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Version: 2.x

Dive Into ZIO Config

Note that this documentation is for 1.x series. For newer versions, please refer to docs section in GitHub.

Describe the config by hand​

We must fetch the configuration from the environment to a case class (product) in scala. Let it be MyConfig

import zio.IO

import zio.config._
import zio.ConfigProvider
import zio.Config, Config._

case class MyConfig(ldap: String, port: Int, dburl: String)

To perform any action using zio-config, we need a configuration description. Let's define a simple one.

val myConfig: Config[MyConfig] =
(string("LDAP") zip int("PORT") zip string("DB_URL")).to[MyConfig]

// Config[MyConfig]

To get a tuple,

val myConfigTupled: Config[(String, Int, String)] =
(string("LDAP") zip int("PORT") zip string("DB_URL"))

Fully automated Config Description​

If you don't like describing your configuration manually, and rely on the names of the parameter in the case class (or sealed trait), there is a separate module called zio-config-magnolia.

Note: zio-config-shapeless is an alternative to zio-config-magnolia to support scala 2.11 projects. It will be deprecated once we find users have moved on from scala 2.11.

import zio.config._
import zio.config.magnolia._

val myConfigAutomatic = deriveConfig[MyConfig]

myConfig and myConfigAutomatic are same description, and is of the same type.

Refer to API docs for more explanations on descriptor More examples on automatic derivation is in examples module of zio-config

Read config from various sources​

There are more information on various sources in here.

Below given is a simple example.

val map =
"LDAP" -> "xyz",
"PORT" -> "8888",
"DB_URL" -> "postgres"

val source = ConfigProvider.fromMap(map)


Documentations using Config​

//Creates documentation (automatic)

val betterConfig =
(string("LDAP") ?? "Related to auth" zip int("PORT") ?? "Database port" zip
string("DB_URL") ?? "url of database"

// Custom documentation along with auto generated docs

Accumulating all errors​

For any misconfiguration, the ReadError collects all of them with proper semantics: AndErrors and OrErrors. Instead of directly printing misconfigurations, the ReadError.prettyPrint shows the path, detail of collected misconfigurations.

  1. All misconfigurations of AndErrors are put in parallel lines.
β•‘ β•‘ FormatError
β•‘ MissingValue
  1. OrErrors are in the same line which indicates a sequential misconfiguration
β• MissingValue
β• FormatError

Here is a complete example:

β•‘ β•‘ β•‘
β•‘ β•‘ ╠─MissingValue
β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ path: var2
β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ Details: value of type string
β•‘ β•‘ β•‘
β•‘ β•‘ ╠─MissingValue path: envvar3
β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ path: var3
β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ Details: value of type string
β•‘ β•‘ β•‘
β•‘ β•‘ β–Ό
β•‘ β•‘
β•‘ ╠─FormatError
β•‘ β•‘ cause: Provided value is wrong, expecting the type int
β•‘ β•‘ path: var1
β•‘ β–Ό

Example of mapping keys​

Now on, the only way to change keys is as follows:

  // mapKey is just a function in `Config` that pre-existed

val config = deriveConfig[Config].mapKey(_.toUpperCase)

Inbuilt support for pure-config​

Many users make use of the label type in HOCON files to annotate the type of the coproduct. Now on, zio-config has inbuilt support for reading such a file/string using descriptorForPureConfig.

import zio.config._, typesafe._, magnolia._

sealed trait X
case class A(name: String) extends X
case class B(age: Int) extends X

case class AppConfig(x: X)

val str =
x : {
type = A
name = jon


The to method for easy manual configurations​

import zio.config._
import zio.Config

final case class AppConfig(port: Int, url: String)

val config ="PORT").zip(Config.string("URL")).to[AppConfig]

A few handy methods​


import zio.config._

final case class Variables(variable1: Int, variable2: Option[Int])

val listOfConfig: List[Config[Variables]] =
List("GROUP1", "GROUP2", "GROUP3", "GROUP4")
.map(group => ("${group}_VARIABLE1") zip"${group}_VARIABLE2").optional).to[Variables])

val configOfList: Config[List[Variables]] =
Config.collectAll(listOfConfig.head, listOfConfig.tail: _*)

orElseEither && Constant​

import zio.config._ 

sealed trait Greeting

case object Hello extends Greeting
case object Bye extends Greeting

val configSource =
ConfigProvider.fromMap(Map("greeting" -> "Hello"))

val config: Config[Greeting] =