req,
flash = Flash.getMessageHtml.foldHtml(ui.renderNotice, ui.renderAlert)(ui.renderBothMessage),
} yield Response.html(html ++ usersHTML)
Full Implementation Showcase
import zio._
import zio.http._
import zio.http.codec.PathCodec

case class User(name: String, age: Int)

import zio.http.template._

object ui {
def renderNoFlash = Html.fromString("no-flash")

def renderBothMessage(notice: Html, alert: Html): Html = notice ++ alert

def renderNotice(html: Html): Html = div(styleAttr := "background: green", html)

def renderAlert(html: Html): Html = div(styleAttr := "background: red", html)

def renderUsers(users: List[User]): Html = {
borderAttr := "1",
ol( { u =>


object NotificationWithFlash extends ZIOAppDefault {
val homeRoute: Route[Any, Nothing] =
Method.GET / PathCodec.empty -> handler {
form(idAttr := "myform", actionAttr := "/users/save", methodAttr := "POST",
label("Name:", forAttr("name")), br(),
input(typeAttr := "text", idAttr := "name", nameAttr := "name"), br(),
label("Age:", forAttr := "age"), br(),
input(typeAttr := "number", idAttr := "age", nameAttr := "age"), br(), br(),
button("Submit", typeAttr := "submit"),

val saveUserRoute: Route[Flash.Backend with Ref[List[User]], Nothing] =
Method.POST / "users" / "save" -> handler { (req: Request) =>
for {
usersDb <- ZIO.service[Ref[List[User]]]
flashBackend <- ZIO.service[Flash.Backend]
form <- req.body.asURLEncodedForm
name <- ZIO.fromOption(form.get("name")).flatMap(_.asText)
age <- ZIO.fromOption(form.get("age")).flatMap(_.asText).map(_.toInt)
_ <- usersDb.update(_ appended User(name, age))
response <- flashBackend.addFlash(
response = Response.seeOther(URL.root / "users"),
setter = Flash.setNotice("User saved successfully!")
} yield response
}.catchAll { _ =>
handler {
for {
flashBackend <- ZIO.service[Flash.Backend]
response <- flashBackend.addFlash(
response = Response.seeOther(URL.root / "users"),
setter = Flash.setAlert("Failed to save user! Something went wrong!")
} yield response

val getUsersRoute: Route[Ref[List[User]] with Flash.Backend, Nothing] =
Method.GET / "users" -> handler { (req: Request) =>
for {
flashBackend <- ZIO.service[Flash.Backend]
usersDb <- ZIO.service[Ref[List[User]]]
users <- usersDb.get
usersHTML = ui.renderUsers(users)
html <- flashBackend.flashOrElse(
request = req,
flash = Flash.getMessageHtml.foldHtml(ui.renderNotice, ui.renderAlert)(ui.renderBothMessage),
} yield Response.html(html ++ usersHTML)

val app = Routes(saveUserRoute, getUsersRoute, homeRoute)

def run = Server.serve(app).provide(Server.default, Flash.Backend.inMemory, ZLayer(Ref.make(List.empty[User])))

If we run the server and open the browser to http://localhost:8080, we will see a form to submit user details. After submitting the form, we will see the outcome of the form submission on the /users endpoint. The /users endpoint is responsible for getting the stored flash messages and displaying them to the user.

If we refresh the page, the form won't be resubmitted, and the notification won't be displayed again. Flash messages are one-time messages that disappear after the first read.

Setting/Retrieving Flash Messages

There are two types of flash messages, notice and alert. To set a flash message, we use the Flash.setNotice and Flash.setAlert methods. These methods take a message of type A and return a Flash.Setter[A] object:

import zio.http._
import zio.schema.DeriveSchema

case class CustomAlert(
message: String,
cause: String

implicit val customAlertSchema = DeriveSchema.gen[CustomAlert]

val notice1: Flash.Setter[String] =
Flash.setNotice("The form was submitted successfully!")
val notice2: Flash.Setter[Int] =

val alert1: Flash.Setter[String] =
Flash.setAlert("The form submission failed. Please try again!")
val alert2: Flash.Setter[CustomAlert] =
Flash.setAlert(CustomAlert("The form submission failed!", "Invalid form data."))

The Flash.Setter[A] object is used to set the flash message in the session data by calling the Response#addFlash or Flash.Backend#addFlash methods:

val response1: Response = response.addFlash(notice1)
val response2: Response = response.addFlash(alert1)

The notice and alert flash messages are stored in the session data with their respective predefined keys, notice and alert. We have also a general setter to set a flash message with a custom key, Flash.setValue. It takes a key and a value of type A and returns a Flash.Setter[A] object:

import zio.http._
import zio.schema.DeriveSchema

val setter1: Flash.Setter[String] =
Flash.setValue("security", "You haven't changed your password for a long time!")
val setter2: Flash.Setter[Int] =
Flash.setValue("quota", 90)

case class Notification(
message: String,
service: String,
severity: Int
implicit val notificationSchema = DeriveSchema.gen[Notification]
val setter3: Flash.Setter[Notification] =
Flash.setValue("notification", Notification("Service is down!", "Database", 3))

The flash messages can be retrieved from the session data by calling the Request.flash method. This method takes a Flash[A] object and returns the typed value of the flash message (Option[A]). To create a Flash object, we use the Flash.get* methods:




Let's take a look at list of setter methods:

Flash.setValue[A: Schema](key: String, a: A)Setter[A]Sets a flash value of type A with the given key in the flash scope.
Flash.setNotice[A: Schema](a: A)Setter[A]Sets a flash notice message with the provided value of type A in the flash scope.
Flash.setAlert[A: Schema](a: A)Setter[A]Sets a flash alert message with the provided value of type A in the flash scope.
Flash.setEmptySetter[Unit]Clears the flash scope by setting it to empty.

And here is the list of getter methods:

Flash.get[A: Schema](key: String)Flash[A]Gets any flash value of type A with the given key key.
Flash.getString(key: String)Flash[String]Gets a flash value of type String with the given key key.
Flash.getNotice[A: Schema]Flash[A]Gets a flash value of type A associated with the notice key.
Flash.getAlert[A: Schema]Flash[A]Gets a flash value of type A associated with the alert key.
Flash.getFloat(key: String)Flash[Float]Gets a flash value of type Float with the given key key.
Flash.getDouble(key: String)Flash[Double]Gets a flash value of type Double with the given key key.
Flash.getInt(key: String)Flash[Int]Gets a flash value of type Int with the given key key.
Flash.getLong(key: String)Flash[Long]Gets a flash value of type Long with the given key key.
Flash.getUUID(key: String)Flash[UUID]Gets a flash value of type UUID with the given key key.
Flash.getBoolean(key: String)Flash[Boolean]Gets a flash value of type Boolean with the given key key.
Flash.get[A: Schema]Flash[A]Gets the first flash value of type A regardless of any key.

Setting/Retrieving Multiple Flash Messages

Flash messages are composable, this means that we can have multiple flash messages and setting/retrieving them in a single request/response. Let's compose two setters and add them to a response:

val setter: Flash.Setter[(String, String)] = 
Flash.setNotice("The form was submitted successfully!") ++
Flash.setAlert("You are reaching your quota!")
val response = Response.ok.addFlash(setter)

Then we can retrieve both messages from the request:

val getter: Flash[(String, String)] = 
Flash.getNotice[String] <*> Flash.getAlert[String]
val result: Option[(String, String)] =

To render both messages, ZIO HTTP provides the Flash#getMessage and Flash#getMessageHtml which they return Flash[Message[A, B]] and Flash[Message[Html, Html]]. The Message represents both a notice and an alert message, so we can render it by folding both messages into a single value using the Flash#foldHtml method:

val getBoth: Flash[Html] =
Flash.getMessageHtml.foldHtml(renderNotice, renderAlert)(renderBothMessage)
val html = request.flash(getBoth).getOrElse(renderNoFlash)
Full Implementation Showcase
import zio._
import zio.http._
import zio.http.template._

object ui {
def renderNoFlash = Html.fromString("no-flash")

def renderNotice(html: Html): Html = div(styleAttr := "background: green", html)

def renderAlert(html: Html): Html = div(styleAttr := "background: red", html)

def renderBothMessage(notice: Html, alert: Html): Html = notice ++ alert

object SetGetBothFlashExample extends ZIOAppDefault {
val routes = Routes(
Method.GET / "set-flash" -> handler {
val setBoth: Flash.Setter[(String, String)] =
Flash.setNotice("The form was submitted successfully!") ++
Flash.setAlert("You are reaching your quota!")
.seeOther(URL.root / "get-flash")
Method.GET / "get-flash" -> handler { (req: Request) =>
val getBoth: Flash[Html] =
Flash.getMessageHtml.foldHtml(ui.renderNotice, ui.renderAlert)(ui.renderBothMessage)

def run = Server.serve(routes).provide(Server.default, Flash.Backend.inMemory)

Flash Backends

By default, ZIO HTTP uses cookie-based flash-scope to store flash messages. This means that flash messages are stored in the session data as a cookie named zio-http-flash. Let's run a simple example and see what is stored in the session data:

import zio._
import zio.http._

object CookieBasedFlashExample extends ZIOAppDefault {
val routes = Routes(
Method.GET / "set-flash" -> handler {
.seeOther(URL.root / "get-flash")
Flash.setNotice("The form was submitted successfully!"),
Method.GET / "get-flash" -> handler { (req: Request) =>

def run = Server.serve(routes).provide(Server.default)

After running the server and calling the /set-flash endpoint, we can inspect the headers of the response and see the zio-http-flash cookie:

$ curl -X GET -i
HTTP/1.1 303 See Other
location: /get-flash
set-cookie: zio-http-flash=%7B%22notice%22%3A%22%5C%22The+form+was+submitted+successfully%21%5C%22%22%7D; Path=/
content-length: 0

We can see that the flash message is encoded and stored inside the zio-http-flash cookie. The browser will store this cookie and send it back to the server on subsequent requests. If we call the /get-flash endpoint with the zio-http-flash cookie, we will see the flash message:

$ curl -X GET -H "cookie: zio-http-flash=%7B%22notice%22%3A%22%5C%22The+form+was+submitted+successfully%21%5C%22%22%7D; Path=/" -i
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: text/plain
content-length: 28

The form was submitted successfully!

Using cookies to store flash messages has some limitations, such as the maximum size of the cookie, which is around 4KB.

Backend-based Flash-scope

To overcome these limitations, ZIO HTTP provides a way to store flash messages in custom backends, such as in-memory, Redis, or any other custom backend. To use a backend, we need to get Flash.Backend service from the environment and use it to set and retrieve flash messages and finally, we should provide an implementation of the Flash.Backend trait to the HTTP application.

ZIO HTTP has a built-in in-memory backend that can be used to store flash messages in memory of the server, but still requires a cookie to store the identifier of the flash messages. To use the in-memory backend, we can provide the Flash.Backend.inMemory layer to our application:

import zio._
import zio.http._
import zio.http.template._

object FlashBackendExample extends ZIOAppDefault {
val routes = Routes(
Method.GET / "set-flash" -> handler {
for {
flashBackend <- ZIO.service[Flash.Backend]
response <- flashBackend.addFlash(
Response.seeOther(URL.root / "get-flash"),
Flash.setNotice("The form was submitted successfully!"),
} yield response
Method.GET / "get-flash" -> handler { (req: Request) =>
for {
flashBackend <- ZIO.service[Flash.Backend]
notice <- flashBackend.flash(req, Flash.getNotice[String])
} yield Response.text(notice)

def run = Server.serve(routes).provide(Server.default, Flash.Backend.inMemory)

By running the server and calling the /set-flash endpoint, we can see that the zio-http-flash cookie is only used to store the identifier of the flash messages (flashId), any other data is stored in server memory:

milad@nixos ~> curl -x GET -i
HTTP/1.1 303 See Other
location: /get-flash
set-cookie: zio-http-flash=%7B%22flashId%22%3A%22%5C%22560c32c7-35c7-441e-9861-97562732db29%5C%22%22%7D; Path=/
content-length: 0

If we call the /get-flash endpoint with the zio-http-flash cookie, we will see the flash message:

$ curl -X GET -H "cookie: zio-http-flash=%7B%22flashId%22%3A%22%5C%22560c32c7-35c7-441e-9861-97562732db29%5C%22%22%7D; Path=/" -i
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: text/plain
content-length: 28

The form was submitted successfully!

When we are using cookie-based flash-scope, we are responsible for removing (expiring) the flash messages from the session data after being read/displayed to the user. However, when we are using in-memory backed, the flash messages are automatically removed, so after the first read, we have no access to the flash messages anymore.