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Version: 2.0.x

Filtering the Success Channel

ZIO has a variety of operators that can filter values on the success channel based on a given predicate, and if the predicate fails, we can use different strategies:

  • Failing the original effect (ZIO#filterOrFail)
  • Dying the original effect (ZIO#filterOrDie and ZIO#filterOrDieMessage)
  • Running an alternative ZIO effect (ZIO#filterOrElse and ZIO#filterOrElseWith)
import zio._

def getNumber: ZIO[Any, Nothing, Int] =
(Console.print("Please enter a non-negative number: ") *>

val r1: ZIO[Any, String, Int] =
Random.nextInt.filterOrFail(_ >= 0)("random number is negative")

val r2: ZIO[Any, Nothing, Int] =
Random.nextInt.filterOrDie(_ >= 0)(
new IllegalArgumentException("random number is negative")

val r3: ZIO[Any, Nothing, Int] =
Random.nextInt.filterOrDieMessage(_ >= 0)("random number is negative")

val r4: ZIO[Any, Nothing, Int] =
Random.nextInt.filterOrElse(_ >= 0)(getNumber)

val r5: ZIO[Any, Nothing, Int] =
Random.nextInt.filterOrElseWith(_ >= 0)(x => ZIO.succeed(-x))