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Exposing Errors in The Success Channel

Before taking into ZIO#either and ZIO#absolve, let's see their signature:

trait ZIO[-R, +E, +A] {
def either(implicit ev: CanFail[E]): URIO[R, Either[E, A]]
def absolve[E1 >: E, B](implicit ev: A IsSubtypeOfOutput Either[E1, B]): ZIO[R, E1, B]

Before continuing, let's take a look again at the validate function we have written earlier:

import zio._

sealed trait AgeValidationException extends Exception
case class NegativeAgeException(age: Int) extends AgeValidationException
case class IllegalAgeException(age: Int) extends AgeValidationException

def validate(age: Int): ZIO[Any, AgeValidationException, Int] =
if (age < 0)
else if (age < 18)
else ZIO.succeed(age)

Now we are ready to use ZIO#either and ZIO#absolve operations:


The ZIO#either convert a ZIO[R, E, A] effect to another effect in which its failure (E) and success (A) channel have been lifted into an Either[E, A] data type as success channel of the ZIO data type:

import zio._

val age: Int = ???

val res: URIO[Any, Either[AgeValidationException, Int]] = validate(age).either

The resulting effect is an unexceptional effect and cannot fail, because the failure case has been exposed as part of the Either success case. The error parameter of the returned ZIO is Nothing, since it is guaranteed the ZIO effect does not model failure.

This method is useful for recovering from ZIO effects that may fail:

import zio._

val myApp: ZIO[Any, IOException, Unit] =
for {
_ <- Console.print("Please enter your age: ")
age <-
res <- validate(age).either
_ <- res match {
case Left(error) => ZIO.debug(s"validation failed: $error")
case Right(age) => ZIO.debug(s"The $age validated!")
} yield ()


The ZIO#abolve operator and the ZIO.absolve constructor perform the inverse. They submerge the error case of an Either into the ZIO:

import zio._

val age: Int = ???
validate(age) // ZIO[Any, AgeValidationException, Int]
.either // ZIO[Any, Either[AgeValidationException, Int]]
.absolve // ZIO[Any, AgeValidationException, Int]

Here is another example:

import zio._

def sqrt(input: ZIO[Any, Nothing, Double]): ZIO[Any, String, Double] =
ZIO.absolve( { value =>
if (value < 0.0)
Left("Value must be >= 0.0")