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Version: 2.x

Zooming In on Nested Values


We can extract a value from a Some using ZIO#some and then we can unsome it again using ZIO#unsome:

ZIO.attempt(Option("something")) // ZIO[Any, Throwable, Option[String]]
.some // ZIO[Any, Option[Throwable], String]
.unsome // ZIO[Any, Throwable, Option[String]]


With Either ZIO values, we can zoom in or out on the left or right side of an Either, as well as we can do the inverse and zoom out:

import zio._

val eitherEffect: ZIO[Any, Exception, Either[String, Int]] = ???

eitherEffect // ZIO[Any, Exception, Either[String, Int]]
.left // ZIO[Any, Either[Exception, Int], String]
.unleft // ZIO[Any, Exception, Either[String, Int]]

eitherEffect // ZIO[Any, Exception, Either[String, Int]]
.right // ZIO[Any, Either[String, Exception], Int]
.unright // ZIO[Any, Exception, Either[String, Int]]