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Introduction to Reloadable Services

Reloadable services are a feature in ZIO that allow us to reload services when necessary. With ZIO When we reload a service, it will automatically deallocate any resources that the service was using. This includes any open files, network connections, or database connections. ZIO will then reallocate new resources for the new service. This process of deallocation and reallocation is handled automatically by ZIO, so you don't need to worry about it.

Here are some examples of how we might use reloadable services:

  • Config changes: If we make a change to the configuration of a service, we might want to reload the service so that it can pick up the new configuration.
  • Scheduled reloads: We might want to reload a service on a regular interval, such as every n minutes. This can be useful for services that need to be refreshed on a regular basis.
  • Reload on change on Schema: Assume we have a service that reads data from a database. If we make a change to the database schema, we might want to reload the service so that it can pick up the new schema.

This article explores two methods for implementing reloadable services in ZIO:

  1. The first method is a non-trivial method that uses the Reloadable service, which requires some boilerplate code.
  2. The second method is a simpler method introduced by zio-macros that uses the ServiceReloader service.

Before going into further detail, through this article whenever we use Counter class, we refere to this source code:

import zio._

import java.util.UUID

trait Counter {
def increment: UIO[Unit]
def get: UIO[Int]

object Counter {
val increment: ZIO[Counter, Nothing, Unit] =

val get: ZIO[Counter, Nothing, RuntimeFlags] =

val live: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Counter] = ZLayer.scoped {
for {
id <- Ref.make(UUID.randomUUID())
ref <- Ref.make(0)
service = CounterLive(id, ref)
_ <- service.acquire
_ <- ZIO.addFinalizer(service.release)
} yield service

final case class CounterLive(id: Ref[UUID], ref: Ref[Int]) extends Counter {
def acquire: UIO[Unit] = {
.flatMap(n => id.set(n) *> ZIO.debug(s"Acquired counter $n"))

def increment: UIO[Unit] =
ref.update(_ + 1)

def get: UIO[Int] =

def release: UIO[Unit] =
id.get.flatMap(id => ZIO.debug(s"Released counter $id"))

1. The Reloadable Service​

In line with the principles of typical ZIO services, reloadable services are specifically crafted to operate seamlessly within the ZIO environment. The Reloadable[Service] data type serves as a wrapper around any reloadable service. This data type encompasses two fundamental methods: get and reload. The get method facilitates the retrieval of the underlying service managed by the ScopedRef, while the reload method enables the reloading of the service.

Reloadable Operations​

Before diving into further details, let's begin by examining the definition of the Reloadable class:

case class Reloadable[Service](scopedRef: ScopedRef[Service], reload: IO[Any, Unit]) {
def get: UIO[Service] = scopedRef.get
def reloadFork: UIO[Unit] = reload.ignoreLogged.forkDaemon.unit

The Reloadable service encapsulates a scoped reference to a service and provides methods to retrieve the service value (get) and trigger service reloading (reload and reloadFork).

The two fundamental operations of Reloadable are as follows:

  1. Reloadable#get - By calling the get method, we can retrieve the underlying service and interact with it directly.

    For example, let's consider that we have acquired the Reloadable[Counter] service from the ZIO environment using the ZIO.service[Reloadable[Counter]] accessor. We can then use the get method to obtain the Counter instance and directly perform operations on it:

import zio._

val app: ZIO[Reloadable[Counter], Nothing, Unit] =
for {
reloadable <- ZIO.service[Reloadable[Counter]]
counter <- reloadable.get
} yield ()
  1. Reloadable#reload— This operation involves acquiring a new service and releasing the old one, thereby enabling the reloading of the service:
import zio._

val app: ZIO[Reloadable[Counter], Any, Unit] =
for {
reloadable <- ZIO.service[Reloadable[Counter]]
counter <- reloadable.get
_ <- counter.increment
_ <- counter.increment
_ <- counter.increment
_ <- counter.get.debug("Counter value is")
_ <- reloadable.reload
counter <- reloadable.get
_ <- counter.increment
_ <- counter.increment
_ <- counter.get.debug("Counter value is")
} yield ()

Creating Reloadable Services​

Up to this point, we have explored the process of acquiring reloadable services from the ZIO environment and interacting with them. However, these workflows cannot be executed without fulfilling their requirements. For instance, in the previous example, the type of our workflow is ZIO[Reloadable[Counter], Any, Unit]. This implies that we need to provide a layer of type Reloadable[Counter]. It is necessary to create reloadable services and provide them as a ZLayer. In this section, we will delve into the creation of such services.

First, let's explore the definition of the two primary constructors for Reloadable:

object Reloadable {
def manual[In, E, Out](
layer: ZLayer[In, E, Out]
): ZLayer[In, E, Reloadable[Out]] = ???

def auto[In, E, Out](
layer: ZLayer[In, E, Out],
schedule: Schedule[In, Any, Any]
): ZLayer[In, E, Reloadable[Out]] = ???

There are two fundamental approaches to creating reloadable services:

  1. Reloadable.manual - Using the manual constructor, we can create a reloadable service and subsequently reload it whenever needed by explicitly invoking the Reloadable#reload method. This method accepts a layer of type ZLayer[In, E, Out] and returns a layer of type ZLayer[In, E, Reloadable[Out]].

Continuing the previous example, assume we have written the as follows:

import zio._

object Counter {
val live: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Counter] = ZLayer.scoped {
for {
id <- Ref.make(UUID.randomUUID())
ref <- Ref.make(0)
service = CounterLive(id, ref)
_ <- service.acquire
_ <- ZIO.addFinalizer(service.release)
} yield service

We can easily convert that to reloadable layer using Reloadable.manual:

object Counter {
val live: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Counter] = ???

val reloadable: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Reloadable[Counter]] =

Alternatively, we can directly utilize the ZLayer#reloadableManual method:

object Counter {
val live: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Counter] = ???

val reloadable: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Reloadable[Counter]] =

Now we can provide the Counter.reloadable layer to the app workflow and execute the application:

import zio._

import java.util.UUID

object ReloadableExample extends ZIOAppDefault {
val app: ZIO[Reloadable[Counter], Any, Unit] =
for {
reloadable <- ZIO.service[Reloadable[Counter]]
counter <- reloadable.get
_ <- counter.increment
_ <- counter.increment
_ <- counter.increment
_ <- counter.get.debug("Counter value is")
_ <- reloadable.reload *> ZIO.sleep(1.second)
counter <- reloadable.get
_ <- counter.increment
_ <- counter.increment
_ <- counter.get.debug("Counter value is")
} yield ()

def run = app.provide(Counter.reloadable)

This program defines an application that operates on a reloadable counter service (Reloadable[Counter]). It obtains the Counter service from the reloadable service, performs three increment operations, displays its current value, proceeds to reload the counter service, performs two additional increment operations, and finally displays its value once again. Therefore, the expected output would be as follows:

Acquired counter d04519a3-7332-43ca-bc86-f61fbaf2e3d6
Counter value: 3
Released counter d04519a3-7332-43ca-bc86-f61fbaf2e3d6
Acquired counter bc66ba00-0b50-4e6e-9f60-c38b6e140a82
Counter value: 2
Released counter bc66ba00-0b50-4e6e-9f60-c38b6e140a82

Observing the behavior, we notice that the service undergoes reloading, causing the counter to reset and begin incrementing from zero once more.

  1. - By utilizing this constructor, we can provide a schedule alongside a layer of type ZLayer[In, E, Out], resulting in a layer of reloadable service that will be automatically reloaded based on the specified schedule. Additionally, there is another constructor called Reloadable.autoFromConfig which can be used to extract the schedule from the ZIO environment.

Let's change the previous example to reload the Counter service automatically every 5 second. First we need to create auto reloadable service:

import zio._

object Counter {
val live: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Counter] = ???

val autoReloadable: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Reloadable[Counter]] =, Schedule.fixed(5.seconds))

Or we can use ZLayer#reloadableAuto to convert a layer to auto reloadable service:

import zio._

object Counter {
val live: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Counter] = ???

val autoReloadable: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Reloadable[Counter]] =

Finally, we don't require to manually execute Reloadable#reload and the service will be reloaded every 5 second:

import zio._
import java.util.UUID

object AutoReloadableExample extends ZIOAppDefault {
val app: ZIO[Reloadable[Counter], Any, Unit] =
for {
reloadable <- ZIO.service[Reloadable[Counter]]
counter <- reloadable.get
_ <- counter.increment
_ <- counter.increment
_ <- counter.increment
_ <- counter.get.debug("Counter value is")
_ <- ZIO.sleep(6.second)
counter <- reloadable.get // getting reloadable service from environment
_ <- counter.increment
_ <- counter.increment
_ <- counter.get.debug("Counter value is")
} yield ()

def run = app.provide(Counter.autoReloadable)

2. The ServiceReloader Service​

Please note that in the previous example, there was no need for manual service reloading. However, we still had to manually retrieve the reloadable service from the environment using ZIO.service[Reloadable[Counter]] and then access the Counter service from the reloadable counter service. This approach involves some boilerplate code and indirection. We aim to adopt an approach that eliminates the necessity of Reloadable[Service] from the environment and instead directly requires the Service from the environment.

To address this issue, the ServiceReloader has been developed as a solution. It is part of the zio-macros package. To utilize it, we need to include the following line in our build.sbt file:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq("dev.zio" %% "zio-macros" % "<version>")

The ServiceReloader serves as a registry for services, enabling dynamic reloading of services. By applying the reloadable operator on ZLayer, we can create a reloadable version of our service. Subsequently, we can simply invoke ServiceLoader.reload to initiate the reloading of the service. Let's explore the definition of the ServiceLoader trait:

trait ServiceReloader {
def register[A: Tag: IsReloadable](serviceLayer: ZLayer[Any, Any, A]): IO[ServiceReloader.Error, A]
def reload[A: Tag]: IO[ServiceReloader.Error, Unit]

For example, if we require a reloadable Counter service, we can simply invoke ServiceReloader.reload[Counter]. The resulting type will be ZIO[ServiceReloader, ServiceReloader.Error, Unit]. Consequently, instead of providing a ZLayer of type Reloadable[Counter], we now need to provide a layer of type ServiceReloader.

With this approach, there is no longer a need to retrieve Reloadable[Counter] from the ZIO environment, eliminating the requirement to access Counter from an instance of the Reloadable[Counter] class. Instead, we can work with services in a manner consistent with the idiomatic approach used for regular services. Thus, rather than calling ZIO.serviceWithZIO[Reloadable[Counter]](_.get), we can conveniently use ZIO.service[Counter] to obtain the Counter service directly from the ZIO environment.

Let's see how we can rewrite the Reloadable.manual example with this approach:

import zio._
import zio.macros._

import java.util.UUID

object ServiceReloaderExample extends ZIOAppDefault {

def app: ZIO[Counter with ServiceReloader, ServiceReloader.Error, Unit] =
for {
_ <- Counter.increment
_ <- Counter.increment
_ <- Counter.increment
_ <- Counter.get.debug("Counter value")

_ <- ServiceReloader.reload[Counter]
_ <- ZIO.sleep(1.seconds)

_ <- Counter.increment
_ <- Counter.increment
_ <- Counter.get.debug("Counter value")
} yield ()

def run = app.provide(Counter.reloadable,

To create a reloadable layer, we need to import zio.macros._. Subsequently, by invoking the ZLayer#reloadable method, we can transform the live layer into a layer that depends on ServiceReloader and provides Counter services:

import zio._
import zio.macros._

object Counter {

val live: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Counter] = ???

val reloadable: ZLayer[ServiceReloader, ServiceReloader.Error, Counter] =

We can further enhance this application by decoupling the reload process from the application logic. In doing so, each time the service is reloaded, subsequent calls to the service will be served with the freshly reloaded services:

import zio._

object ServiceReloaderParallelWorkflowExample extends ZIOAppDefault {
def reloadWorkflow =

def app: ZIO[Counter with ServiceReloader, ServiceReloader.Error, Unit] =
for {
_ <- Counter.increment
_ <- Counter.increment
_ <- Counter.increment
_ <- Counter.get.debug("Counter value")

_ <- ZIO.sleep(6.seconds)

_ <- Counter.increment
_ <- Counter.increment
_ <- Counter.increment
_ <- Counter.get.debug("Counter value")
} yield ()

def run = (app <&> reloadWorkflow).provide(Counter.reloadable,


Int this article we introduced two methods for implementing reloadable services in ZIO. The first method involves using the Reloadable service, which requires some boilerplate code. With this approach, services can be manually reloaded using the reload method. The second method, introduced by zio-macros, simplifies the process by utilizing the ServiceReloader service. This approach eliminates the need for retrieving the reloadable service from the environment and allows direct access to the service.

Overall, reloadable services in ZIO offer a powerful tool for managing services that require reloading, enabling seamless integration within the ZIO environment and simplifying service management in complex applications.

All the source code associated with this article is available on the ZIO Quickstart on Github.