A ConcurrentMap
is a wrapper over java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
The HashMap
in the Scala standard library is not thread-safe. This means that if multiple fibers are accessing the same key, and trying to modify the value, this can lead to inconsistent results.
For example, assume we have a HashMap
with a key foo
and a value of 0
. Let's see what happens if we perform the inc
workflow 100 times concurrently:
import zio._
import scala.collection.mutable
object MainApp extends ZIOAppDefault {
def inc(ref: Ref[mutable.HashMap[String, Int]], key: String) =
for {
_ <- ref.get
_ <- ref.update { map =>
map.updateWith(key)( + 1))
} yield ()
def run =
for {
ref <- Ref.make(mutable.HashMap(("foo", 0)))
_ <- ZIO.foreachParDiscard(1 to 100)(_ => inc(ref, "foo"))
_ <-"foo")).debug("The final value of foo is")
} yield ()
// Different outputs on different executions:
// The final value of foo is Some(72)
// The final value of foo is Some(84)
// The final value of foo is Some(78)
// ...
Since the HashMap
is not thread-safe, every time we run this program, we might get different results, which is not desirable.
So we need a concurrent data structure that can be used safely in concurrent environments, which the ConcurrentMap
does for us:
import zio._
import zio.concurrent.ConcurrentMap
object MainApp extends ZIOAppDefault {
def run =
for {
map <- ConcurrentMap.make(("foo", 0), ("bar", 1), ("baz", 2))
_ <- ZIO.foreachParDiscard(1 to 100)(_ =>
map.computeIfPresent("foo", (_, v) => v + 1)
_ <- map.get("foo").debug("The final value of foo is")
} yield ()
// Output:
// The final value of foo is Some(100)
To make an empty ConcurrentMap
we use ConcurrentMap.empty
import zio.concurrent.ConcurrentMap
val empty = ConcurrentMap.empty[String, Int]
And to make a ConcurrentMap
with some initial values we use ConcurrentMap.make
or ConcurrentMap.fromIterable
import zio.concurrent.ConcurrentMap
val map1 = ConcurrentMap.make(("foo", 0), ("bar", 1), ("baz", 2))
val map2 = ConcurrentMap.fromIterable(List(("foo", 0), ("bar", 1), ("baz", 2)))
Update Operations​
Basic operations are provided to manipulate the values in the ConcurrentMap
Putting values​
Method | Definition |
put(key: K, value: V): UIO[Option[V]] | Adds a new key-value pair and optionally returns previously bound value. |
putAll(keyValues: (K, V)*): UIO[Unit] | Adds all new key-value pairs. |
putIfAbsent(key: K, value: V): UIO[Option[V]] | Adds a new key-value pair, unless the key is already bound to some other value. |
Removing values​
Method | Definition |
remove(key: K): UIO[Option[V]] | Removes the entry for the given key, optionally returning value associated with it. |
remove(key: K, value: V): UIO[Boolean] | Removes the entry for the given key if it is mapped to a given value. |
removeIf(p: (K, V) => Boolean): UIO[Unit] | Removes all elements which do not satisfy the given predicate. |
retainIf(p: (K, V) => Boolean): UIO[Unit] | Removes all elements which do not satisfy the given predicate. |
clear: UIO[Unit] | Removes all elements. |
Replacing values​
Method | Definition |
replace(key: K, value: V): UIO[Option[V]] | Replaces the entry for the given key only if it is mapped to some value. |
replace(key: K, oldValue: V, newValue: V): UIO[Boolean] | Replaces the entry for the given key only if it was previously mapped to a given value. |
Remapping Values​
Method | Definition |
compute(key: K, remap: (K, V) => V): UIO[Option[V]] | Attempts to compute a mapping for the given key and its current mapped value. |
def computeIfAbsent(key: K, map: K => V): UIO[V] | Computes a value of a non-existing key. |
computeIfPresent(key: K, remap: (K, V) => V): UIO[Option[V]] | Attempts to compute a new mapping of an existing key. |
Retrieval Operations​
Method | Definition |
get(key: K): UIO[Option[V]] | Retrieves the value associated with the given key. |
exists(p: (K, V) => Boolean): UIO[Boolean] | Tests whether a given predicate holds true for at least one element in a map. |
collectFirst[B](pf: PartialFunction[(K, V), B]): UIO[Option[B]] | Finds the first element of a map for which the partial function is defined and applies the function to it. |
fold[S](zero: S)(f: (S, (K, V)) => S): UIO[S] | Folds the elements of a map using the given binary operator. |
forall(p: (K, V) => Boolean): UIO[Boolean] | Tests whether a predicate is satisfied by all elements of a map. |
isEmpty: UIO[Boolean] | True if there are no elements in this map. |
toChunk: UIO[Chunk[(K, V)]] | Collects all entries into a chunk. |
toList: UIO[List[(K, V)]] | Collects all entries into a list. |
Example Usage​
import zio.concurrent.ConcurrentMap
import zio.{Chunk, ZIO}
for {
emptyMap <- ConcurrentMap.empty[Int, String]
data <- ZIO.succeed(Chunk(1 -> "A", 2 -> "B", 3 -> "C"))
mapA <- ConcurrentMap.fromIterable(data)
map100 <- ConcurrentMap.make(1 -> 100)
mapB <- ConcurrentMap.make(("A", 1), ("B", 2), ("C", 3))
} yield ()
Operation | Result |
mapA.collectFirst { case (3, _) => "Three" } | "Three" |
mapA.collectFirst { case (4, _) => "Four" } | Empty |
map100.compute(1, _+_).get(1) | 101 |
emptyMap.computeIfAbsent("abc", _.length).get("abc") | 3 |
map100.computeIfPresent(1, _+_).get(1) | 101 |
mapA.exists((k, _) => k % 2 == 0) | true |
mapA.exists((k, _) => k == 4) | false |
mapB.fold(0) { case (acc, (_, value)) => acc + value } | 6 |
mapB.forall((_, v) => v < 4) | true |
emptyMap.get(1) | None |
emptyMap.put(1, "b").get(1) | "b" |
mapA.putIfAbsent(2, "b").get(2) | "B" |
emptyMap.putAll((1, "A"), (2, "B"), (3, "C")).get(1) | "A" |
mapA.remove(1).get(1) | None |
mapA.remove(1,"b").get(1) | "A" |
mapA.removeIf((k, _) => k != 1).get(1) | "A" |
mapA.removeIf((k, _) => k != 1).get(2) | None |
mapA.retainIf((k, _) => k == 1).get(1) | "A" |
mapA.retainIf((k, _) => k == 1).get(2) | None |
mapA.clear.isEmpty | true |