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Version: 2.x

Conditional Aspects

When we apply a conditional aspect, it will run the spec only if the specified predicate is satisfied.

  • ifEnv — Only runs a test if the specified environment variable satisfies the specified assertion.
  • ifEnvSet — Only runs a test if the specified environment variable is set.
  • ifProp — Only runs a test if the specified Java property satisfies the specified assertion.
  • ifPropSet — Only runs a test if the specified Java property is set.
import zio._
import zio.test.{test, _}
import zio.test.TestAspect._

test("a test that will run if the product is deployed in the testing environment") {
} @@ ifEnv("ENV")(_ == "testing")

test("a test that will run if the property is available") {
} @@ ifEnvSet("")