Tutorial: How to Produce/Consume Data To/From Kafka Topics?
Kafka is a distributed, fault-tolerant, message-oriented event-store platform. It is used as a message broker for distributed applications. Zio-kafka is a library that provides a way to consume and produce data from Kafka topics, and it also supports the ability to have streaming consumers and producers.
In this tutorial, we will learn how to use zio-streams and zio-kafka to produce and consume data from Kafka topics.
Running Examples​
To access the code examples, you can clone the ZIO Quickstarts project:
$ git clone https://github.com/zio/zio-quickstarts.git
$ cd zio-quickstarts/zio-quickstart-kafka
And finally, run the application using sbt:
$ sbt run
Adding Dependencies to The Project​
In this tutorial, we will be using the following dependencies. So, let's add them to the build.sbt
libraryDependencies += Seq(
"dev.zio" %% "zio" % "2.1.15",
"dev.zio" %% "zio-streams" % "2.1.15",
"dev.zio" %% "zio-kafka" % "2.10.0",
"dev.zio" %% "zio-json" % "0.7.16"
Zio-kafka is a ZIO native client for Apache Kafka. It provides a high-level streaming API on top of the Java client. So we can produce and consume events using the declarative concurrency model of zio-streams.
Zio-streams introduces a high-level API for working with streams of values. It is designated to work in a highly concurrent environment. It has seamless integration with ZIO, so we have the ability to use all the features of the ZIO along with the streams, e.g.
etc. To learn more about zio-stream, we have a comprehensive section in on that here. -
Zio-json is a library to serialize and deserialize data from/to JSON data type. We will be using this library to serialize and deserialize data when reading and writing JSON data from/to Kafka topics.
Setting Up The Kafka Cluster​
Before we start, we need to set up a Kafka cluster. To start a kafka cluster for testing purposes we can use the following docker-compose.yml
image: apache/kafka:3.9.0
container_name: broker
- "9092:9092"
KAFKA_PROCESS_ROLES: broker,controller
Now we can run the docker compose up -d
command to start the Kafka cluster:
$ docker compose up -d
Writing a Simple Producer and Consumer Using ZIO Workflows​
To write producers and consumers, using the zio-kafka library, we have two choices:
- Using ZIO workflows
- Using zio-streams workflows
In this section, we will try the first option.
1. Serializing and Deserializing Data​
Before we can write a producer and consumer, let's talk about how data is stored in Kafka. Kafka is an event-store platform that stores records, records are key-value pairs as raw bytes. So a Kafka broker knows nothing about its records, it just appends the records to its internal log file.
To produce and consume data from Kafka, we need a way to serialize our data to a byte array and deserialize byte arrays to our data types. This is where the Serde
data type comes in handy. A Serde[R, A]
is a Serializer
and Deserializer
for values of type A
, which can use the environment R
to serialize and deserialize values.
Here is the simplified definition of the Serde
data type:
trait Serde[-R, A] {
def deserialize(data: Array[Byte]): RIO[R, A]
def serialize(value: A) : RIO[R, Array[Byte]]
The companion object of Serde
trait contains a set of built-in serializers and deserializers for primitive types:
In this example, the type of the key
is Int
and the type of the value
is String
. So we can use the Serde.int
for the key
and the Serde.string
for the value
2. Creating a Producer​
Now we can create a Producer
import zio._
import zio.kafka._
import zio.kafka.producer._
val producer: ZIO[Scope, Throwable, Producer] =
The ProducerSettings
as constructed in this code fragment is already sufficient for many applications. However, more configuration options are available on ProducerSettings
Notice that the created producer requires a Scope
in the environment. When this scope closes, the producer closes its
connection with the Kafka cluster. An explicit scope can be created with the ZIO.scoped
3. Producing records​
Zio-kafka has several producers that can be used to produce data on Kafka topics. In this example, we will be using the Producer.produce
trait Producer {
def produce[R, K, V](
topic: String,
key: K,
value: V,
keySerializer: Serializer[R, K],
valueSerializer: Serializer[R, V]
): RIO[R, RecordMetadata]
Notice how the type parameters of produce
method ensure that the value's type, corresponds to the type produced by the value's Serializer
(and the same for the key and the Serializer
for the key).
Here is a helper function that shows how we could use the produce
def produceRecord(producer: Producer, topic: String, key: Long, value: String): RIO[Any, RecordMetadata] =
producer.produce[Any, Long, String](
topic = topic,
key = key,
value = value,
keySerializer = Serde.long,
valueSerializer = Serde.string
4. Creating a Consumer​
Zio-kafka provides several ways to consume data from Kafka topics. In this example, we will use the Consumer.consumeWith
The following helper function creates a ZIO workflow that if we run it, runs forever and consumes records from the given topic and prints them to the console, and then commits the offsets of the consumed records:
def consumeAndPrintEvents(consumer: Consumer, groupId: String, topic: String, topics: String*): RIO[Any, Unit] =
settings = ConsumerSettings(BOOSTRAP_SERVERS).withGroupId(groupId),
subscription = Subscription.topics(topic, topics: _*),
keyDeserializer = Serde.long,
valueDeserializer = Serde.string,
) { (k, v) =>
Console.printLine(s"Consumed key: $k, value: $v").orDie
For performance reasons, records are always consumed in batches. The consumeWith
method commits the offsets of consumed records, as soon all records of a batch have been processed.
For more options see consumer tuning.
5. The Complete Example​
Now it's time to combine all the above steps to create a ZIO workflow that will produce and consume data from the Kafka cluster:
import zio._
import zio.kafka.consumer._
import zio.kafka.producer.{Producer, ProducerSettings}
import zio.kafka.serde._
/** A simple app that produces and consumes messages from a kafka cluster
* without using ZIO Streams.
object SimpleKafkaApp extends ZIOAppDefault {
private val BOOSTRAP_SERVERS = List("localhost:9092")
private val KAFKA_TOPIC = "hello"
def run: ZIO[Scope, Throwable, Unit] = {
for {
c <- Consumer
settings =
subscription = Subscription.topics(KAFKA_TOPIC),
keyDeserializer = Serde.long,
valueDeserializer = Serde.string
) { record =>
Console.printLine(s"Consumed ${record.key()}, ${record.value()}").orDie
producer <- Producer.make(ProducerSettings(BOOSTRAP_SERVERS))
p <- Clock.currentDateTime
.flatMap { time =>
producer.produce[Any, Long, String](
topic = KAFKA_TOPIC,
key = time.getHour.toLong,
value = s"$time -- Hello, World!",
keySerializer = Serde.long,
valueSerializer = Serde.string
_ <- (c <*> p).join
} yield ()
Zio-kafka With Zio-streams​
As we said before, to write producers and consumers using the zio-kafka library, we have two choices:
- Using ZIO workflows
- Using zio-streams workflows
In this section we show zio-kafka's seamless integration with zio-streams.
1. Streaming Producer API​
With zio-kafka's Producer.produceAll
we get a ZPipeline
. It takes streams of ProducerRecord[K, V]
, produces these records to a Kafka topic, and then returns a stream of RecordMetadata
trait Producer {
def produceAll[R, K, V](
keySerializer: Serializer[R, K],
valueSerializer: Serializer[R, V]
): ZPipeline[R, Throwable, ProducerRecord[K, V], RecordMetadata]
Here is an example that uses Producer.produceAll
.fromIterator(Iterator.from(0), maxChunkSize = 50)
// ZStream[Any, Throwable, Int]
.mapChunksZIO { chunk =>
chunk.map { i =>
new ProducerRecord(topic, key = i, value = s"record $i")
} // ZStream[Any, Throwable, ProducerRecord]
.via(producer.produceAll(Serde.int, Serde.string))
// ZStream[Any, Throwable, RecordMetadata]
For performance reasons, method produceAll
produces records in batches, every chunk of the input stream results in a batch.
2. Creating a Consumer​
When we use the streaming API we need to construct a Consumer:
import zio._
import zio.kafka._
import zio.kafka.consumer._
val consumer: ZIO[Scope, Throwable, Consumer] =
Notice that the consumer requires a Scope
in the environment. When this scope closes, the consumer closes its
connection with the Kafka cluster. An explicit scope can be created with the ZIO.scoped
For more options see creating a consumer and consumer tuning.
3. Streaming Consumer API​
The Consumer.plainStream
method gives a ZStream
that, when run, consumes records from a Kafka topic and gives a stream of CommittableRecord[K, V]
trait Consumer {
def plainStream[R, K, V](
subscription: Subscription,
keyDeserializer: Deserializer[R, K],
valueDeserializer: Deserializer[R, V]
): ZStream[R, Throwable, CommittableRecord[K, V]]
Parameter subscription
indicates which topics and partitions should be consumed from. For example Subscription.topics("events")
to consume from the events
Parameters keyDeserializer
and valueDeserializer
are the Serde
that will be used to deserialize the raw record bytes to whatever type you want them to be in.
To indicate that a record has been consumed successfully, and make sure that no other consumer in the same group will consume this record again (even when the application crashes and restarts), we need to commit the offset of the record. This is how it works: first get the Offset
of the CommittableRecord
with the offset
method, then call commit
on the returned Offset
Here is an example:
import zio._
import zio.stream._
import zio.kafka._
import zio.kafka.consumer._
import zio.kafka.serde._
val KAFKA_TOPIC = "my-topic"
val consumer: Consumer = ???
val c: ZIO[Any, Throwable, Unit] =
.plainStream(Subscription.topics(KAFKA_TOPIC), Serde.int, Serde.string)
.tap(e => Console.printLine(e.value))
.map(_.offset) // Get the offset of the record
.mapZIO(_.commit) // Commit the offset
While this works, it is not very performant. The problem with this approach is that we are committing offsets for each record separately. This causes a lot of overhead and slows down the consumption of records. To avoid this, we can aggregate offsets into batches and commit them all at once. This can be done by using the ZStream#aggregateAsync
along with the Consumer.offsetBatches
import zio._
import zio.stream._
import zio.kafka._
import zio.kafka.consumer._
import zio.kafka.serde._
val KAFKA_TOPIC = "my-topic"
val consumer: Consumer = ???
val c: ZIO[Any, Throwable, Unit] =
.plainStream(Subscription.topics(KAFKA_TOPIC), Serde.int, Serde.string)
.tap(e => Console.printLine(e.value))
.map(_.offset) // Get the offset of the record
.aggregateAsync(Consumer.offsetBatches) // Group offsets in an OffsetBatch
.mapZIO(_.commit) // Commit the batch of offsets
Notice that because we are using aggregateAsync
, the commits run asynchronously with the upstream of aggregateAsync
. Every time a commit finishes, the next OffsetBatch
is taken and committed.
Keeping the chunking structure intact is important.
In the example so far we have used tap
to print the records as they are consumed. Unfortunately, methods like tap
and mapZIO
destroy the chunking structure and lead to much lower throughput. Please read a warning about mapZIO for more details and alternatives.
For more details see consuming Kafka topics using ZIO Streams.
4. The Complete Streaming Example​
It's time to create a full working example of zio-kafka with zio-streams:
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord
import zio._
import zio.kafka.consumer._
import zio.kafka.producer.{Producer, ProducerSettings}
import zio.kafka.serde._
import zio.stream.ZStream
object StreamingKafkaApp extends ZIOAppDefault {
private val BOOSTRAP_SERVERS = List("localhost:9092")
private val KAFKA_TOPIC = "streaming-hello"
private val producerSettings = ProducerSettings(BOOSTRAP_SERVERS)
private val consumerSettings =
def run: ZIO[Any, Throwable, Unit] = {
val p: ZIO[Any, Throwable, Unit] =
ZIO.scoped {
for {
producer <- Producer.make(producerSettings)
_ <- ZStream
.map { time =>
new ProducerRecord(
s"$time -- Hello, World!"
.via(producer.produceAll(Serde.int, Serde.string))
} yield ()
val c: ZIO[Any, Throwable, Unit] =
ZIO.scoped {
for {
consumer <- Consumer.make(consumerSettings)
_ <- consumer
// Do not use `tap` in throughput sensitive applications because it
// destroys the chunking structure and leads to lower performance.
// See the previous section for more info.
.tap(r => Console.printLine("Consumed: " + r.value))
} yield ()
p <&> c
Producing and Consuming JSON Data​
Until now, we learned how to work with simple types like Int
, String
, and how to use their Serde
instances to serialize and deserialize the data.
In this section, we are going to learn how to serialize/deserialize user-defined data types (like case classes), and in particular how to use the JSON format. We also will learn how to use the Serde
built-in instances to create more complex Serde
1. Writing Custom Serializer and Deserializer​
In zio-kafka all the built-in serializers/deserializers are instances of the Serde
trait. All Serde
s offers several combinators with which we can create new Serde
s. We take a closer look at 2 of them:
- Method
transforms theSerde
with pure transformations from the source type to the target type and back. - Method
transforms theSerde
with effectful transformations from the source type to the target type and back. As it accepts effectful transformations, we can encode any parsing failure with aZIO
In this example, we use inmap
to transform the build-in Serde.long
to a Serde[Any, Instant]
. The inmap
method gets 2 pure functions, the first converts from Long
to Instant
, the second from Instant
to Long
import java.time.Instant
val instantSerde: Serde[Any, Instant] =
In the following example, we will use inmapZIO
to transform the built-in Serde.string
to a Serde[Any, Event]
where Event
is a case class that is serialized to/deserialized from a String containing JSON.
Let's say we have the Event
case class with the following fields:
import java.time.OffsetDateTime
import java.util.UUID
case class Event(
uuid: UUID,
timestamp: OffsetDateTime,
message: String
First, we need to define a JSON decoder and encoder for it:
import zio.json._
object Event {
implicit val encoder: JsonEncoder[Event] =
implicit val decoder: JsonDecoder[Event] =
Then we need to create a Serde
for the Event
type. To convert Event
to JSON and back, we will use the zio-json library. To define a Serde
for the Event
type, we will use the Serde.string.inmapZIO
import zio._
import zio.kafka.serde._
object EventKafkaSerde {
val event: Serde[Any, Event] =
Serde.string.inmapZIO[Any, Event](s =>
.mapError(e => new RuntimeException(e))
)(r => ZIO.succeed(r.toJson))
As we can see, we use the String#fromJson
to convert the string to an Event
object, and we also encode any parsing failure with a RuntimeException
in the ZIO
See zio-kafka serialization and deserialization for more details.
2. The Complete JSON Streaming Example​
Here is a full working example of producing and consuming JSON data with zio-kafka, zio-streams and zio-json:
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord
import zio._
import zio.json._
import zio.kafka.consumer._
import zio.kafka.producer.{Producer, ProducerSettings}
import zio.kafka.serde._
import zio.stream.ZStream
import java.time.OffsetDateTime
import java.util.UUID
/** This is the data we will be sending to Kafka in JSON format. */
case class Event(uuid: UUID, timestamp: OffsetDateTime, message: String)
/** A zio-json encoder/decoder for [[Event]]. */
object Event {
implicit val encoder: JsonEncoder[Event] =
implicit val decoder: JsonDecoder[Event] =
/** A zio-kafka serializer/deserializer for [[Event]]. */
object EventKafkaSerde {
val event: Serde[Any, Event] =
Serde.string.inmapZIO[Any, Event](s =>
.mapError(e => new RuntimeException(e))
)(r => ZIO.succeed(r.toJson))
object JsonStreamingKafkaApp extends ZIOAppDefault {
private val BOOSTRAP_SERVERS = List("localhost:9092")
private val KAFKA_TOPIC = "json-streaming-hello"
def run: ZIO[Any, Throwable, Unit] = {
val p: ZIO[Any, Throwable, Unit] =
ZIO.scoped {
for {
producer <- Producer.make(ProducerSettings(BOOSTRAP_SERVERS))
_ <- ZStream
.repeatZIO(Random.nextUUID <*> Clock.currentDateTime)
.map { case (uuid, time) =>
new ProducerRecord(
Event(uuid, time, "Hello, World!")
.via(producer.produceAll(Serde.int, EventKafkaSerde.event))
} yield ()
val c: ZIO[Any, Throwable, Unit] =
ZIO.scoped {
for {
consumer <- Consumer.make(
_ <- consumer
.tap { r =>
val event: Event = r.value
s"Event ${event.uuid} was sent at ${event.timestamp} with message ${event.message}"
} yield ()
p <&> c
In this tutorial we first learned how to create a producer and consumer for Kafka using the ZIO workflow with zio-kafka. Then we learned how to do the same with zio-streams. We also learned how to create a custom serializer and deserializer for the Kafka records and how to produce and consume JSON data using the zio-json library.
All the source code associated with this article is available on the ZIO Quickstart project on GitHub.
More information: