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FiberRef: Introduction to Fiber-local Storage

FiberRef is a data structure for managing and accessing thread-local values within a ZIO fiber. Thread-local storage (TLS) is a mechanism that provides each fiber its own separate storage space. A FiberRef[A] is a specialized type of mutable reference (Ref[A]) that allows us to store and retrieve values of type A that are local to a specific fiber.

The FiberRef data structure allows us to perform operations such as reading the current value, updating the value, or modifying the value atomically within a fiber. It ensures thread-safety and isolation between different fibers, allowing them to have their own independent values for the FiberRef. Each fiber maintains its own copy of the fiber-specific variable, and modifications to the variable made by one fiber do not affect the values seen by other fibers.

By using FiberRef, we can maintain per-fiber context or state information, which can be useful in various scenarios such as managing resources, tracking application-specific information, or carrying contextual data throughout the execution of a fiber.

We can think of FiberRef as Java's ThreadLocal on steroids. So, just like we have ThreadLocal in Java we have FiberRef in ZIO. So as different threads have different ThreadLocals, we can say different fibers have different FiberRefs. They don't intersect or overlap in any way. FiberRef is the fiber version of ThreadLocal with significant improvements in its semantics. A ThreadLocal only has a mutable state in which each thread accesses its own copy, but threads don't propagate their state to their children's.

As opposed to Ref[A], the value of a FiberRef[A] is bound to an executing fiber. Different fibers who hold the same FiberRef[A] can independently set and retrieve values of the reference, without collisions.

import zio._

for {
fiberRef <- FiberRef.make[Int](0)
_ <- fiberRef.set(10)
v <- fiberRef.get
} yield v == 10


Whenever we have some kind of scoped information or context, and we don't want to use the ZIO environment to store it, we can use FiberRef to store it.

To illustrate this, let's try to find a solution to the Structured Logging problem. In structured logging, we tend to attach contextual information to log messages, such as user id, correlation id, log level, and so on.

So assume we have written the following code:

import zio._

for {
_ <- Logging.log("Hello World!")
_ <- ZIO.foreachParDiscard(List("Jane", "John")) { name =>
Logging.logAnnotate("name", name) {
for {
_ <- Logging.log(s"Received request")
fiberId <-
_ <- Logging.logAnnotate("fiber_id", s"$fiberId")(
Logging.log("Processing request")
_ <- Logging.log("Finished processing request")
} yield ()
_ <- Logging.log("All requests processed")
} yield ()

We would like to see the following log output:

Hello World!
[name=Jane] Received request
[name=John] Received request
[name=Jane] [fiber_id=7] Processing request
[name=John] [fiber_id=8] Processing request
[name=John] Finished processing request
[name=Jane] Finished processing request
All requests processed

In the above code, we have two users, Jane and John, and we want to handle some operations on each user, concurrently. When we perform concurrent operations, we would like to have a way to associate each concurrent operation with its corresponding user and fiber id. So when we log messages, we have all the information available for a specific event.

In order to do this, we need a context-aware logging service. This logging service needs to have a state that is a place to store annotations. This state can be accessed and modified concurrently by multiple fibers. And the important part is that each fiber should have its own isolated copy of the state, so when a fiber modifies the state, it doesn't clobber the state of other fibers.

Until now, we can categorize our requirements into two parts:

  • We need a mechanism to carry some contextual information, without explicitly passing it around.
  • We need a mechanism to update the state in an isolated fashion, where each fiber can update the state without affecting the state of other fibers.


In this section, we will look at two solutions to the problem of structured logging we have mentioned above. The first solution has some limitations and drawbacks, so we will choose the second solution as the final solution.

Solution 1: ZIO Environment​

One solution is to use the ZIO environment to store the state. It addresses the first requirement, very well. ZIO environment is a nice place to store the contextual states. And to make the state isolated between fibers, we can reintroduce the new state to the environment instead of updating the environment globally:

// Solution 1: Using the ZIO environment to store the contextual state
import zio._

object Logging {
type Annotation = Map[String, String]

def logAnnotate[R, E, A](key: String, value: String)(
zio: ZIO[R with Annotation, E, A]
): ZIO[R with Annotation, E, A] = {
for {
s <- ZIO.service[Annotation]
r <- zio.provideSomeLayer[R](ZLayer.succeed(s.updated(key, value)))
} yield (r)

def log(message: String): ZIO[Annotation, Nothing, Unit] = {
ZIO.service[Annotation].flatMap {
case annotation if annotation.isEmpty =>
case annotation =>
val line =
s"${ { case (k, v) => s"[$k=$v]" }.mkString(" ")} $message"

The ZIO environment solution provides an explicit method for ensuring type-safety when dealing with contextual data types. However, this increased type-safety may limit flexibility in certain scenarios. For instance, consider a situation where our workflows require multiple cross-cutting services such as Logging, Config, and Metrics. In this case, every instance of application logic would involve a workflow with a type signature like ZIO[Logging & Config & Metrics & ..., IOException, Any]. This extensive type declaration restricts easy code refactoring and maintenance, while also distracts our attention from the core business logic. Any modification to the contextual data type necessitates modifying the entire program.

Although we successfully utilized the ZIO environment in the previous example to store the state, it is not considered the idiomatic solution. It is preferable to avoid explicitly exposing the type of the state, in this case Annotation, within the environment.

Anyway, despite these limitations, this solution proves especially beneficial when

  • When the contextual service holds a crucial role in the workflow logic
  • When there is a requirement for ensuring type-safety on the service type* within the ZIO environment
  • When there is no sensible default value for such services

Solution 2: FiberRef​

The other solution is to use FiberRef. FiberRef is a nice way to store the contextual states and make them isolated. Any state maintained by a FiberRef will be isolated between fibers. Also, a nice thing about FiberRef is that we do not require to place the state in the environment.

Let's see how to use FiberRef to implement the logging service:

// Solution 2: Using the FiberRef to store the contextual state
import zio._

trait Logger {
def logAnnotate[R, E, A](key: String, value: String)(
zio: ZIO[R, E, A]
): ZIO[R, E, A]
def log(message: String): UIO[Unit]

object Logging extends Logger {
def logAnnotate[R, E, A](key: String, value: String)(
zio: ZIO[R, E, A]
): ZIO[R, E, A] = currentAnnotations.locallyWith(_.updated(key, value))(zio)

def log(message: String): UIO[Unit] = {
currentAnnotations.get.flatMap {
case annotation if annotation.isEmpty =>
case annotation =>
val line =
s"${ { case (k, v) => s"[$k=$v]" }.mkString(" ")} $message"

val currentAnnotations: FiberRef[Map[String, String]] =
Unsafe.unsafe { implicit unsafe =>
FiberRef.unsafe.make(Map.empty[String, String])


Now we can write a program that logs some information:

import zio._

object FiberRefLoggingExample extends ZIOAppDefault {
def run =
for {
_ <- Logging.log("Hello World!")
_ <- ZIO.foreachParDiscard(List("Jane", "John")) { name =>
Logging.logAnnotate("name", name) {
for {
_ <- Logging.log(s"Received request")
fiberId <-
_ <- Logging.logAnnotate("fiber_id", s"$fiberId")(
Logging.log("Processing request")
_ <- Logging.log("Finished processing request")
} yield ()
_ <- Logging.log("All requests processed")
} yield ()

The output:

Hello World!
[name=Jane] Received request
[name=John] Received request
[name=Jane] [fiber_id=5] Processing request
[name=John] [fiber_id=6] Processing request
[name=John] Finished processing request
[name=Jane] Finished processing request
All requests processed


In the above solution, if we replace the FiberRef with Ref, the program will not work properly, because the Ref is not isolated. The Ref will be shared between all fibers, so each fiber clobbers the other fibers' state.

To take it a step further, let's modify the previous example to allow the user to change the underlying logging service:

import zio._

trait Logger {
def logAnnotate[R, E, A](key: String, value: String)(
zio: ZIO[R, E, A]
): ZIO[R, E, A]

def log(message: String): UIO[Unit]
import zio._

object Logging {

val defaultLogger: Logger = new Logger {
def logAnnotate[R, E, A](key: String, value: String)(
zio: ZIO[R, E, A]
): ZIO[R, E, A] = currentAnnotations.locallyWith(_.updated(key, value))(zio)

def log(message: String): UIO[Unit] = {
currentAnnotations.get.flatMap {
case annotation if annotation.isEmpty =>
case annotation =>
val line =
s"${ { case (k, v) => s"[$k=$v]" }.mkString(" ")} $message"

val silentLogger: Logger = new Logger {
def logAnnotate[R, E, A](key: String, value: String)(
zio: ZIO[R, E, A]
): ZIO[R, E, A] = currentAnnotations.locallyWith(_.updated(key, value))(zio)

def log(message: String): UIO[Unit] = ZIO.unit

def log(message: String): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Unit] =

def logAnnotate[R, E, A](key: String, value: String)(
zio: ZIO[R, E, A]
): ZIO[R, E, A] = currentLogger.get.flatMap(_.logAnnotate(key, value)(zio))

def locallyWithLogger[R, E, A](newLogger: Logger)(zio: ZIO[R, E, A]) = {
currentLogger.locallyWith(_ => newLogger)(zio)

def updateLogger(logger: Logger => Logger): UIO[Unit] = currentLogger.update(logger)

val currentLogger: FiberRef[Logger] =
Unsafe.unsafe { implicit unsafe =>

val currentAnnotations: FiberRef[Map[String, String]] =
Unsafe.unsafe { implicit unsafe =>
FiberRef.unsafe.make(Map.empty[String, String])


Now, changing the default logger is made easy with the Logging.withLogger function. Let's disable the default logger for a specific section of our example by utilizing Logging.silentLogger:

import zio._

object FiberRefChangeDefaultLoggerExample extends ZIOAppDefault {
def run = for {
_ <- Logging.log("Hello World!")
_ <- ZIO.foreachParDiscard(List("Jane", "John")) { name =>
Logging.locallyWithLogger(Logging.silentLogger) {
Logging.logAnnotate("name", name) {
for {
_ <- Logging.log(s"Received request")
fiberId <-
_ <- Logging.logAnnotate("fiber_id", s"$fiberId")(
Logging.log("Processing request")
_ <- Logging.log("Finished processing request")
} yield ()
_ <- Logging.log("All requests processed")
} yield ()

The output is:

Hello World!
All requests processed

The solution provided by FiberRef offers an implicit method to store and propagate contextual data or service in an untyped manner. It helps us reduce redundancy in environment types. For instance, by encoding the Logging and Metrics services using FiberRef, we no longer need to include the Logging and Metrics service type in the environment type of ZIO workflows. As a result, we can simplify a ZIO effect from ZIO[Logging & Metrics & UserRepo & DocsRepo, IOException, Unit] to ZIO[UserRepo & DocsRepo, IOException, Unit]. This significantly reduces boilerplate code in our workflows, which helps us to focus on maintaining application logic in a flexible manner.

Additionally, as demonstrated in the final example, FiberRef proves to be a valuable solution when we have a default value for a contextual service or data. We can start the application with default values and, whenever needed, locally or globally change the underlying service or data using FiberRef#locallyWith and FiberRef#update.

In summary, this solution is particularly advantageous in the following scenarios:

  • When encoding cross-cutting services without the need to include them everywhere in the ZIO environment.
  • When requiring isolated states for different fibers.
  • When having a default value for contextual service or data.

Use Cases​

Whenever we have some kind of scoped information or context, we can think about FiberRef as a way to store that information.

When developing applications, there are several use cases for FiberRef. Let's take a look at some of them:

  1. Resource management: FiberRef can be utilized to manage resources that are specific to a particular fiber. For example, we can use it to store and access connections to a database or network resources. Each fiber can have its own dedicated resource, ensuring isolation and avoiding contention between different fibers.

  2. Configuration Settings: It can be used to store configuration settings that are specific to a fiber. This allows different fibers to have their own configuration values, enabling fine-grained control and customization.

  3. Avoiding Synchronization: By using FiberRef, we can eliminate the need for synchronization mechanisms, such as locks or atomic operations, when accessing fiber-specific data. Each fiber operates on its own private copy, avoiding contention with other fibers.

  4. Distributed Tracing— In an architecture, where we have highly concurrent workflows and distributed services, there is a need to trace requests as they propagate through the services. To be able to trace requests, we can use FiberRef to design the system to automatically propagate request-scoped information.

  5. Contextual Logging— In lot of cases, logs are not independent piece of information, but they are part of a larger context. So other than just logging the message, we also need to log some additional information such as the request ID, the user ID, the session id, and so on. So whe we collect these logs, we can correlate them based on a common data point. Instead of explicitly passing these contextual information, we can use FiberRef.

  6. Execution Scoped Configuration— When we write applications, we would like to make them configurable. So we configure the application once and used it throughout the whole components. Not all configurations are global. There are certain kinds of configurations that are not global, or at least we have a default value for them globally, but we need to change them dynamically for certain regions. FiberRef is a nice tool to model these kind of configurations.

In ZIO we have several use cases for FiberRef. Let's discuss some of them:

  1. Whenever we use ZIO.withParallelism, we can specify the parallelism factor for a region of code. So this information will be stored inside a FiberRef, without any need to pass it around all effects explicitly. When we exit the region, the parallelism factor will be restored to the original value:
import zio._
object MainApp extends ZIOAppDefault {
def myJob(name: String) =
ZIO.foreachParDiscard(1 to 3)(i =>
ZIO.debug(s"The $name-$i job started") *> ZIO.sleep(2.second)

def run =
for {
_ <- myJob("foo")
_ <- ZIO.debug("------------------")
_ <- ZIO.withParallelism(1)(myJob("bar"))
_ <- ZIO.debug("------------------")
_ <- myJob("baz")
} yield ()
  1. Using ZIOAspect.annotated we can annotate the effect with some contextual information, e.g. the correlation_id. This information will be stored inside a FiberRef, which will be propagated to all fibers that are created from the same parent fiber. Each fiber will have its own set of annotations. When we log inside a fiber, the logging service will use the fiber's specific annotations to create the log message:
import zio._

object MainApp extends ZIOAppDefault {

def handleRequest(request: String) =
for {
_ <- ZIO.log(s"Received request.")
_ <- ZIO.unit // do something with the request
_ <- ZIO.log(s"Finished processing request")
} yield ()

def run =
for {
_ <- ZIO.log("Hello World!")
_ <- ZIO.foreachParDiscard(List(("req1", "1"), ("req2", "2"), ("req3", "3"))){ case (req, id) =>
handleRequest(req) @@ ZIOAspect.annotated("correlation_id", id)
_ <- ZIO.log("Goodbye!")
} yield ()


Here is the output (extra columns were removed for better readability):

message="Hello World!"
message="Received request." correlation_id=2
message="Received request." correlation_id=1
message="Received request." correlation_id=3
message="Finished processing request." correlation_id=3
message="Finished processing request." correlation_id=1
message="Finished processing request." correlation_id=2
  1. Log levels are also maintained by using FiberRef. They are stored inside a FiberRef, and whenever we want, we can change the log level using the ZIO.logLevel operator:
import zio._

for {
_ <- ZIO.log("Application started!")
_ <- ZIO.logLevel(LogLevel.Trace) {
for {
_ <- ZIO.log("Entering trace log level region")
_ <- ZIO.log("Doing something")
_ <- ZIO.log("Leaving trace log level region")
} yield ()
_ <- ZIO.log("Application ended!")
} yield ()
  1. The same goes for when we access the environment (e.g. ZIO.service), or when we provide a layer to a ZIO effect (e.g. ZIO#provide). ZIO uses FiberRef under the hood to store the environment:
import zio._

object MainApp extends ZIOAppDefault {
private val fooLayer = ZLayer.succeed("foo")
private val barLayer = ZLayer.succeed("bar")

def run =
(for {
_ <- ZIO.service[String].debug("context")
_ <- ZIO.service[String].debug("context").provide(barLayer)
_ <- ZIO.service[String].debug("context")
} yield ()).provide(fooLayer)
// Output:
// context: foo
// context: bar
// context: foo

There are several other use cases for FiberRef in ZIO itself. We just covered some of them to get you some ideas on how they are used in the real world.


FiberRef[A] has an API almost identical to Ref[A]. It includes well-known methods such as:

  • FiberRef#get. Returns the current value of the reference.
  • FiberRef#set. Sets the current value of the reference.
  • FiberRef#update / FiberRef#updateSome updates the value with the specified function.
  • FiberRef#modify/ FiberRef#modifySome modifies the value with the specified function, computing a return value for the operation.

You can also use locally to scope FiberRef value only for a given effect:

import zio._

for {
correlationId <- FiberRef.make[String]("")
v1 <- correlationId.locally("my-correlation-id")(correlationId.get)
v2 <- correlationId.get
} yield v1 == "my-correlation-id" && v2 == ""

Ref vs. FiberRef​

Let's explore the distinction between Ref and FiberRef through two practical examples:

import zio._

object RefExample extends ZIOAppDefault {

def run =
for {
ref <- Ref.make(0)
left = ref.updateAndGet(_ + 1).debug("left1") *>
ref.updateAndGet(_ + 1).debug("left2")
right = ref.updateAndGet(_ + 1).debug("right1") *>
ref.updateAndGet(_ + 3).debug("right2")
_ <- left <&> right
} yield ()

One potential result of running this program is as follows:

left1: 1
right1: 2
left2: 3
right2: 6

It is apparent that the ref is shared between the left and right fibers. However, when using FiberRef, each fiber has its own separate storage, isolating them from one another:

import zio._

object FiberRefExample extends ZIOAppDefault {
def run =
for {
ref <- FiberRef.make(0)
left = ref.updateAndGet(_ + 1).debug("left1") *>
ref.updateAndGet(_ + 1).debug("left2")
right = ref.updateAndGet(_ + 1).debug("right1") *>
ref.updateAndGet(_ + 3).debug("right2")
_ <- left <&> right
} yield ()

One possible output of this program is:

left1: 1
right1: 1
left2: 2
right2: 4

We can observe that each fiber has its own storage without interfering with the value of another fiber.


Let's go back to the FiberRefs analog called ThreadLocal and see how it works. If we have thread A with its ThreadLocal and thread A creates a new thread, let's call it thread B. When thread A sends thread B the same ThreadLocal then what value does thread B see inside the ThreadLocal? Well, it sees the default value of the ThreadLocal. It does not see As value of the ThreadLocal. So in other words, ThreadLocals do not propagate their values across the sort of graph of threads so when one thread creates another, the ThreadLocal value is not propagated from parent to child.

FiberRefs improve on that model quite dramatically. Basically, whenever a child's fiber is created from its parent, the FiberRef value of parent fiber propagated to its child fiber.


FiberRef[A] has copy-on-fork semantics for ZIO#fork. This essentially means that a child Fiber starts with FiberRef values of its parent. When the child sets a new value of FiberRef, the change is visible only to the child itself. The parent fiber still has its own value.

So if we create a FiberRef and set its value to 5, and we pass this FiberRef to a child fiber, it sees the value 5. If the child fiber modifies the value from 5 to 6, the parent fiber can't see that change. So the child fiber gets its own copy of the FiberRef, and it can modify it locally. Those changes will not affect the parent fiber:

import zio._

for {
fiberRef <- FiberRef.make(5)
promise <- Promise.make[Nothing, Int]
_ <- fiberRef
.updateAndGet(_ => 6)
childValue <- promise.await
parentValue <- fiberRef.get
} yield assert(parentValue == 5 && childValue == 6)

Merging FiberRefs​

ZIO does not only support to propagate FiberRef values from parents to childs, but also to merge back these values into the current fiber. This section describes multiple variants for doing so.


If we join a fiber then the value of its FiberRef is merged back into the parent fiber. The default strategy for merging back, is replacement. This means whenever a forked fiber joined to its parent fiber, the value of its parent will be replaced with the value of its child FiberRef:

import zio._

for {
fiberRef <- FiberRef.make(5)
child <- fiberRef.set(6).fork
_ <- child.join
parentValue <- fiberRef.get
} yield assert(parentValue == 6)

So if we fork a fiber and that child fiber modifies a bunch of FiberRefs and then later we join it, we get those modifications merged back into the parent fiber. So that's the semantic model of ZIO on join.

Each fiber has its own FiberRef and can modify it independently. Therefore, when multiple child fibers join their parent, the last child fiber will override the parent's FiberRef value, replacing it with its own.

As we can see, child1 is the last fiber, so its value, which is 6, gets merged back into its parent:

import zio._

for {
fiberRef <- FiberRef.make(5)
child1 <- fiberRef.set(6).fork
child2 <- fiberRef.set(7).fork
_ <- child2.join
_ <- child1.join
parentValue <- fiberRef.get
} yield assert(parentValue == 6)

join with Custom Merge​

Furthermore, we have the ability to customize the initialization of a value when a fiber is forked, as well as the method of value combination when merging back the values. To achieve this, you can specify the desired behavior when making the FiberRef using FiberRef#make:

import zio._

for {
fiberRef <- FiberRef.make(initial = 0, join = math.max)
child <- fiberRef.update(_ + 1).fork
_ <- fiberRef.update(_ + 2)
_ <- child.join
value <- fiberRef.get
} yield assert(value == 2)

In this example, when the child fiber joins its parent, it employs the max function to determine how to merge the values. It compares the child's FiberRef value (1) with the parent's FiberRef value (2) and selects the higher value as the merged result, which in this case is 2.


It is important to note that await has no such merge behavior. So await waits for the child fiber to finish and gives us its value as an Exit, without ever merging any FiberRef values back into the parent:

import zio._

for {
fiberRef <- FiberRef.make(5)
child <- fiberRef.set(6).fork
_ <- child.await
parentValue <- fiberRef.get
} yield assert(parentValue == 5)

join has higher-level semantics than await because it will fail if the child fiber failed, it will interrupt if the child is interrupted, and it will also merge back its value to its parent.


We can inherit the values from all FiberRefs from an existing Fiber using the Fiber#inheritAll method:

import zio._

for {
fiberRef <- FiberRef.make[Int](0)
latch <- Promise.make[Nothing, Unit]
fiber <- (fiberRef.set(10) *> latch.succeed(())).fork
_ <- latch.await
_ <- fiber.inheritAll
v <- fiberRef.get
} yield v == 10

Note that inheritAll is automatically called on join. However, join will wait for merging the final values, while inheritAll will merge the current values and then continue:

import zio._

val withJoin =
for {
fiberRef <- FiberRef.make[Int](0)
fiber <- (fiberRef.set(10) *> fiberRef.set(20).delay(2.seconds)).fork
_ <- fiber.join // wait for fiber's end and copy final result 20 into fiberRef
v <- fiberRef.get
} yield assert(v == 20)
import zio._

val withoutJoin =
for {
fiberRef <- FiberRef.make[Int](0)
fiber <- (fiberRef.set(10) *> fiberRef.set(20).delay(2.seconds)).fork
_ <- fiber.inheritAll.delay(1.second) // copy intermediate result 10 into fiberRef and continue
v <- fiberRef.get
} yield assert(v == 10)

Compositional Updates and Patch Theory​

In the previous section, we learned the following:

  1. Whenever a child fiber merges back into its parent, the value of the child fiber is, by default, replaced with the parent's value.
  2. When we have multiple child fibers, and all of them join their parent, the value of the last child to join will prevail, replacing the parent's value.

Let's examine these two rules with a simple example:

import zio._

object Main extends ZIOAppDefault {
val retries: FiberRef[Int] =
Unsafe.unsafe { implicit unsafe =>

def run =
for {
_ <- ZIO.unit
f1 = retries.set(10).debug("set 10").delay(2.seconds)
f2 = retries.set(5).debug("set 5")
_ <- f1 <&> f2
_ <- retries.get.debug("final retries value")
} yield ()


The output of this program is:

set 5: ()
set 10: ()
final retries value: 10

As we can see from the program's output, when we delayed the f1 workflow, it became the last child fiber to join its parent. And guess what? Its value of 10 ended up being the winner! Why? Well, it's because the default rule is that the child's value takes over the parent's value during the merge.

The Problem​

While developing the program, we might want to add additional configurations, such as intervals. In this case, we can easily include another FiberRef that holds the intervals config:

import zio._

object Main extends ZIOAppDefault {

val retries: FiberRef[Int] =
Unsafe.unsafe { implicit unsafe =>

val intervals: FiberRef[Int] =
Unsafe.unsafe { implicit unsafe =>

def run =
for {
_ <- retries.set(5) <&> intervals.set(3)
_ <- retries.get.debug("final retries value")
_ <- intervals.get.debug("final intervals value")
} yield ()


The output of this program is:

final retries value: 5
final intervals value: 3

This illustrates that by incorporating more FiberRefs, we can concurrently update the underlying configuration values without any problems.

Since the two configurations are interconnected, it might be beneficial to create a new data type utilizing Map[String, Int]. This approach eliminates the necessity of encoding retry configurations in two distinct FiberRefs:

import zio._

object Main extends ZIOAppDefault {
val retryConfig: FiberRef[Map[String, Int]] =
Unsafe.unsafe { implicit unsafe =>
"retries" -> 3,
"intervals" -> 2

def withRetry(n: Int) = retryConfig.update(_.updated("retries", n))

def withIntervals(n: Int) = retryConfig.update(_.updated("intervals", n))

def run =
for {
- <- withRetry(5) <&> withIntervals(3)
_ <- retryConfig.get.debug("retryConfig")
} yield ()


Unfortunately, with this change, the output does not align with our intended outcome:

retryConfig: Map(retries -> 3, intervals -> 3)

The intervals have been successfully updated, but the retries remain unchanged. Why is this the case? It's because both fibers are overwriting the same state, resulting in the corruption of the final value. In the previous scenario, the updates are as follows:

Parent fiber: Map(retries -> 3, intervals -> 2)
Left fiber: Map(retries -> 5, intervals -> 2)
right fiber: Map(retries -> 3, intervals -> 3)

Parent fiber joins the left fiber: Map(retries -> 5, intervals -> 2)
Parent fiber joins the right fiber: Map(retries -> 3, intervals -> 3)

So, this is the reason why the retries value is not updated and ends up with the wrong value. The retries value is clobbered by the right fiber when it joins the parent fiber.

To solve this problem, we need a way to compose the updates. We need to be able to say, 'update the retries to 5 and then update the intervals to 3' or, conversely, 'update the intervals to 3 and then update the retries to 5'. We need to be able to compose updates. This is where compositional updates and the patch theory come into play.

Differ and Patch​

Before we dive into the code, let's try to understand some terminology:

trait Differ[Value, Patch] {
def combine(first: Patch, second: Patch): Patch
def diff(oldValue: Value, newValue: Value): Patch
def empty: Patch
def patch(patch: Patch)(oldValue: Value): Value

By having an instance of Differ[Value, Patch], we have the ability to do the following:

  1. We can diff two values of type Value to generate a Patch. What does Patch mean? Patch is a data type that signifies the modifications made from one value to another. We can envision a patch as a "diff" between two values.
  2. With combine function we can provide two Patchs and combines them into a single Patch. This is useful for composing updates. For example, if we have a Patch that updates the retries to 5 and another Patch that updates the intervals to 3, we can combine them into a single Patch that updates both the retries and the intervals.
  3. Using the patch function we can apply a Patch to a value to produce a new value.
  4. The empty function gives us a Patch that represents no changes.

To implement a Differ for a data type, we need to implement these 4 functions. We have four laws associated with any Differ value of type Differ[Value, Patch]:

  1. The combine function is associative, which means that combining two patches and then combining the result with a third patch is the same as combining the first patch with the combination of the second and third patches.
  2. Combining a patch with an empty patch is the same as the patch itself.
  3. Diffing a value with itself produces an empty patch.
  4. Diffing two values and then patching the first value with the resulting patch results in the second value.
  5. Patching a value with an empty patch results in the original value.

ZIO includes some utilities which helps us to create Differ instances for more complex data types:

  • Instances of Differ for common data types, such as Map, Set, and Chunk.
  • Differ.update[A], which constructs a differ that diffs two values by returning a function that sets the value to the new value.
  •, which constructs a map differ from a differ which knows how to diff the values of the map.
  • Differ#zip, is used to combine two differs into a single differ that works on a tuple of values.
  • Differ#orElseEither, is used to combine two differs into a single differ that works on an Either of two values.
  • Using Differ#transform, we can convert a differ of one type (Value1) to a differ of another type (Value2) by providing two functions: one to convert the Value1 to Value2 and another to convert the Value2 to Value1.

Let's implement a Differ for retryConfig which is a FiberRef of type Map[String, Int]:

import zio._

val differ =[String, Int, Int => Int](Differ.update[Int])
val patch1 = differ.diff(Map("retries" -> 3), Map("retries" -> 5))
val patch2 = differ.diff(Map("intervals" -> 2), Map("intervals" -> 3))
val combined = differ.combine(patch1, patch2)
val result = differ.patch(combined)(Map("retries" -> 3, "intervals" -> 2))

The output is as follows:

Map(retries -> 5, intervals -> 3)

First Solution: Compositional Updates For Map[String, Int] Data Type​

In previous section, we have successfully updated the retries and intervals values using compositional updates. Now we can use this differ to make the updates of our FiberRef composable:

import zio._

object Main extends ZIOAppDefault {

val differ =[String, Int, Int => Int](Differ.update[Int])

val retryConfig: FiberRef[Map[String, Int]] =
Unsafe.unsafe { implicit unsafe =>
FiberRef.unsafe.makePatch[Map[String, Int], Differ.MapPatch[
Int => Int
"retries" -> 3,
"intervals" -> 2
differ = differ,
fork0 = differ.empty

def withRetry(n: Int): UIO[Unit] =
retryConfig.update(_.updated("retries", n))

def withIntervals(n: Int): UIO[Unit] =
retryConfig.update(_.updated("intervals", n))

def run = {
for {
_ <- withRetry(5) <&> withIntervals(3)
_ <- retryConfig.get.debug("retryConfig")
} yield ()


The output is as follows:

retryConfig: Map(retries -> 5, intervals -> 3)

Please note that as the combine operation of Differ is associative, the order of the updates does not change the result. This is a very important property of compositional updates in concurrent environments where multiple fibers updating the same value when they join, but the order of the joins is not deterministic.

Second Solution: Compositional Updates For The RetryConfig Case Class​

We can take this example one step further and create a type-safe configuration data type for RetryConfig using scala case classes:

case class RetryConfig(
retries: Int,
intervals: Int

We can create a Differ for RetryConfig using the Differ#transform function:

import zio._

val differ: Differ[RetryConfig, (Int => Int, Int => Int)] =
{ case (x, y) => RetryConfig.apply(x, y) },
retryConfig => (retryConfig.retries, retryConfig.intervals)

Now, as same as before, we can use this differ to make the updates of our new FiberRef composable:

import zio._

object Main extends ZIOAppDefault {

val retryConfig: FiberRef[RetryConfig] =
Unsafe.unsafe { implicit unsafe =>
FiberRef.unsafe.makePatch[RetryConfig, (Int => Int, Int => Int)](
initialValue0 = RetryConfig(
retries = 3,
intervals = 2
differ = differ,
fork0 = differ.empty

def withRetry(n: Int) = retryConfig.update(_.copy(retries = n))

def withIntervals(n: Int) = retryConfig.update(_.copy(intervals = n))

def run =
for {
_ <- withRetry(5) <&> withIntervals(3)
_ <- retryConfig.get.debug("retryConfig")
} yield ()
