Form Data
The Form
represents a collection of FormFields
that can be a multipart or URL-encoded form:
final case class Form(formData: Chunk[FormField])
A Form
is commonly used in request bodies for handling data from HTML forms and file uploads, although it can also be utilized in response bodies.
Form Fields​
A FormField
is a field within a Form
and consists of a name, content type, type-specific content, and an optional filename.
sealed trait FormField {
def name: String
def contentType: MediaType
def filename: Option[String]
There are four types of FormField
: Simple FormField, Text FormField, Binary FormField, and StreamingBinary FormField.
Simple FormField​
Simple form fields are represented by the Simple
case class. They consist of a simple key-value pair containing a name and a value (String). Unlike Binary and Text, they do not contain additional metadata such as content type or filename:
final case class Simple(name: String, value: String) extends FormField {
override val contentType: MediaType = MediaType.text.plain
override val filename: Option[String] = None
To create a simple form field, we can use FormField.simpleField
import zio.http._
val simpleFormField = FormField.simpleField("name", "value")
Instances of FormField.Simple
are commonly used for transmitting simple textual data where additional metadata is not required, such as form fields in HTML forms.
Text FormField​
Text form fields are represented by the Text
case class. They contain textual data (String) along with metadata such as the content type and optionally the filename:
final case class Text(
name: String,
value: String,
contentType: MediaType,
filename: Option[String] = None,
) extends FormField
To create a text form field, we can use FormField.textField
import zio.http._
val textFormField1 = FormField.textField("name", "value")
val textFormField2 = FormField.textField("name", "value", MediaType.text.plain)
Instances of FormField.Text
are used for transmitting simple textual data and textual files, such as text files, HTML files, and so on.
Binary FormField​
Binary form fields are represented by the FormField.Binary
case class. They contain binary data (Chunk[Byte]
), along with metadata such as the content type (MediaType
) and optionally the Content-Transfer-Encoding
header field and filename:
final case class Binary(
name: String,
data: Chunk[Byte],
contentType: MediaType,
transferEncoding: Option[ContentTransferEncoding] = None,
filename: Option[String] = None,
) extends FormField
To create a binary form field, we can use FormField.binaryField
import zio._
import zio.http._
import zio.http.Header._
val image = Chunk.fromArray(???)
val binaryFormField = FormField.binaryField(
name = "profile pic",
data = image,
mediaType = MediaType.image.jpeg,
transferEncoding = Some(ContentTransferEncoding.Binary),
filename = Some("profile.jpg")
The data is not encoded in any way relative to the provided transferEncoding
. It is the responsibility of the user to encode the data
This form field is suitable for transmitting files or other binary data through HTTP requests.
The data is typically encoded in a way that can be transmitted as text (e.g., Base64 encoding) and decoded on the receiving end. The transfer encoding can be one of the following: SevenBit
, EightBit
, Binary
, QuotedPrintable
, Base64
, and XToken
Creating a Form​
The Form
's companion object offers several convenient methods for constructing form data, whether from individual form fields, key-value pairs, multipart bytes, query parameters, or URL-encoded data. We'll cover each of these methods and provide examples to illustrate their usage.
Creating an Empty Form​
We can create an empty form using the empty method:
import zio.http._
val emptyForm = Form.empty
This creates an empty form with no fields.
Creating a Form from Form Fields​
We can create a form by providing individual form fields using the Form.apply
method. This method takes one or more FormField objects:
import zio.http._
val form = Form(
FormField.Simple("name", "John"),
FormField.Simple("age", "42"),
Creating a Form from Key-Value Pairs​
We can create a form from key-value pairs using the Form.fromStrings
import zio.http._
val formData = Form.fromStrings(
"username" -> "johndoe",
"password" -> "secret",
Decoding Raw Multipart Bytes into a Form​
We can create a form from multipart bytes using the Form.fromMultipartBytes
method. This is useful when handling multipart form data received in HTTP requests.
Assume we have received the following multipart data:
import zio.http._
val multipartBytes =
|Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field1"\r
|Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field2"\r
|Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file1"; filename="filename1.txt"\r
|Content-Type: text/plain\r
|Contents of filename1.txt\r
|Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file2"; filename="filename2.txt"\r
|Content-Type: text/plain\r
|Contents of filename2.txt\r
We can decode it with the following code:
import zio._
import zio.http._
val charset = Charsets.Utf8
val formTask: Task[Form] =
Form.fromMultipartBytes(Chunk.fromArray(multipartBytes), charset, Some(Boundary("boundary123")))
val formData: Task[Chunk[FormField]] =
Creating a Form from Query Parameters​
We can create a form from query parameters using the Form.fromQueryParams
import zio.http._
val queryParams: QueryParams = QueryParams(
"name" -> "John",
"age" -> "42"
val form = Form.fromQueryParams(queryParams)
Creating a Form from URL-Encoded Data​
We can create a form from URL-encoded data using the Form.fromURLEncoded
import zio.http._
val encodedData: String = "username=johndoe&password=secret"
// encodedData: String = "username=johndoe&password=secret"
val formResult: Either[FormDecodingError, Form] =
Form.fromURLEncoded(encodedData, Charsets.Utf8)
// formResult: Either[FormDecodingError, Form] = Right(
// value = Form(
// formData = IndexedSeq(
// Simple(name = "username", value = "johndoe"),
// Simple(name = "password", value = "secret")
// )
// )
// )
Appending Fields to a Form​
We can append fields to an existing form using the +
or append
import zio.http._
val form =
FormField.simpleField("username", "johndoe"),
FormField.simpleField("password", "secretpassword"),
) + FormField.simpleField("age", "42")
// form: Form = Form(
// formData = IndexedSeq(
// Simple(name = "username", value = "johndoe"),
// Simple(name = "password", value = "secretpassword"),
// Simple(name = "age", value = "42")
// )
// )
Accessing Fields in a Form​
We can access fields in a form using the get
method, which returns an option containing the first field with the specified name:
// res8: Option[FormField] = Some(
// value = Simple(name = "username", value = "johndoe")
// )
This method allows us to retrieve a specific field from the form by its name.
Encoding Forms​
We can encode forms using multipart encoding or URL encoding.
Multipart Encoding​
The Form#multipartBytes
method takes the boundary and encodes the form using multipart encoding and returns the multipart byte stream:
import zio.http._
val form: Form = ???
val multipartStream: ZStream[Any, Nothing, Byte] =
URL Encoding​
The Form#urlEncoded
method encodes the form using URL encoding and returns the encoded string:
import zio.http._
// res10: String = "username=johndoe&password=secretpassword&age=42"
// res11: String = "username=johndoe&password=secretpassword&age=42"
Converting Form to Query Parameters​
The toQueryParams
method in the Form object allows us to convert a form into query parameters:
import zio.http._
val queryParams: QueryParams = form.toQueryParams
// queryParams: QueryParams = JavaLinkedHashMapQueryParams(
// underlying = {username=[johndoe], password=[secretpassword], age=[42]}
// )
// res12: String = "?username=johndoe&password=secretpassword&age=42"