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Version: 2.x

Environment-specific Tests

OS-specific Tests​

To run a test on a specific operating system, we can use one of the unix, mac or windows test aspects or a combination of them. Additionally, we can use the os test aspect directly:

import zio._
import zio.test.{test, _}

test("unix test") {
ZIO.attempt("running on unix/linux os")
.map(_ => assertTrue(true))
} @@ TestAspect.unix,
test("macos test") {
ZIO.attempt("running on macos")
.map(_ => assertTrue(true))
} @@ TestAspect.os(_.isMac)

Platform-specific Tests​

Sometimes we have platform-specific tests. Instead of creating separate sources for each platform to test those tests, we can use a proper aspect to run those tests on a specific platform.

To run a test on a specific platform, we can use one of the jvm, js, or native test aspects or a combination of them. If we want to run our test only on one of these platforms, we can use one of the jvmOnly, jsOnly, or nativeOnly test aspects. To exclude one of these platforms, we can use the exceptJs, exceptJVM, or exceptNative test aspects:

import zio._
import zio.test.{test, _}

test("Java virtual machine name can be accessed") {
for {
vm <- live(""))
} yield
} @@ TestAspect.jvmOnly

Version-specific Tests​

Various test aspects can be used to run tests for specific versions of Scala, including scala2, scala212, scala213, and dotty. As in the previous section, these test aspects have corresponding *only and except* versions.