Classic Assertions
In almost all cases we encourage developers using smart assertions instead of classic assertions. They are more expressive and easier to use. So you can skip reading this section.
Only use classic assertions when you know what you are doing. There are some rare cases where the smart assertions are not enough.
The assert
and its effectful counterpart assertZIO
are the old way of asserting ordinary values and ZIO effects.
Asserting Ordinary Values​
In order to test ordinary values, we should use assert
, like the example below:
import zio._
import zio.test.{test, _}
test("sum") {
assert(1 + 1)(Assertion.equalTo(2))
Asserting ZIO Effects​
If we are testing an effect, we should use the assertZIO
import zio._
import zio.test.{test, _}
test("updating ref") {
val value = for {
r <- Ref.make(0)
_ <- r.update(_ + 1)
v <- r.get
} yield v
The for-comprehension Style​
Having this all in mind, probably the most common and also most readable way of structuring tests is to pass a for-comprehension to test
function and yield a call to assert
import zio._
import zio.test.{test, _}
test("updating ref") {
for {
r <- Ref.make(0)
_ <- r.update(_ + 1)
v <- r.get
} yield assert(v)(Assertion.equalTo(v))
Understanding the test
In this section we are going to learn about the internals of the Assertion
data type. So feel free to skip this section if you are not interested.
In order to understand the Assertion
data type, let's first look at the test
def test[In](label: String)(assertion: => In)(implicit testConstructor: TestConstructor[Nothing, In]): testConstructor.Out
Its signature is a bit complicated and uses path-dependent types, but it doesn't matter. We can think of a test
as a function from TestResult
(or its effectful versions such as ZIO[R, E, TestResult]
or ZSTM[R, E, TestResult]
) to the Spec[R, E]
data type:
def test(label: String)(assertion: => TestResult): Spec[Any, Nothing]
def test(label: String)(assertion: => ZIO[R, E, TestResult]): Spec[R, E]
Therefore, the function test
needs a TestResult
. The most common way to produce a TestResult
is to resort to assert
or its effectful counterpart assertZIO
. The former one is for creating ordinary TestResult
values and the latter one is for producing effectful TestResult
values. Both of them accept a value of type A
(effectful version wrapped in a ZIO
) and an Assertion[A]
Understanding the assert
Let's look at the assert
def assert[A](expr: => A)(assertion: Assertion[A]): TestResult
It takes an expression of type A
and an Assertion[A]
and returns the TestResult
which is the boolean algebra of the AssertionResult
. Furthermore, we have an Assertion[A]
which is capable of producing assertion results on any value of type A
. So the assert
function can apply the expression to the assertion and produce the TestResult
Type-checker Macro​
To check if the code compiles, we can use the typeCheck
macro. It is useful when we want to test if the code compiles without running it. Here is an example of how to use it:
import zio.test._
import zio.test.Assertion._
test("lazy list") {
|val lazyList: LazyList[Int] = LazyList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
} @@ TestAspect.exceptScala212
The LazyCheck
introduced in Scala 2.13, so we excluded this test from Scala 2.12.
Example 1: Equality Assertion​
Assume we have a function that concatenates two strings. One simple property of this function would be "the sum of the length of all inputs should be equal to the length of the output". Let's see an example of how we can make an assertion about this property:
import zio.test._
test("The sum of the lengths of both inputs must equal the length of the output") {
check(Gen.string, Gen.string) { (a, b) =>
assert((a + b).length)(Assertion.equalTo(a.length + b.length))
The syntax of assertion in the above code, is assert(expression)(assertion)
. The first section is an expression of type A
which is result of our computation and the second one is the expected assertion of type Assertion[A]
Example 2: Field-level Assertion​
There is also an easy way to test an object's data for certain assertions with hasField
which accepts besides a name, a mapping function from object to its tested property, and Assertion
object which will validate this property. Here our test checks if a person has at least 18 years and is not from the USA.
import zio.test._
import zio.test.Assertion.{isRight, isSome,equalTo, isGreaterThanEqualTo, not, hasField}
final case class Address(country:String, city:String)
final case class User(name:String, age:Int, address: Address)
test("Rich checking") {
User("Jonny", 26, Address("Denmark", "Copenhagen"))
hasField("age", (u:User) => u.age, isGreaterThanEqualTo(18)) &&
hasField("country", (u:User) =>, not(equalTo("USA")))
What is nice about those tests is that test reporters will tell you exactly which assertion was broken. Let's say we would change isGreaterThanEqualTo(18)
to isGreaterThanEqualTo(40)
which will fail. Print out on the console will be a nice detailed text explaining what exactly went wrong:
[info] User(Jonny,26,Address(Denmark,Copenhagen)) did not satisfy (hasField("age", _.age, isGreaterThanEqualTo(45)) && hasField("country",, not(equalTo(USA))))
[info] 26 did not satisfy isGreaterThanEqualTo(45)
Example 3: Test if a ZIO Effect Fails With a Particular Error Type​
The following example shows how to test if a ZIO effect fails with a particular error type. To test if a ZIO effect fails with a particular error type, we can use the ZIO#exit
to determine the exit type of that effect.
import zio._
import zio.test.{ test, _ }
import zio.test.Assertion._
case class MyError(msg: String) extends Exception
val effect: ZIO[Any, MyError, Unit] ="my error msg"))
test("test if a ZIO effect fails with a particular error type") {
for {
exit <- effect.exit
} yield assertTrue(exit =="my error msg")))
The exit method on a ZIO effect returns an Exit
value, which represents the outcome of the effect. The Exit
value can be either Exit.succeed
. If the effect succeeded, the Exit.succeed
value will contain the result of the effect. If the effect failed, the
value will contain the error that caused the failure.
Example 4: Test if a ZIO Effect Fails With a Subtype of a Particular Error Type​
To test if a ZIO effect fails with a subtype
of a particular error type, we can use the assertZIO
function and the two fails
, and isSubtype
assertions from the zio-test library. The assertZIO
function takes a ZIO effect and an assertion. The assertion is called with the result of the ZIO effect. If the assertion returns true, then the assertZIO
will succeed, otherwise it will fail.
Assume we have these error types:
sealed trait MyError extends Exception
case class E1(msg: String) extends MyError
case class E2(msg: String) extends MyError
To assert if an error type is a subtype of a particular error type, we need to combine the fails
and isSubtype
assertions together:
import zio.test.Assertion._
Now let's look at an example:
import zio._
import zio.test.{ test, _ }
import zio.test.Assertion._
val effect ="my error msg"))
test("Test if a ZIO effect fails with a MyError") {