ZIO Ecosystem Official Libraries
Official ZIO libraries are hosted in the ZIO organization on GitHub, and are generally maintained by core contributors to ZIO.
Development Status
Each project in the ZIO organization namespace has a Stage Badge which indicates the current status of that project:
- Production Ready — The project is stable and already used in production. We can expect reliability for the implemented use cases.
- Development — The project already has RC or milestone releases, but is still under active development. We should not expect full stability yet.
- Experimental — The project is not yet released, but an important part of the work is already done.
- Research — The project is at the design stage, with some sketches of work but nothing usable yet.
- Concept — The project is just an idea, development hasn't started yet.
- Deprecated — The project is not maintained anymore, and we don't recommend its usage.
Highlights Projects
Here is the list of some of the highlighted projects that can be used in everyday ZIO development:
- ZIO HTTP: A type-safe, composable, and feature-rich HTTP library built on top of ZIO.
- ZIO Config: A functional type-safe configuration library for ZIO applications.
- ZIO Logging: A logging library to integrate with different logging backends.
- ZIO JSON: A JSON library to work with JSON data in ZIO applications.
- ZIO Schema: A library for generating/defining type-safe schemas for custom data types in ZIO applications.
- ZIO Quill: A library to interact with databases using type-safe queries.
- ZIO Kafka: A Kafka client for ZIO and ZIO Streams
- ZIO Prelude: A lightweight, distinctly Scala take on functional abstractions, with tight ZIO integration
Official Libraries
📄️ Caliban Deriving
Full-featured, robust deriving for Caliban.
📄️ izumi-reflect
@quote: Looks a bit similar to TypeTag
📄️ ZIO 2.x Interop Cats 2.x
ZIO AMQP is a ZIO-based wrapper around the RabbitMQ client. It provides a streaming interface to AMQP queues and helps to prevent you from shooting yourself in the foot with thread-safety issues.
8 items
🗃️ ZIO Actors
6 items
📄️ ZIO Akka Cluster
This library is a ZIO wrapper for Akka Cluster.
📄️ ZIO Bson
ZIO Bson is BSON library with tight ZIO integration.
10 items
🗃️ ZIO Cache
4 items
🗃️ ZIO Config
6 items
🗃️ ZIO Connect
4 items
📄️ ZIO Constraintless
ZIO Constraintless allows you to build programs as mere descriptions with maximum polymorphism, maximum modularity, zero abstraction leakage, and zero casting.
📄️ ZIO Deriving
ZIO Deriving is a Scala library for typeclass derivation with the design goals of:
🗃️ ZIO Direct Style
3 items
🗃️ ZIO DynamoDB
3 items
1 item
🗃️ ZIO Flow
8 items
6 items
🗃️ ZIO Insight
1 item
📄️ ZIO Interop Guava
This library provides an interoperability layer with Guava 's com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture.
📄️ ZIO Interop Monix
This library provides interoperability between Monix 3.4 and ZIO 1 and ZIO 2. Both JVM and Scala.js are supported.
📄️ ZIO Interop Reactive Streams
This library provides an interoperability layer between ZIO and reactive streams.
📄️ ZIO Interop Scalaz
This library provides instances for several Scalaz typeclasses.
📄️ ZIO Interop Twitter
This library provides capability to convert Twitter Future into ZIO Task.
2 items
7 items
🗃️ ZIO Kafka
9 items
📄️ ZIO Lambda
A ZIO-based AWS Custom Runtime compatible with GraalVM Native Image.
🗃️ ZIO Logging
14 items
📄️ ZIO Memberlist
ZIO-memberlist let you form cluster of multiply machines and by using gossip protocol which sends periodically messages between nodes maintain cluster and detects failining nodes.
📄️ ZIO Meta
Meta-programming helpers
🗃️ ZIO Metrics Connectors
2 items
🗃️ ZIO Mock
2 items
6 items
🗃️ ZIO Optics
5 items
📄️ ZIO Parser
Library for constructing parsers and pretty printers based on invertible syntax descriptions
🗃️ ZIO Prelude
5 items
🗃️ ZIO Process
5 items
🗃️ ZIO Profiling
1 item
🗃️ ZIO Query
4 items
🗃️ ZIO Quill
12 items
📄️ ZIO Redis
Development CI Badge Sonatype Releases Sonatype Snapshots javadoc ZIO Redis
📄️ ZIO RocksDB
A ZIO-based interface to RocksDB.
📄️ ZIO S3
Thin wrapper over S3 async client for ZIO
ZIO SBT contains multiple sbt plugins that are useful for ZIO projects. It provides high-level SBT utilities that simplify the development of ZIO applications.
1 item
This library is a ZIO-powered client for AWS SQS. It is built on top of the AWS SDK for Java 2.0 via the automatically generated wrappers from zio-aws.
🗃️ ZIO Schema
8 items
📄️ ZIO Streams Compress
ZIO Streams Compress integrates several compression algorithms and
🗃️ ZIO Telemetry
7 items
📄️ ZIO Webhooks
ZIO Webhooks is a microlibrary for reliable and persistent webhook delivery.