Environment-specific Tests
OS-specific Tests​
To run a test on a specific operating system, we can use one of the unix
, mac
or windows
test aspects or a combination of them. Additionally, we can use the os
test aspect directly:
import zio._
import zio.test.{test, _}
test("unix test") {
ZIO.attempt("running on unix/linux os")
.map(_ => assertTrue(true))
} @@ TestAspect.unix,
test("macos test") {
ZIO.attempt("running on macos")
.map(_ => assertTrue(true))
} @@ TestAspect.os(_.isMac)
Platform-specific Tests​
Sometimes we have platform-specific tests. Instead of creating separate sources for each platform to test those tests, we can use a proper aspect to run those tests on a specific platform.
To run a test on a specific platform, we can use one of the jvm
, js
, or native
test aspects or a combination of them. If we want to run our test only on one of these platforms, we can use one of the jvmOnly
, jsOnly
, or nativeOnly
test aspects. To exclude one of these platforms, we can use the exceptJs
, exceptJVM
, or exceptNative
test aspects:
import zio._
import zio.test.{test, _}
test("Java virtual machine name can be accessed") {
for {
vm <- live(System.property("java.vm.name"))
} yield
} @@ TestAspect.jvmOnly
Version-specific Tests​
Various test aspects can be used to run tests for specific versions of Scala, including scala2
, scala212
, scala213
, and dotty
. As in the previous section, these test aspects have corresponding *only
and except*