ZIO NebulaGraph
zio-nebula is a simple wrapper around nebula-java for easier integration with NebulaGraph into Scala, ZIO applications.
- Supports all clients: Session Pool、Pool、Storage、Meta
- Support for configuring clients with typesafe config
- Other optimizations suitable for Scala pure functional
- Support Scala 3, Scala 2.13 and Scala 2.12
In order to use this library, we need to add the following line in our build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "io.github.jxnu-liguobin" %% "zio-nebula" % <version>
There are the version correspondence between zio-nebula and nebula-java:
zio | zio-nebula | nebula-java |
2.0.x | 0.0.x | 3.6.0 |
2.0.x | 0.1.0 | 3.6.0 |
2.0.x | 0.1.1 | 3.6.1 |
Usually, we use a session client, which can be conveniently used in ZIO applications like this:
import zio._
import zio.nebula._
final class NebulaSessionClientExample(sessionClient: NebulaSessionClient) {
def execute(stmt: String): ZIO[Any, Throwable, NebulaResultSet] = {
// your business logic
object NebulaSessionClientExample {
lazy val layer = ZLayer.fromFunction(new NebulaSessionClientExample(_))
object NebulaSessionClientMain extends ZIOAppDefault {
override def run = (for {
_ <- ZIO.serviceWithZIO[NebulaSessionClient](_.init()) // since 0.1.1, no need to call it manually.
_ <- ZIO.serviceWithZIO[NebulaSessionClientExample](
|INSERT VERTEX person(name, age) VALUES
|'Bob':('Bob', 10),
|'Lily':('Lily', 9),'Tom':('Tom', 10),
|'Jerry':('Jerry', 13),
|'John':('John', 11);""".stripMargin)
_ <- ZIO.serviceWithZIO[NebulaSessionClientExample](
|INSERT EDGE like(likeness) VALUES
_ <- ZIO.serviceWithZIO[NebulaSessionClientExample](
|USE test;
|MATCH (p:person) RETURN p LIMIT 4;
} yield ())
Add configuration in classpath:
graph {
address = [
host = "",
port = 9669
auth {
username = "root"
password = "nebula"
spaceName = "test"
reconnect = true
meta {
address = [
host = "",
port = 9559
timeoutMills = 30000
connectionRetry = 3
executionRetry = 1
enableSSL = false
storage {
address = [
host = "",
port = 9559
timeoutMills = 30000
connectionRetry = 3
executionRetry = 1
enableSSL = false
pool {
timeoutMills = 60000
enableSsl = false
minConnsSize = 10
maxConnsSize = 10
intervalIdleMills = 100
waitTimeMills = 100