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Version: 2.0.x

Chaining Effects Based on Errors

Unlike ZIO#flatMap the ZIO#flatMapError combinator chains two effects, where the second effect is dependent on the error channel of the first effect:

trait ZIO[-R, +E, +A] {
def flatMapError[R1 <: R, E2](
f: E => ZIO[R1, Nothing, E2]
): ZIO[R1, E2, A]

In the following example, we are trying to find a random prime number between 1000 and 10000. We will use the ZIO#flatMapError to collect all errors inside a Ref of type List[String]:

import zio._

object MainApp extends ZIOAppDefault {
def isPrime(n: Int): Boolean =
if (n <= 1) false else (2 until n).forall(i => n % i != 0)

def findPrimeBetween(
minInclusive: Int,
maxExclusive: Int
): ZIO[Any, List[String], Int] =
for {
errors <- Ref.make(List.empty[String])
number <- Random
.nextIntBetween(minInclusive, maxExclusive)
.reject {
case n if !isPrime(n) =>
s"non-prime number rejected: $n"
.flatMapError(error => errors.updateAndGet(_ :+ error))
.retryUntil(_.length >= 5)
} yield number

val myApp: ZIO[Any, Nothing, Unit] =
findPrimeBetween(1000, 10000)
.flatMap(prime => Console.printLine(s"found a prime number: $prime").orDie)
.catchAll { (errors: List[String]) =>
s"failed to find a prime number after 5 attempts:\n ${errors.mkString("\n ")}"

def run = myApp