ZIO HTTP Reference
This section offers a detailed reference for the essential concepts and ideas in the ZIO HTTP library.
📄️ Overview
ZIO HTTP offers an expressive API for creating HTTP applications. It uses a domain-specific language (DSL) to define routes and handlers. Both server and client are designed in terms of HTTP as a function, so they are functions from Request to Response.
📄️ Server
Using the ZIO HTTP Server, we can serve one or more HTTP applications. It provides methods to install HTTP applications into the server. Also it offers a comprehensive Config class that allows fine-grained control over server behavior. We can configure settings such as SSL/TLS, address binding, request decompression and response compression, and more.
📄️ Client
ZClient is an HTTP client that enables us to make HTTP requests and handle responses in a purely functional manner. ZClient leverages the ZIO library's capabilities to provide a high-performance, asynchronous, and type-safe HTTP client solution.
🗃️ Routing
3 items
📄️ Request Handler
A Handler is responsible for processing the matched incoming request and generating an appropriate response. It is a function that takes a Request and produces a Response. Thus, it is a crucial component of the ZIO HTTP that determines how the server should respond to a request matched by the corresponding RoutePattern.
🗃️ HTTP Messages
5 items
🗃️ Declarative Endpoints
2 items
🗃️ Aspects
3 items
🗃️ WebSocket
2 items