collectFirst[B](pf: PartialFunction[(K, V), B]): UIO[Option[B]] | Finds the first element of a map for which the partial function is defined and applies the function to it. |
compute(key: K, remap: (K, V) => V): UIO[Option[V]] | Attempts to compute a mapping for the given key and its current mapped value. |
def computeIfAbsent(key: K, map: K => V): UIO[V] | Computes a value of a non-existing key. |
computeIfPresent(key: K, remap: (K, V) => V): UIO[Option[V]] | Attempts to compute a new mapping of an existing key. |
exists(p: (K, V) => Boolean): UIO[Boolean] | Tests whether a given predicate holds true for at least one element in a map. |
fold[S](zero: S)(f: (S, (K, V)) => S): UIO[S] | Folds the elements of a map using the given binary operator. |
forall(p: (K, V) => Boolean): UIO[Boolean] | Tests whether a predicate is satisfied by all elements of a map. |
get(key: K): UIO[Option[V]] | Retrieves the value associated with the given key. |
put(key: K, value: V): UIO[Option[V]] | Adds a new key-value pair and optionally returns previously bound value. |
putAll(keyValues: (K, V)*): UIO[Unit] | Adds all new key-value pairs. |
putIfAbsent(key: K, value: V): UIO[Option[V]] | Adds a new key-value pair, unless the key is already bound to some other value. |
remove(key: K): UIO[Option[V]] | Removes the entry for the given key, optionally returning value associated with it. |
remove(key: K, value: V): UIO[Boolean] | Removes the entry for the given key if it is mapped to a given value. |
removeIf(p: (K, V) => Boolean): UIO[Unit] | Removes all elements which do not satisfy the given predicate. |
retainIf(p: (K, V) => Boolean): UIO[Unit] | Removes all elements which do not satisfy the given predicate. |
replace(key: K, value: V): UIO[Option[V]] | Replaces the entry for the given key only if it is mapped to some value. |
replace(key: K, oldValue: V, newValue: V): UIO[Boolean] | Replaces the entry for the given key only if it was previously mapped to a given value. |
toChunk: UIO[Chunk[(K, V)]] | Collects all entries into a chunk. |
toList: UIO[List[(K, V)]] | Collects all entries into a list. |